Zhang Chen has already arrived at the place.

You Ruo also appeared beside him.

It can be seen from this.

The illustrious reputation of the Lord of the Nether Palace is indeed not something to brag about.

"Sure enough, it is the ceiling-level benchmark in the second main plot."

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose.

The stronger You Ruo is, the more valuable it is to get her.

And in front of the two of them.

Someone is holding up a banner to summon souls.

Countless lonely ghosts around, appearing from all directions just like Shi Lezhi.


Today's second update.

Chapter 156

The scene in front of you.

It's not appropriate to use the description of "Hundred Ghosts at Night".

Not long ago, it was in a crowded amusement park.

With the emergence of ghosts and creatures, it has already become silent.

It was so empty that not even half a person could be seen.

But who would have thought.

at this time.

The amusement park was once again bustling.

Countless ghosts swarmed in.

They crawled out from all directions and from the ground.

It looked like it had woken from a deep sleep.

To be completely attracted by something, to go in the same direction.

"what's the situation?!"

Xiao Han was stunned!

It didn't take long for him to enter the amusement park alone.

The root cause and clues of the ghosts have not been found out.

All of a sudden there were so many lonely ghosts popping up from all around.

Even if he was brave enough, he was taken aback.

"How did so many wild ghosts suddenly appear?"

After all, Xiao Han has the blood of the corpse king in his body.

To some extent, it is half human and half devil.

Naturally, he is much more courageous than ordinary people.

And he has subdued several ghosts and zombies.

Unlike ordinary people, seeing this kind of scene will turn pale with fright.

What's more, incontinence.

After the initial surprise.

Xiao Han looked towards a certain place and forgot the past.

"There! It seems that there is the root cause!"

As the son of luck, Xiao Han is actually not too stupid.

Maybe not as sinister and despicable as Zhang Chen, but he moved from the dense crowd of lonely souls and wild ghosts around him.

Immediately judge the reason for the scene in front of you.

"Is someone summoning souls?"

Xiao Han quickly guessed the truth.

After he joined the Demon Killing Division.

It's not like doing nothing.

In the past two days, he has been crazily supplementing a lot of knowledge about monsters.

"Fortunately, I have read a lot of classics of the Demon Slayer, otherwise I really don't know what happened!"

"Calling the soul? There are so many gathered, it is definitely not something that ordinary ghost masters can do!"

From the documents and materials of the Demon Killing Department that Xiao Han can access.

He had read about something like that.

A very small number of ghost slayers in pursuit of powerful demon power.

Regardless of the consequences, he will frantically catch ghosts to raise Gu.

"Does anyone want to use this method to raise a ghost at the level of a ghost king?"

Xiao Han thought of this possibility.

His face changed suddenly.

is surprised and nervous.

Excitement and anticipation at the same time!

The nervous thing is, the ghost slayer who can do this step.

The strength can be imagined, and it must be far beyond his imagination.

But at the same time!

What if the other party was really allowed to raise a ghost king-level ghost?

"What if I can take away a ghost king-level ghost and use it for me?"

Xiao Han quickly began to calculate in his mind.

Ghost King!

as far as he knows.

Only ghosts whose strength is at the horror level are qualified to be called ghost kings.

A monster of that level.

Any one of them can kill a big city with tens of millions of people.

An official demon-killing organization with a lot of masters like Lianzhanji.

Will be very headache.

What is Xiao Han most lacking now?

Lack of strength!

"How to do?"

"Leave now or go and have a look?"

He fell into the intersection of heaven and man.

After all, Xiao Han is not stupid.

Someone who clearly knows that he has the ability to attract so many ghosts.

Absolutely heinous and extremely cruel evil cultivator.

He might not be able to deal with this kind of person now!

"Go? But such a good opportunity!"

"But in the past, if you were not an opponent, wouldn't you be going to die?"

Xiao Han was struggling.

On the one hand, it is to cherish life.

On the other side, he bears a blood feud.

"Damn! Fight!"

"Danger and opportunity coexist!"

"If I leave like this today, I don't know if I will encounter such a good thing in the future!"

"How easy is it to get a ghost of the ghost king level?"

Xiao Han finally gritted his teeth!

He knows his strengths and weaknesses.

His own advantage is the blood in his body combined with the sheepskin scroll in his hand.

It allows him to control one ghost after another without restriction.

Every time a ghost is controlled, a part of the power of the monster can be fed back to him.

The more you control!

The monster is more powerful!

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