The speed and sensitivity are far beyond ordinary people!

The speed of the [-]-meter sprint can even run in less than five seconds!

The key point is that as the son of the corpse king, Xiao Han is actually half-human and half-zombie himself.

"I didn't expect the school belle to be a zombie! This is just right for me!"

Xiao Han's wishful thinking was very loud.

In fact, he didn't care whether Lin Xi hurt or even killed someone.

What he cares about is that he can get a beautiful female zombie.

Just a few meters away.

In front of Xiao Han, it was a blink of an eye.

But just as he stretched out his hand to knock Lin Xi to the ground.



Accompanied by a scream.

Xiao Han's whole body was several times faster than in the past, and he was sent flying.

Take a closer look.

The bridge of Xiao Han's nose was broken, blood was flowing from his mouth and nose, and stars were shining in his eyes.

I didn't get up from the ground for a long time.

"Why! How come?!"

Xiao Han couldn't believe that he was beaten away by a seemingly weak girl?

"You, why are you so strong?"

Even zombies!

But he is the son of the corpse king!

"Impossible! I can even beat a dangerous old man, how can you be stronger than me?"

Xiao Han didn't lie.

He did encounter a few zombies in Xiang County.

Unless it was an accident, the ancient blood zombie resurrected in the tomb of an ancient general made him flee.

He just doesn't pay attention to other zombies.

Xiao Han just supported the wall and climbed up.

Still want to say something, but look up.

A beautiful but cold face appeared in front of him.

"Lin...` ¨..."

Just opened.

Immediately afterwards, before the words came out, he just spit out a word.

Xiao Han was grabbed by Lin Xi's hair.


I grabbed my hair and wondered if it was because women don't need to learn how to fight.

A natural way to fight.

Lin Xi grabbed Xiao Han's hair, and then slammed his head against the wall.




a bit!


Three times!

It hurts to look at it!

Ordinary people, not to mention resistance, will definitely pass out if they don't die.

But Xiao Han didn't.

Although he was beaten by Lin Xi's power.

But also immediately reacted.

He suddenly supported the wall with both hands, avoiding Lin Xi hitting his head against the wall again by pulling his hair.

Then he kicked his legs hard towards the wall!

"Don't underestimate me!"

The self-esteem of the corpse king's son!

The dignity of the son of luck!

It exploded completely at this moment.

Not knowing where the strength came from, Xiao Han directly knocked Lin Xi away.

But then came a handful of hair loss.

Xiao Han couldn't see it himself, but he looked at the falling hair.

His face turned green.

Reach out and touch.

Good guy!

A little bit of baldness on the top of his head.

"I am going to kill you!"

Where can the son of luck get his stomach and city?

Xiao Han was even more angry.

I can no longer maintain the image of the so-called sunny boy.

Get hysterical with a roar!

What movement should not be too loud, what should not cause other people in the school to notice.

At this moment, he has already left it behind.

The powerful anger seemed to awaken the half of the blood of the corpse king in Xiao Han's body.

Under the extreme anger, Xiao Han's muscles bulged.

The expression on his face also became a little ferocious.

He turned around and rushed towards Lin Xi.

"Are you a zombie too?"

Lin Xi just realized that something was wrong with Xiao Han.

Ghostbusters are actually humans.

It's just to control the demons and ghosts.

It is easy to be injured or even killed.

But how can Xiao Han's physique and resistance to beating look like an ordinary person?

Simply a monster.

"Even if it's a zombie, I'll kill you! Prove it to him!"

Although Lin Xi was surprised, the killing intent in her eyes was stronger than before!

Because she thinks that Xiao Han is so powerful, if he can be killed by her.

Wouldn't it prove that he is not a vase?

"Just kill you! I can really stay by his side!"

Although zombies are monsters, they are different from spirits like ghosts.

It's a competition of strength.

Lin Xi's power actually came from Zhang Chen's efforts last night.

Taking her to the double row for one night has successfully brought this little vase up.

Now it is a deadly zombie.

But Xiao Han is not weak, and the magical halo of the son of luck burst out.

He barely kept up with Lin Xi's speed and strength.


Still getting beaten.

The level difference, how can it be so easy to cross?

Leapfrogging challenges is a must-have ability for every child of luck.

But it needs the support of luck!

Xiao Han's luck was weakened several times by Zhang Chen, and now he can barely protect himself.

Already a miracle.

"Stay with him? Who?"

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