On one side, the counselor's tense forehead was covered with sweat.

The same goes for department heads.

"Don't be so serious, it's just a simple question."

The older policeman laughed.

It also eased the atmosphere.

Xiao Han's expression was very ugly.

Obviously, he was a brave person, so why did he become a suspect?

At the same time, he also realized that he had made a very stupid decision.

Back then he blurted out that Lin Xi was a zombie.

It made things so complicated now.

"Damn, why didn't I shut up at that time?"

Xiao Han secretly scolded himself for being confused.

Could he say it outright now?

Who believes it!

So the whole questioning and recording process was fairly smooth.

Xiao Han explained some things selectively.

"Two arresting comrades, can we have a chat alone?"

Xiao Han finally glanced at the counselor beside him, and the older policeman hesitated after listening.

Just nodded, "This teacher, please avoid it first."

The counselor quickly withdrew.

Wait until no one is around.

Xiao Han said directly: "I am a member of the Demon Slayer."


Both patrols were inexplicable.

Xiao Han continued: "That's right, you haven't heard of this name before."

"But you must have heard the name of the Emergency Management Department, right?"

Now, the expressions of the two patrolmen finally changed.


What happened to Kodong University.

Zhang Chen heard the news immediately.

···Seeking flowers 0··

After all, he arranged many rounds behind the scenes.

For example, why was it not too early or too late, at the most critical moment, someone noticed the movement in the back kitchen of the cafeteria?

And who is the one yelling in the crowd?


Regarding this matter, the school had already strictly ordered students not to discuss it.

But the news spread outside the school.

Some video images can be seen on several short video platforms.

It has already caused heated discussions.

"Still too young."

Zhang Chen learned about Xiao Han's coping and reaction after a series of events happened.

Just laughed.

"Third brother, you can start to speed up the previous crazy stuff."

"Good Le!"

Now Zhang San has already changed his appearance and become the head of Zhang Chen's intelligence.

Immediately understand what your boss means.

What crazy news?

Of course, it is some unknown secrets about Xiao Han.

What does Zhang Chen want to do?

Kill Xiao Han?

In fact, Zhang Chen used Lin Xi to make an attempt this time.

I want to see if I can kill Xiao Han in advance.

After all, luck protects this invisible and intangible metaphysics.

Very annoying!

Why choose Lin Xi?

Zhang Chen also had his own considerations.

This is the man who killed the son of luck.

Didn't Ye Fan, the first son of luck, die in the hands of Lin Xi?

That being the case, could there be some additional metaphysics?

And then it turns out.

Not yet.

"It seems that Xiao Han still has some luck left, so give him some more gifts."

Since luck protection still exists.

Zhang Chen knew what to do.

When it comes to luck, it actually includes many aspects.

For example, the protagonist's unknown secret and life experience.

There is also fame, adventure and even daughter of luck.

These constitute air transport protection.

What Zhang Chen has to do now is to make Xiao Han a street rat.

Everyone shouted and beat them.


Everyone spurned.

Anyway, there is no daughter of luck.

Is this method feasible?

Of course it works!

Just when Xiao Han was discussed by countless people in school.

Zhang Chen has already received the system prompt.

Reminding him that Xiao Han's fate has shifted again.

Explain in human terms.

Xiao Han's luck dropped again.

Therefore, Zhang Chen decided to fully operate the fierce information from the beginning.

Give Xiao Han a very unforgettable surprise.

"I'm really looking forward to it now, what kind of response will Xiao Han make at that time?"


It was a hot news search that had been circulating on the Internet for a while.

There are also certain photos and videos.

Was dug out again.

And this time there are more violent rumors on the Internet.

Lots of blurry photos and videos attached.

Plus a live broadcast clip edited by the little internet celebrity back then.

It completely exploded the pot on the Internet!


Second more two.

Chapter 152

The fishing reel is out of control.

That's all a lie.

The contacts and means that Zhang Chen possessed.

It is actually very simple to control the fishing reel.

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