"You! Who are you?!"

While Xiao Han was asking, he also carefully looked at the men and women who appeared in front of him.

Zhang Chen stopped talking.

When Xiao Han saw it, he felt a sense of inferiority.

He is proud of his appearance and all aspects.

In front of this perfect man in front of him, he has no advantage at all.

And when Xiao Han saw the woman beside Zhang Chen.

Eyes lit up.

"It's so beautiful! There is a woman more beautiful than Xiaohua?!"

Xiao Han's eyes are straight!

He didn't pay much attention just now, but now he takes a look.

Can't look away directly.

This reaction is normal.

Although You Ruo is not the daughter of luck, she is the master of the biggest villain organization in the second main line.

Even more exaggerated than the daughter of luck!

At least Zhang Chen knew that the wedding dress female ghost and Xia Ruyun were completely inferior to You Ruo.

It's not about appearance and figure, but about strength!

It's aura!

Even if You Ruo at this moment has not revealed the powerful aura of being the Lord of the Nether Palace.

That invisible temperament is matched with her perfect face and figure.

Xiao Han, a little guy who has never eaten pork, can't look away?

He even forgot about his current situation.

"Oh? Still interested in seeing (cdac) women?"

After Zhang Chen found Xiao Han's eyes.

Instead of being angry, he smiled, but that smile made the surrounding air feel like the twelfth lunar month.

It became extremely cold and gloomy in an instant.

Even more exaggerated than ghosts!


Zhang Chen himself didn't know it, ever since he practiced the Yin-Yang Art of Absolute Beginning.

He is completely different.

Develop towards the plane of cultivating immortals.

simply put!

That is a kind of absolute transcendence above the current plane.

The power of the superior!

"Hee hee, he's your son? He's very courageous~"

It was different from Zhang Chen's cold eyes.

You Ruo smiled sweetly.

However, there was no warmth in that smile.

Obviously laughing.

But it feels like facing extreme cold.

The kind of cold that can freeze the bones and soul.

It completely made Xiao Han wake up suddenly.

"Me, what happened to me just now?"

"Damn it, isn't it a woman! It's not like I haven't seen it before! It's so uncontrollable?"

"But this woman is so beautiful, who is she?"

Various thoughts flashed through Xiao Han's mind quickly.

He had been in a big battle just now, and there were many dangers.

After wandering through the gate of hell several times, I have long exhausted my strength.

Zhang Chen slapped her dizzily again.

Now he looked at Zhang Chen and You Ruo with vigilance.


Xiao Han didn't wait for his reaction.

Crisp applause sounded again in this empty and boundless amusement park.

It even scared the countless lonely and wild ghosts around them to tremble.

Even if they have no mind and thinking.

But there is still the ability to detect danger and judge the situation.


With just one slap, the right half of Xiao Han's face was swollen into a pig's head.

Now slap.

It was symmetrical, and the left half of his face was also swollen.

The originally sunny and handsome face has completely become ridiculous and ugly.

Xiao Han was shocked and angry, his eyes were spitting fire.

I wanted to do it, but found that I couldn't move.

He was held down by a terrifying breath.

"Little guy, don't try to do anything dangerous!"

You Ruo's crisp and pleasant voice, mixed with a hint of ridicule, rang in Xiao Han's ears.

"Otherwise, even if you are his son, you won't be able to save your life."


Xiao Han is going crazy!

"Who are you?! Damn it! Let me go!"

But what was waiting for him was a pair of cold, pitiful and even disappointed eyes.



Xiao Han actually looked at the man in front of him.

See disappointment?

"Is he disappointed?"

"Disappointed for what?"

"Could it be because of me?"

Xiao Han was stunned, "Who the hell are they, damn it!"

Who is Zhang Chen?

Of course it can't be Xiao Han's own father.

But to a certain extent, Zhang Chen is indeed Xiao Han's biological father.

After all, he was the one who created Xiao Han.

Is there something wrong with saying that?

"I'm disappointed in you."


Third update today

I promised to add more on Tuesday, but I didn't do it

Pay off the debt first tonight, add 2 more chapters.

Chapter 161

Zhang Chen looked indifferent and disappointed.

There is also the tone of hating iron but not steel, all expressed vividly.

Don't say that Xiao Han can't tell the difference.

Even Zhang Chen felt that he had assumed the role of Xiao Han's father.

Hate that iron is not steel!

"It's so useless, I can't hold my breath, and I think I'm smart-smart!"

"How could I have a stupid son like you!"


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