Don't say anything else.

Just say that he is the son of the Jiangdong governor's family.

It is completely enough for him to walk sideways along the Jiangdong and southeast coasts.

Not counting the old man of the Zhang family, there has been news that he will go further.

Now who doesn't give the Zhang family a little bit of face?

Zhang Chen is the son and grandson of the Zhang family in Jiangdong.

Even the high-level executives in the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division did not dare to easily quarrel with Zhang Chen.

And more importantly!

The Jiangdong Zhang family did not actually make their fortune in Jiangdong City.

They are the core circle of the imperial capital circle.

It's just that Zhang Chen's father came to Jiangdong City to take up the post of governor.

After becoming a parent officer.

Temporarily moved to Jiangdong City at home.

"Xiao Han, how will you deal with it? How will you play against me?"

Zhang Chen was looking forward to Xiao Han's reaction.

The son of luck before was too simple.

He was completely killed by his simple means.

Now Xiao Han looks a little smarter.

But how long can it last?

"Street rat, but this level should not be enough."

Zhang Chen touched his chin.

There is a lot of news about what he prepared for Xiao Han.

Those secrets in Xiangxian County, the shooting video of Chunnuan Community.

Plus the conflict happening at Jiangdong University now.

every piece.

It's enough to ruin a person.

"The Son of Luck is Undead Xiaoqiang after all, so..."

The smile on Zhang Chen's face became more and more weird, and his eyes revealed a kind of sharpness like that of the old Yinbi.

He likes this feeling.

before crossing.

Zhang Chen reads a lot of film and television dramas and novels.

It's quite incomprehensible that some villains would show their muscles in front of the Son of Destiny at every turn.

He couldn't even be beaten to death, and gave the Son of Luck a strong motivation to become stronger.

"With that kind of time wasted, it's better to think about how to kill the son of luck."

Zhang Chen once complained about it.

The villain's men provoked the son of luck and were killed.

Then his senior brother ran over and was killed again.

Then, the general under the villain's hand came forward.

Still got killed.

Wait until the villain really realizes something is wrong.

The son of luck can already destroy the world and become invincible.

Still playing Jill at that time?

"Or kill me from the start!"

Zhang Chen said lightly, of course he knew he couldn't do it now.

Because of the inexplicable luck protection.

So what he can do is to weaken the aura of the son of luck.

"Unfortunately, the system store did not see items that ignore the protection of luck."

Zhang Chen tried several times to see if there was any similar exchange.

It's okay to be expensive.

As long as it saves him trouble.

Kill the son of luck directly.

No matter how high the price is, it is worth it.


Not found yet.

"It seems that we have to wait for the next system upgrade?"

In Zhang Chen's eyes.

There is a great chance of killing Xiao Han, so he is already preparing for the next son of luck in advance.

And he did it just in case.

The level of prediction in the mind has increased by one level.

In other words.

Use the next son of luck as the background of the urban cultivation plane.

"The previous two mainline planes were horror recovery, and it should be impossible for a child of luck with too low a level of strength to appear later."

Just that.

Probably some options can be ruled out.

For example, what kind of female president is close to a master.

Another example is the return of the soldier king.

That kind of pure urban cool text plane, the level of strength is too low.

Zhang Chen doesn't believe that the system will correct this kind of holiday gift points.

"If you want to talk about the level of power, the God of War position is almost meaningless in the early stages, right?"

"The biggest possibility, Urban Guwu? Or even Urban Cultivation?"

while thinking.

At the same time, Zhang Chen also relaxed his body and mind.

He is now staying in the office of the president of the Lin Group.

Usually, even the vice president of the company needs to be notified and allowed.

to come in.

But he was able to move freely.

In addition, the beautiful president who is known as the "Iron Lady" throughout the company.

Doing my best to serve him.

In this hundreds of meters the building is high.

Through the floor-to-ceiling windows, you can see the most prosperous area of ​​Jiangdong City.

Panoramic view.

"No wonder many people like to watch beautiful presidents and bodyguards."

Zhang Chen didn't like reading novels of this kind before.

I always feel that I can't cut into the cool point and feeling.

Now he understands a little bit.

A female CEO who is as beautiful as Xia Yanshuang and holds a high position.

It does have the kind of attractiveness that ordinary girls don't have.

"If this goes on like this, I'll be so happy that I won't miss leaving."

Zhang Chen feels that he has become less and less motivated recently.

The whole person is almost content with enjoying the Buddhist system.

"This is not a good phenomenon. People who have no foresight must have near-term worries."

For this habit of self-slack.

Zhang Chen began to be vigilant and introspective.

At the same time, Xia Yanshuang, the beautiful CEO, finally served Zhang Chen well...

"There needs to be new goals, otherwise there is no motivation."

Eventually he figured out why he'd been slacking off lately.

Still no pressure.

It's easy to relax without stress.

In addition, he had already obtained what he wanted, and suddenly lost his goal.

The whole person naturally becomes lazy.

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