Or can't skip class.

Xiao Han has no such worries.

He sent Han Bai a message.

It simply explained that the case of Xiachunnuan Community has been solved by him.

Then go to class safely and steadily.

It's just that Xiao Han's heart~thinking is not at all in his studies.

"Why didn't I realize that there are quite a lot of beauties in the school-"

Xiao Han has been looking at the school girls all morning.

Then judge inwardly.

I used to have low self-esteem and no self-confidence.

Now Xiao Han finds that ordinary women are not good enough for him.

There are still a few who can catch his eye.

It is probably because once you gain power, your mentality expands.

The whole person began to float.

"Is there no one sitting here?"

Xiao Han found himself lucky today.

An elective has just entered the classroom.

A beautiful figure was found.

Many people around were peeping, but no one dared to strike up a conversation.

The previous Xiao Han didn't dare either.

but now.

He has become more courageous.

Not only did she go up to strike up a conversation, but she even wanted to sit directly next to Xiaohua.

"I'll go! Who is that person? How dare he flirt with Lin University's belle?"

Xiao Han's actions caused many people in the classroom to whisper.

Both men and women actually have a heart for gossip.

It’s not too big to watch the bustle.

Besides, many men are a little envious.

"It seems to be someone from the department next door."

"I know him, Xiao Han from the department next door."

"He looks a little handsome, but doesn't he know that Colonel Lin is Young Master Zhang's fiancée!"

Many people are talking in low voices.

But no one spoke.

Xiao Han didn't pay attention to other people's reactions at all.

He is indeed a little swollen now, and his mentality is also drifting.

The child of luck, usually full of self-confidence.

But as soon as he sat down, he wanted to find an opportunity to strike up a conversation.

who thought.

Seeing someone beside her, Lin Xi picked up her things and got up and left.

Obviously didn't say a word.

But this move.

It directly made Xiao Han look sunny and handsome at first, but his smiling face was completely stiff.


Someone couldn't help laughing.

So did everyone else.

"Haha, that guy hit a wall!"

"The beauty of her school never gets close to any boys, isn't it normal?"

"Think you're handsome enough?"

Hear the surrounding discussion.

Xiao Han's face turned blue and red.

He didn't expect that his first attempt to strike up a conversation would end up like this.

The key point is that Lin Xi doesn't want to lose face.

Even if the temper is cold, but the approach is so direct.

It completely put Xiao Han in a dilemma and was ridiculed by others.


The muscles on Xiao Han's face twitched.

At this time, it is not for him to leave, and it is not for him not to leave.

I could only hold back my anger and listen to the one-hour class.

And this hour is for him.

It was simply torment.

Because from time to time someone would point fingers at him.

It’s fine if you don’t know each other, and there are also classmates you usually know.

It's shameful, I lost it to my grandma's house.

Fortunately, most of the students of Jiangdong University are of relatively high quality.

No one really jumped out to ridicule this kind of bloody plot.

But have to say.

If Zhang Chen was present, he would definitely not be able to help but laugh.

The son of luck was born with a sarcastic face, that really couldn't be changed.

Finally finished the class.

Xiao Han finally felt relieved, but he was also squeezing the anger in his heart.

Fortunately, it is not without good news.

Xiao Han saw an extra message on his phone.

"Brother Han, I saw the message."

Xiao Han called back, and it was Han Bai on the other end.

"Student Xiao, we have sent people to confirm that there are indeed no traces of demons left in the Chunnuan community."

On the phone, Han Bai's voice sounded somewhat surprised.

It also made Xiao Han involuntarily show a smug smile.

He knew why the other party was so surprised.

After all, those are two deadly monsters!

It is far from the ordinary dangerous level written on the information of the Demon Slayer Division.

"Then do I count as passing the entry test?"

Xiao Han is very confident in himself.

as predicted.

Han Bai nodded: "Congratulations, you did pass!"

"Detailed information, I will send you via mobile phone."

After hanging up the phone.

Xiao Han's mood has improved a lot.

And he also saw an extra remittance in his account.

Take a closer look.

A full 13 million!

Among them, 3 is the fixed salary given to him by the Demon Killing Division.

And the other 10 was the reward for solving a supernatural case alone yesterday.

"That's a lot of money."

Xiao Han sneered again and again, and directly transferred the money in the account to his other bank card.

He knew that he could take the money with peace of mind.

Demon Slayer's superficial identity.

It is the Emergency Management Department with an official background.

All members of the Demon Slayer Division.

There is a fixed salary of 1 per month.

If you don't go out to perform tasks, you will receive an additional 3 subsidies.

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