It is said that subsidies are actually funeral expenses!

Because no one knows if he will come back alive.

And according to the difficulty of going out to perform tasks.

There will also be a bonus.

Just like the 10 yuan that Xiao Han just got.

Represents tasks with a level of hazard.

"It's just right now, use my enemy's money and identity to escort me!"

Xiao Han felt that he deserved it all.

Besides, he was indeed in danger yesterday, and he almost died in the Chunnuan community.

···Seeking flowers 0··


"Xixi, what you did just now was too extreme, right?"

"That little handsome guy's face is all black, it's so pitiful."

"Who made him overthink his abilities and want to strike up a conversation with our Miss Lin? Don't even ask, our Xixi already has someone in mind!"

after class.

Lin Xi walked out of the classroom with a few female students who usually had a good relationship.

walk aside.

Several women were still chattering about what happened just now.

"But that handsome guy just now looks really good, Xixi, are you sure you don't like it?"

"Xiaoya, you won't be tempted, will you?"

Another girl giggled.

The round-faced girl who spoke first turned slightly red, "Yeah, I've taken a fancy to it, what's the matter?"


Hear the round-faced girl confess.

A few good girlfriends couldn't help prolonging their accents.

"Oh! I just fell in love with it, he looks pretty handsome!"


"Yes, yes, our sister Xiaoya has finally grown up, and now she is going to abandon us little sisters and find a boyfriend!"

"That is to say, it makes us sad, are you worthy of our sisterhood?"

"We talked about being single together, but I didn't expect someone to get out of the car halfway?"

"Don't talk about it, the door has been welded to death by Miss Ben, don't even think about getting out of the car!"

The round-faced girl was teased by several best friends.

His face turned even redder, and he stomped his feet, "Why don't you talk about Xixi, she is the first to find a boyfriend!"

Seeing the fire burn to himself.

Lin Xi couldn't help but give a few girlfriends a blank look.

"I didn't find a boyfriend!"

"Yes yes yes! Our princess Xixi, how could Jiangdong University's senior belle find a boyfriend?"

"You have a handsome, handsome, rich, 1.8-meter-five male fiancé!"

"Too enviable!"

"Envy +1"

It's a joke, envy is also a fact.

Except for girls with round faces.

Lin Xi could see a few little sisters with whom she had a good relationship.

In fact, more or less to her fiancé.

It's all interesting.

If it was before.

Lin Xi didn't say anything on the surface, but she definitely felt uncomfortable in her heart.

But since last night's experience.

After knowing how powerful Zhang Chen is.

Lin Xi's face turned redder and redder.

"What nonsense are you talking about!"


"Your face is so red that it's cooked. I remember that someone went offline very early last night. Tell me honestly, did you go to spend a beautiful time with your godly fiancé?"

The good sisters didn't know if they were joking or really curious.

Even girls with round faces pricked up their ears.

Lin Xi finally couldn't take it anymore, and made a gesture of surrender: "Don't talk nonsense, last night..."

"last night?"

"My mother was there last night."



After falling asleep, I woke up to code words [-].

Chapter 147

After Lin Xi finished speaking, her face turned even redder.

After all, there are some things that outsiders don't know at all.

But a few good sisters and best friends heard this answer.

Obviously disappointed.

"Auntie is here?"

"That's no use."

"I thought you finally took the last step with our male god from Jiangdong University."

Lin Xi blushed and did not explain.

This kind of topic is getting darker and darker.

Better to say nothing.


Lin Xi was secretly happy, especially seeing the envious and jealous looks of the little sisters and best friends.

I became more and more happy.

Even she often asks herself recently.

Why did my original self dislike Zhang Chen so much?

Obviously so good?

Is it really because of prejudice?

And this time.

Xiao Han also walked out of the classroom.

I happened to see Lin Xi and the girls laughing and joking.

I looked over directly.

"Xixi, that handsome guy was looking at you again just now."

"This is really unwilling to give up, are you still unwilling to give up?"

"Look, here he comes."

"Tsk tsk, he's pretty handsome, and he's tall and in good shape, but unfortunately his opponent is too strong."

Several little sisters and best friends laughed softly.

to be frank.

In all fairness.

Xiao Han's appearance is indeed not bad.

Originally, because of her low self-esteem and low profile, she didn't seem so ostentatious.

But now since he was reborn, got the sheepskin scroll, and awakened the blood of the corpse king in his body.

Invisibly, the whole person's temperament has changed.

More confident, and a little more handsome.

Of course, compared to Zhang Chen, he is still far behind the boss.

It belongs to the aura of a typical awakened protagonist, with extra points in appearance.

"Student Lin, I was sorry for being abrupt just now."

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