It has nothing to do with the plot, it can only be a passerby.

"People from Nether Palace?"

There was a weird smile on Zhang Chen's face.

Then, ignoring the other party, he glanced at You Ruo beside him.

The opponent has a strong aura.

By no means weaker than the three elders of Nether Mansion who died at the hands of Xing Lingyun.

This means that there is another level 8 evil cultivator in front of him.

And at a glance, it is clear that the status in the Nether Mansion is not low.

"I ran into your good deed, but I can still hold my breath?"

Zhang Chen smiled.

Since it is called an evil cultivator, it also joins a villain organization like the Nether Palace.

How could he be a good person?

common sense analysis.

Someone broke into the scene of a level 8 evil cultivator casting a spell.

only result.

It will definitely be silenced!

And it can add two more innocent souls.

For evil cultivators like Guitu who feed ghosts.

Isn't it easy to kill?

Even he himself can't remember how many people he has killed.


"Your Excellency is powerful, and this old man is not sure of victory."

Guitu smiled but didn't laugh.

At the same time, it is extremely helpless.

Did he really think he didn't want to kill the man and woman who ruined his good deed?

He wants to kill!

But he is not a fool.


"The two of you can approach silently, and still be so calm, there must be something to rely on."

Guitu's answer.

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing.

"The world is real. Sure enough, there is no halo of wisdom from the son of luck. How can there be so many fools in the world?"

Outsiders couldn't understand Zhang Chen's soliloquy.

But Guitu could tell that Zhang Chen was praising him.

It is also equivalent to confirming the inner intuition just now.

After seeing a pair of men and women appeared in front of them.

Guitu's years of experience and intuition told him.

These two young people are not easy to mess with.

Since it's not easy to mess with, unless you know the details of the other party.

Otherwise do it?

Ask for trouble?

Now is the critical moment for him to cast a spell!

"What advice do you two have?"

Guitu asked cautiously.

As a level 8 overhaul, don't think that he will be arrogant to the point of being defiant.

The more powerful it is.

The more I understand that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in this world.

Unless it is determined by the other party.

Otherwise, it will not be easy to do it.

"This old man casts spells here. If he disturbs the two of you, he will definitely give you generous gifts to make amends after the old man finishes casting the spell."

How true.

Dealing with ghost hunters.

Everything depends on strength.

The strength is enough, and they are very polite to each other.

At least the surface is very polite.

The kind of mocking and insulting when they meet each other.

Kill the whole family at every turn, and threaten to kill each other.

This kind of bridge.

Only the son of luck can meet.

That is the case now.

Everyone is a villain.

In a different place, the villain Zhang Chen comes from the first main plot line.

And the evil cultivator in front of him is the second main line of the plot.

It's a pity that it's just a secondary villain.

Anyway, Zhang Chen's memory is good for the villain in front of him.

Not impressed.

"There is no need for generous gifts, I have an inseparable relationship with you Nether Palace Master."

If Zhang Chen pointed out something, he said with a smile.

And beside him.

You Ruo, who is the Lord of the Nether Palace himself.

But she gave someone a pretty look.

Of course she did not reveal her identity.

For so many years.

The real identity and appearance of the Lord of the Nether Palace are a mystery.

Even the elders of the Nether Palace have never seen it.

like now.

Standing in front of him, the ghost slaughtered such a powerful evil cultivator.

It is also impossible to think of the Palace Master whom they respect as a god.

It turned out to be this beautiful and moving girl in front of me.

"It turned out to be my own!"

Gui Tu breathed a sigh of relief.

Of course he didn't let his guard down.

It's fine to listen to this kind of nonsense, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not.


With outsiders around, he finally prepared to cast a spell to summon the soul.

Do you want to give up on this?

"Don't stop, keep going, isn't this almost a success?"

Seeing the other party looking at him vigilantly, Zhang Chen temporarily stopped casting spells.

He said with a smile.

And this time.

There are more and more lonely ghosts around.

At a glance, there are at least hundreds of them.

And that's just what's in sight.

I really don't know how many lonely souls and wild ghosts are crowded in the amusement park nowadays...

Although most of them are the weakest ghosts.

But there are also some dangerous ghosts among them.

Occasionally, you can even see a few deadly ghosts as if they are struggling!

In order to get rid of spell control.

The demon's instinct makes them feel that if they go in that direction.

Very likely to be in danger.

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