Xiao Han found that he was still no match for Lin Xi, and was beaten away again.

At the same time, he also realized what Lin Xi said just now.

Suddenly jealous, "Who is that person?"

"Wait a minute, could it be Lin Xi's fiancé as rumored outside?"

Xiao Han had indeed heard that Xiao Hua had been engaged long ago.

And the fiancé is the same as the school beauty.

The family is right, and the family is super good.

He didn't think too much about it before, and he didn't dare to think about it because of his low self-esteem.

Now there are more ideas.

Even at this moment, Xiao Han still has the mind to be jealous?

"You don't deserve to know who he is!"

Lin Xi didn't care what Xiao Han thought, she came up and stretched out her hand to grab Xiao Han's neck again.

The murderous intent in his eyes was really no joke at all.

"I do not deserve?!"

Xiao Han struggled, but found that his strength was still not as strong as Lin Xi, a weak and thin girl.

His face turned pale, but he roared angrily.

"I'm not worthy? Could it be that he, Zhang Chen, is worthy?!"

"He's just an ordinary person! What else is there besides some bad money at home?!"

"I am stronger than him now, and I am of the same kind as you! You actually like an ordinary person?!"

Xiao Han was angry, not reconciled.

And jealousy!

Finally said it out loud.

Lin Xi's eyes only had murderous intent and disgust.

The strength in your hand is getting stronger and stronger!

At the same time, the other hand is raised to directly penetrate the chest.

Crush Xiao Han's heart!

But right now.

The characteristics of the son of luck are finally manifested (Nuo Zhao).

Whenever there is a crisis, there is always a moment of dying.

All kinds of accidents made him escape from death.

The same is true now.

Probably the movement of the two fighting was too loud.

Finally, it caught the attention of teachers and students eating in the cafeteria outside.

"Just a little bit!"

Lin Xi hurriedly let go of Xiao Han, she was indeed just one last shot away.

But she kept Zhang Chen's advice in mind.

The secret of her turning into a zombie cannot be exposed outside for the time being.

So even if you don't want to.

Lin Xi could only let Xiao Han go immediately.

He even hurried back to his girlfriends, who were still in a daze.

Didn't even know it was in front of my eyes.

What happened in a short time.

That is, a few seconds after Lin Xi stopped.

Someone appeared in front of them.

It was just a few teachers who came here after hearing the news and a group of courageous students who watched the scene.

When they saw the kitchen corridor in the cafeteria.

All dumbfounded.

"Hey, what happened here?"


Chapter 9 broke out today!

A total of more than 3000 words have been updated, which is close to [-]!

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Chapter 150

Because an outsider appeared.

Lin Xi stopped immediately.

And he deliberately showed a look of panic.

I have to say that women are born queens.

This expression in the eyes is absolutely perfect.

Xiao Han was finally able to breathe, and just fell to the ground.

Staring at the stars, he still hasn't returned to his senses.

Turning around, I saw several teachers and a group of students appearing.

Immediately shouted: "Teacher! Quick!"

"Call an ambulance!"

"Several female students were injured!"

Originally, I just heard some students say that there seemed to be a fight in the back kitchen of the cafeteria.

The few people who came after hearing the news were teachers from the physical education department.

He is tall and big.

After hearing it, I immediately became nervous.

"Where? Where?"

"Quick! Go and call!"

Suddenly, some people were in a hurry, and some people saw that the walls of the corridor in the back kitchen of the cafeteria were cracked in several places.

The floor tiles are also broken in many places.

There was also a large hole in the ceiling.

"Isn't it? Did a gorilla crash in here just now? Or a big black bear?"

"I'm going! The walls are cracked!"

"What's the matter?"

Seeing the scene in front of me, let alone students.

Several teachers of the physical education department were a little confused.


"Is that the school belle Lin Xi?"

"I'll go! A few flowers are also here!"

Finally someone saw Lin Xi and her girlfriends.

Then exclaimed.

As Jiangdong University's most handsome and one of the best school flower candidates in history.

Lin Xi's popularity goes beyond the students.

Even the teacher knows.

Several physical education teachers also became nervous when they saw it.

"Student Lin, are you all right?"

"What just happened here? Are you injured?"

"Quick! You female classmates go over and have a look!"

Several teachers made arrangements, and a girl passed by immediately.

But Xiao Han immediately shouted: "Don't go there!"

"This classmate, what are you doing to stop us?"

"She's not human!"

Xiao Han is still a little chilled behind, if someone hadn't come over just now.

He felt like he was really going to die here!

Now there is no such nasty thought just now.

Only thought!

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