So tightly guarded that no one is allowed to enter.

It turns out that things are not that simple.


Zhang San then explained: "But just now I asked a few tourists who were kicked out, and they said it was haunted."

"Huh? Haunted?"


First update today

Insomnia didn't sleep well last night, and I was hit again

So it won't explode today

Let me take it easy, I will definitely add more updates on the weekend at the latest

Daily [-]D guarantee update remains unchanged.

Chapter 155

Originally, I was not very interested in the reasons behind the temporary closure of the playground.

He is past that age.

That is to say, I am bored to come here to have a look.

But I didn't expect that when Zhang San finished talking about the hidden story.

Zhang Chen saw a familiar car.

This time.

Here comes his interest.

The playground in front of the key.

In his memory, nothing special happened.

"In other words, something other than the plot happened?"

Zhang Chen knew it a long time ago, because he intervened too much and changed the original plot.

It will definitely lead to some changes in the plot he is familiar with.

It has already happened in Ye Fan's main plot.

Now it happens again.

It doesn't seem like a particularly unusual development.

And this time.

Outside the playground, many tourists who were kicked out were protesting and complaining.

Fortunately, there are many police officers trying to appease him.

In addition, the playground has also made promises.

Some financial compensation will be given.

It can be regarded as bringing the situation under control.

the other side.

A four lap SUV drove up.

Parked next to several patrol house vehicles.

Several people got out of the car.

The first person looks like a suit and leather shoes, with a bit of momentum.

The others were dressed casually.

Especially when looking at the playground in front of him, there is still a little interest mixed in.

"Han team, you are finally here!"

A certain headhunter who was about 40 years old saw a few people who came down.

With joy on his face, he hurriedly greeted him.

And take the initiative to talk to the man in suit and leather shoes.

It can be heard that the two parties should know each other.

"Sorry, I just finished another case, so I'm late!"

Han Bai politely shook hands with the head catcher in front of him.

Then briefly introduced the three people next to 930 in the lower body.

He asked directly, "How's the situation inside?"

I haven't waited for the head catcher to answer.


There was a loud rush in the playground!


Grab the voice!

And not once, but several times in succession.

Now the expressions of the people outside have changed.

The only fortunate thing is that there was a group of tourists just now.

Most of them have left one after another.

Only a small part is still there.

"Just, what was that sound just now?"

"Why does it sound like I'm rushing?"

"That's right! That's the voice! It's the same as the one on TV!"

Not only those tourists who haven't left yet are dumbfounded.

A group of policemen outside the playground were also dumbfounded.

"Not good! Something went wrong!"

Hear the rush.

Han Bai's expression changed.

And this time.

A young man beside him didn't say hello directly.

He climbed over the wall and entered the playground alone.

The action was very handsome, and was photographed by a few tourists outside with their mobile phones.


Zhang Chen watched the people from the Demon Slayer Division arrive at the scene.

It is known that supernatural incidents have indeed occurred in the playground.

Although I don't know if it is haunted, there are still other demons appearing.

But don't ask.

It's not something ordinary patrols can handle.

Then the rush sounded.

The crowd was stunned.

Zhang Chen watched Xiao Han jump over the wall and go in regardless of other people.

"Is this really not letting go of any chance to be handsome?"

That person, Zhang Chen, naturally recognized (cdac) as Xiao Han, the second son of luck.

But he shook his head at this intentional act of being handsome and brave.

"There are tools that people don't use, but they have to go in by themselves."

Anyway, Zhang Chen couldn't understand the passionate thinking of many children of luck.

What about him?

Before determining the ins and outs and detailed information.

He would never put himself in danger.

With so many people around me, do they all eat dry food?

Do you still need him to do everything by yourself?

That is, in less than half a minute.

There were a few more snatches from the playground.

"your people?"

Zhang Chen looked towards You Ruo.

In his memory, the playground in Jiangdong city hadn't appeared much.

Most belong to the background field.

Paranormal cases are happening now.

"It is none of my business."

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