Even if there is half of the blood of the corpse king in the body, it still cannot be compared with a real monster.

Moreover, he has only controlled one fatal level and three dangerous level monsters.

Actually killed two fatal level?

This kind of opening and hanging mode is completely unreasonable.

"Son of luck, you really don't need logic."

Zhang Chen watched the whole process.

Even him.

Empathy analysis.

If he is in Xiao Han's situation, can he save the day?

The answer made him frown.

Opportunities are not without.

But there will be great risks!

As for killing two deadly demons?

He didn't even dare to imagine.

"It's his luck being suppressed and reduced by me. If I didn't intervene, tsk tsk!"

Zhang Chen shook his head.

before crossing.

Whether it is his own work.

Or other graphic novels online.

But all the children of destiny and luck often have smooth sailing.

There were some small setbacks along the way, but none of them were fatal.

It can always bring the dead back to life, and the willows and flowers will brighten another village.

When you watch it from the perspective of the son of luck, you will feel thrilling and exciting.

But stand on the sidelines.

Zhang Chen can only say.

There is no logic at all.

"Yiyi, give our classmate Xiao a little surprise."

Zhang Chen patted Ye Yiyi's little head.

This girl really made him feel distressed and doted on.

As the younger sister of the first son of luck, she is also the daughter of luck.

How hard are you working now?


Ye Yiyi blushed and stood up.


"Finally killed!"

Xiao Han made a thud, as if he had exhausted his strength.

Sitting directly on the ground.

He didn't care about the bloody smell around him.

He just wants to lie down on the ground and rest for a few minutes.

"The information from the Demon Slayer is simply harming people!"

When I think of myself just before I came in, I am still full of confidence.

Xiao Han gritted his teeth.

"Thanks to my great fortune, otherwise I might really die here tonight!"

Two deadly monsters!

A ghost, a zombie!

Light and dark!

Join forces.

He was almost killed on the spot a few times.

"When I go back this time, I must seek compensation from the Demon Slayer! This kind of information is too discrepant!"

Xiao Han cursed.

At the same time, it feels like the whole person doesn't want to move.

Ghostbusters are not as beautiful and relaxed as outsiders imagined.

Want to control ghosts and monsters.

It takes a very high risk, and it will cause a great loss of Yang Qi and blood energy of the living person.

"That is to say, my physique is different from ordinary people. If I were someone else, I would definitely die here!"

Xiao Han smiled complacently again.

At the same time, he murmured to himself, "Is it true that the Demon Slayer is a dry man? Even this kind of information can be wrongly investigated!"

"Could it be to frame me on purpose?"

But Xiao Han shook his head and denied it.

"No, they don't need to use this method if they want to harm me. It can only be said that the people who kill the magic division are all trash!"

Xiao Han is very clear about his situation.

There are countless ways for the Demon Slayer to kill him.

Just one inspector at the overhaul level.

It will make him powerless to resist.

This is also one of the reasons why Xiao Han is willing to join the Division of Killing Demons.

Great shade under the tree.

And the lights are dark.

No normal person would have thought of the son of the Nightmare Corpse King back then.

Do you have the courage to enter the interior of the Demon Killing Division?

This is reverse thinking!

"Unfortunately, I couldn't subdue the two monsters just now, otherwise I would have added two more hole cards!"

Xiao Han was a little annoyed.

Just been busy surviving.

thought too much.

I regret it now.

Two deadly monsters are very rare!

He is now desperately accumulating his own strength.

But right now.

Just as Xiao Han was still annoyed and talking to himself.


What did he hear!

Xiao Han reacted quickly and got up from the ground in an instant!

But the scene I saw.

He couldn't believe his eyes!

"Brother Tiger!"

"Monkey!? You?!"

It turned out that the two friends who had been killed by him just now.

He stumbled and got up.

"I have already killed you? Why?!"

Xiao Han couldn't believe it, the key just exclaimed.

He saw another figure appearing in front of him.

"Old Xu!"

Xiao Han's three friends are all resurrected?

Now it is in front of Xiao Han to choose.

Do you want to kill your three friends again?


"Wait! Why didn't I seal Lao Xu and the others into the sheepskin scroll?"

Xiao Han had an idea.

Not that he had a fit of conscience.

But just now he was still annoyed that he didn't increase his strength.

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