Youruo shakes his head.

Does it really matter.

Is it important?

Zhang Chen is not the son of luck.

You have to pretend to be some kind of justice incarnate.

Even if there are evil cultivators here to cast spells and do evil.

He's not interested in meddling either.

But if Xiao Han, the son of luck, appears here.

Zhang Chen had to be interested again.


Dark sky, foggy environment.

No one would have thought of being here a few hours ago.

It is still a large playground with a sea of ​​people, and it takes two or three hours to queue up to get in.

In the originally lively playground.

Now it is so quiet that no one can be seen.

And this time.

A figure appeared in the playground.

"Sure enough, there are monsters at work."

This person is no one else.

It was Xiao Han.

He didn't say hello to anyone.

Instead, he came in directly by himself.

"This morning alone is already the third supernatural case."

Early in the morning.

Xiao Han was called over by Han Bai.

I didn't know why.

Several supernatural cases occurred in Koto City.

Because it's never that dense all at once.

The Demon Killing Division was already short of manpower.

Now it is even more difficult.

and so.

They all got him.

"Alright, when I perform enough, I will be valued by the Demon Slayer."

A smile appeared on Xiao Han's face.

He made up his mind to be dark under the lights and develop himself slowly.

And hiding inside the Demon Slayer Division.

Is the best choice.

Really don't say it.

Although Xiao Han's idea seems simple, it is actually in the original plot.

He did grow secretly in this way for a long time.

Until the day the truth is revealed.

Xiao Han has grown so much that it cannot be underestimated.

To the point where he couldn't move easily.

but now.

Xiao Han's strength is still very low.

"I don't know how strong the monsters here are?"

"If it's still as rubbish as the hanged man this morning, it's a waste of effort."

Why did he come in first?

The purpose is simple.

Find the evil monster before anyone else.

If the strength is strong, the contract will be forced to become part of his strength.

If the strength is too poor.

Then solve the killing smoothly, which can be regarded as increasing one's own performance.

Let him be able to improve his status in the Demon Slayer Division.

Wishful thinking is very good.

"Before they do, find them as soon as possible."

After Xiao Han entered the amusement park, he found that the place had changed.

It's sunny outside.

It was indeed dark and foggy inside.

Like a famous horror game.

But Xiao Han didn't know at all.

After he enters the amusement park.

The rest of the Magic Slayer Division didn't follow in at all.

Outside the amusement park.

Han Bai lit a cigarette and smoked slowly.

The other two operation members of the Demon Killing Division beside them all had weird faces.

"Team Han, are we not going in?"

"What to do in there, that kid alone is enough."


The two were a little dumbfounded when they heard Han Bai's answer.

"Captain Han, are you serious? That kid is a rookie!"

"Newcomer? It is indeed a newcomer, but this newcomer's methods are vicious!"

Han Bai exhaled smoke rings and sneered.

He had already seen Zhang Chen just now.

But he was smart enough not to say hello.

I also understood Zhang Chen's eyes, that's why Xiao Han was allowed to enter the amusement park alone.

Him and two others.

Just watch a play outside.

Although the other two didn't understand, they couldn't say much.

in fact.

Even Han Bai didn't know why Zhang Chen didn't let them follow.

But he needs to know why?

He will do whatever the backer tells him to do.

Why so many questions?

There were a few female patrols at the scene who looked pretty good.

There is no need to risk your life to eliminate demons and defend the way outside.

It can also be eye-catching.

not good?

the other side.

Zhang Chen and You Ruo have disappeared.

And they arrived inside the amusement park the next moment.

I also saw a gray sky with thick fog.


When Zhang Chen saw the environment in the amusement park, he knew that he had entered the range of ghosts and monsters.

But he and You Ruo are not Xiao Han.

You still need to be careful with every step, and take three steps.

After coming in.

Instantly knew the source of the ghost.

It was also discovered that someone was summoning souls.

Sure enough, one shrinks into an inch.

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