The stronger his strength is, the stronger he will be!

This kind of advantage is incomparable to any ghost master in the world.

Anyone who becomes a ghost master will increase with the number of ghosts and monsters he controls.

Or increase in strength.

The backlash and erosion of the ghost hunter itself is an irreversible process.

In simple terms.

Xiao Han can improve himself without limit by controlling countless fierce ghosts and monsters.

Not afraid of backlash and erosion.

But ordinary people can't do it!

Even overhauls above level 7 don't have this ability.

Ordinary ghost hunters have limits!

Once this critical point is crossed, it will lead to backlash and erosion by demons.

Light ranges from disabled or vegetative state.

If it is more serious, it will die suddenly on the spot, and then demonized and turned into a monster through and through.

···Seeking flowers 0··

This kind of example is not limited to Demon Slayer.

The Nether Palace, and even among the other solitary ghost slayers.


As the son of luck, Xiao Han has the advantage that he doesn't have to worry about the future!

"Give it a go! The opportunity is here!"

"If I'm lucky, I can get a ghost of the ghost king level, which will be of great help to my revenge in the future!"

Xiao Han analyzed it several times in his heart.

One last bite!


Amusement park at this time.

It looked overcrowded.

There are figures everywhere.

But weirdly.

All without any sound.

Except for the gusts of wind and the howling of ghosts and wolves from time to time.

The entire amusement park is completely dead.

Xiao Han was in the middle of it.

......... 0

He also observed it at this moment.

These lonely ghosts popping up in all directions.

Many are dressed in clothing hundreds of years ago.

He even saw that there were many soldiers who were obviously dead that year.


More than half of them are all kinds of soldiers who died in the war.

You can tell by the clothes on them.

Even after being dead for hundreds of years, he still holds his weapon firmly.

Many are missing arms and legs, and it can be seen that they have experienced a tragic fight before their death.


"Spirit-calling banner, this magic weapon really matches the identity of an evil cultivator."

Zhang Chen looked at the old man in black with great interest.

Then I couldn't help shaking my head, "The clothes are a bit ugly, as a villain, at least you have to keep pace with the times?"

A few comments.

It directly alarmed the evil cultivator who was casting a spell.


I probably didn't expect that there were still people who would dare to do so at such a time.

Run into such a big ghost.

The key is to approach yourself silently.

The evil cultivator was taken aback.

Wait for him to look up.

I don't know when there are two more people in front of me.

One male and one female.

The handsome men and the beautiful women are all the kind who walk on the street.

Turn heads [-] percent focus.

But there are just these two men and women who seem to be around 20 years old at most.

He actually ignored the several warning formations he had set up.

Came in front of me?

"It took so much effort to conjure up the soul, do you want to use this method to feed the ghost in your soul-calling banner?"


Third update today

The Internet at home was broken, and I couldn't fix it after a long time of fiddling.

Helpless, ran outside the Internet cafe to update [-].

Chapter 157

Chapter 154 Is locked up, helpless

It has been modified and is waiting to be released. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can refresh it at that time.


Zhang Chen didn't care about Xie Xiu's almost dead fish-like eyes.

He glanced in all directions.

"The scene is quite big. It seems that a hundred years ago, this place was the place where the siege and the defenders fought for the final battle."

In Zhang Chen's impression.

The original plot is in the later stage.

Jiangdong City is coming for the second time with the global blood moon.

Countless demonic energy burst out.

Indeed, there are a few places where Yin Qi and Demon Qi are too heavy.

Leading to the occurrence of night walks of ghosts and rampant riots.

And many people died.

But it's all in one stroke, without elaborating.

"Look now, the root of one of the ghosts' night walks is here?"

Zhang Chen didn't expect it either.

After all, the work was written by him, but many details cannot be exhaustive.

Some problems, obviously, are the world's self-correction and improvement.

from start to finish.

The evil cultivation in front of him has just begun.

Although his face was full of vigilance, his eyes were fierce.

But he didn't do it right away.

Still patiently waiting for Zhang Chen to finish speaking.

"May I ask your honorable name? Old Man Netherworld, Ghost Tu!"

Xiexiu took the initiative to report his family.

But Zhang Chen didn't remember the other party's title at all.

It's not the main character in the plot, who can remember a group of minions?


In Zhang Chen's eyes.

Even if it is a level 9 evil cultivator.

It's just me.

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