As for Ye Yiyi, she is about to break through the horror level.

The one with the worst strength is Lin Xi.

"Sure enough, it's only a female supporting role. Regardless of luck or potential, it's very low."

Zhang Chen shook his head.

Like the daughter of luck.

In the system are all rated SSR level potential.

And Lin Xi only has R-level potential.

Differs greatly.

"Forget it, the potential is a bit short, but we can't favor one over another."

Zhang Chen decided to raise Lin Xi's strength to a level tonight.

How can I make her support the facade.

He is Zhang Chen's woman.

Even if you can't be alone.

At least it must be able to beat most people.

Including beating the Son of Luck!

"Oh, men really work hard."

Zhang Chen was indifferent.

Who made him a good man?

A good man must let his woman faint happily.


Early the next morning.

Zhang Chen left Xia Yanshuang and Lin Xi's home.

I didn't sleep all night.

They are all busy improving Lin Xi's strength.

Of course, Xia Yanshuang didn't escape either.

Even if it wasn't a demon, Zhang Chen still used pills to forcibly raise her.

Otherwise, play qualifying every time.

If you play one set, you can't beat the game.

How can that work?

Isn't this a disappointment?

While reminiscing about the scenery of last night, killing the Quartet, super god record.

Zhang Chen also took out his mobile phone to check the news.

Soon he saw some special hot searches appearing on the Internet.

"The truth behind the disaster in the mountainous area of ​​Xiang County!"

"Shocked! There are really gods in the world!"

"Scoop! Secrets that ordinary people don't know!"

"More than [-] people died, is it a natural disaster or a man-made disaster?"

"The reporter in front will take you into the mountainous area of ​​Xiang County to learn the truth up close."

Similar news.

There are many.

And several of them are on the hot search.

Zhang Chen casually clicked on a few and looked at them.

Not much substantive content.

There are no related photos or videos.

But in all the trending news, there is a message revealed.

Residents in several villages in the mountainous area of ​​Xiangxian County died completely. It was definitely not as simple as the initial news said.

Zhang Chen smiled, "It's started."

He searched another video platform.

Sure enough, I saw it on the hot list.

Saw what he wanted to see.

Click to take a look.

as predicted.

It was what happened in the Chunnuan community yesterday.

Of course, the video has been edited, and many contents have not been released.

For example, the picture of a small Internet celebrity screaming and screaming.

Or some more disgusting scenes.

But only the video content released now.

It has already attracted countless people's attention on the platform.

And the popularity ranking of the video is getting higher and higher.

It quickly reached the top ten on the home page.

It was only early in the morning.

Many people are still asleep.

Not everyone is like Zhang Chen, who stays up all night playing solo queue and is still full of energy.

Taichu Yin-Yang Jue combined with a strong physique.

Let Zhang Chen feel like a perpetual motion machine, and he will not feel tired at all.


Xiao Han slept very relaxed.

He hadn't been this relaxed in a long time.

I don't know what to consider.

Xiao Han released the three friends who turned into ghosts from the sheepskin scroll last night.

As before, everyone slept peacefully in the dormitory.

Because of this, Xiao Han was very relieved.

If anyone wants to kill him!

It will definitely alarm the three friends who have turned into ghosts.

So he slept soundly.

He even dreamed that he controlled countless powerful monsters and reached the pinnacle of life.

Embracing left and right, becoming a god admired and worshiped by countless people.

"Old Xu, Monkey, Brother Hu, don't worry!"

Get up the next day.

Xiao Han looked at his three former friends.

"I will definitely find a way to allow you to walk outside normally."

Xiao Han actually had a little bit of self-blame in his heart.

Because in the last life, these three friends of mine had no accidents and lived well.

But now it becomes like this.

Let him feel that his own rebirth caused the butterfly effect.

And he also remembered that the three of them had been drinking and fighting more than ten days ago.

It also happened in the previous life.

But he was also there that time, and he was the one who fought in the end.

Conflict was avoided.

Now it has become like this, isn't it because of him?


The fifth update today, about [-] words have been updated

The result of staying up all night

Go to sleep first, if it is early, it will continue to erupt in the afternoon! .

Chapter 146

Usually during college.

Many people are reluctant to get up early in the morning to go to class.

Unless absolutely necessary.

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