
Xiao Han's face was ugly.

There is a fire in his heart right now!

Especially looking at another familiar face in front of him.

"Brother Hu, Monkey, even you..."

Even if you are mentally prepared.

Xiao Han still felt uncomfortable in his heart.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault! If it weren't for me, you would definitely not be like this!"

The three dormitory friends who used to have the best relationship with him.

Now they have all turned into ghost zombies.

Blame it?

Xiao Han is getting more and more confused...

Because none of this should have happened.

In his memory, his three friends are clearly living well.

Now it has become like this.

"I'll help you out!"

Xiao Han took a deep breath, and then chose to do it.

No reason needed.

That's all he can do now.

Behind him, several monsters controlled by the contract scroll appeared again.

But this time.

Not so easy to fix.

Because just as Xiao Han was about to make a move, he was attacked by someone.

Oh no!

Was attacked by a ghost!

It was the killing of many people that caused the entire Chunnuan community to become the current culprit.

Xiao Han's face became even uglier.

Because the danger here is higher than he imagined.

"Didn't the information of the Demon Slayer say that there is only one monster? How could there be another one?"

Looking at the murderous two demon figures in front of him.

Xiao Han almost vomited blood.

Because it doesn't match the information he knows!

Caused him to be overconfident and underestimate the enemy.

Just nearly tore his neck off.

"Two fatal levels?!"

Xiao Han really wanted to scold her!

According to the information given by the Demon Slaying Division, there are suspected dangerous ghosts doing evil!

But look now.

It's actually two fatal levels?

A ghost, a zombie!

Adding Xiao Han's three friends, this is five demons doing evil!

The key strength is seriously inconsistent with what the information says!

Xiao Han controlled a deadly ghost.

The other three are only 0.2 hazard level.

It's easier to deal with his three friends.

But there are two deadly monsters in front of him.

It directly led to the loss of confidence on Xiao Han's face.


Xiao Han cursed loudly.


A scene that happened in Chunnuan Community.

Zhang Chen watched with relish.

"What kind of friendship and brotherhood seem to be inferior to me."

Seeing Xiao Han move his hands, he didn't hesitate.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but sneer.

He admits he's not a nice guy.

It's even more old-fashioned.

He admits that he is still insidious and despicable with a tadpole brain.

But at least a little bit.

He was a man who would do whatever he could to his enemies.

But for the people around him, he doesn't care about morality and rules at all.

simply put.

Zhang Chen has always been helping relatives but not helping.

"But this is far from enough."


Second more.

Chapter 143

Xiao Han fell into a hard fight, in the midst of Zhang Chen's calculations.

The Chunnuan community is haunted, and someone needs to solve it.

It was originally prepared for Xiao Han, the son of luck, in the main storyline.

But before that.

Those were the two brats who had just entered the dangerous level.

Can't make any waves.

In the original plot, Xiao Han has already met Xia Ruyun and found a backer.

So it's very easy to solve.

There is no danger.

But now it's different.

Zhang Chen abducted Xia Ruyun ahead of time, and double rowed to the top of the canyon together every day.

Xiao Han no longer has such a big backer and helper.

Originally, the strength was greatly reduced.

Relying on the halo of the son of luck, he managed to find a deadly ghost to support the scene.

Who would have expected.

Zhang Chen raised the strength of the two monsters in Chunnuan Community in advance.

"It's not bad. It has devoured those big living people who came in these days. Have you broken through?"

In the monitoring screen.

Zhang Chen watched Xiao Han being besieged by two deadly monsters.

Laughed very unreasonably.

"The difficulty of the dungeon has increased, but Xiao Han's strength is far inferior to that in the original plot."

Looking at the monitoring screen, Xiao Han is full of dangers.

But Zhang Chen knows this level of innocence.

It's not worth the life of Xiao Han, a son of luck.

as predicted.

Even though there are dangers everywhere, Xiao Han still shows his characteristics of shit luck.

Time and time again, we saved ourselves from danger.


Unexpectedly, he really killed two deadly monsters!

Do you believe it?

An ordinary person!

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