Xiao Han's face turned green when he was scolded by Zhang Chen!

I was so angry that I almost vomited blood!

Oh no.

already vomited.

He was so unceremoniously slapped by Zhang Chen that he couldn't even stand up now.

It was entirely pride and self-esteem that made him insist not to lose in battle.

"You fart! My dad died a long time ago! Who do you say is your son!"

Xiao Han was furious, and at the same time he was speculating about the men and women who appeared in front of him.

What is the identity.

Friend or foe?

Just tell the truth.

He wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to kill the villain, Xiexiu, and then forcibly make a contract with the remaining ghost king and demon.

I don't have enough confidence in my heart.

At most it is three or four percent.

So I saw the ghost king being killed by the men and women in front of me.

That kind of feeling, I don't know whether to be grateful or resentful.


Zhang Chen was not polite.

Once again, he backhanded Xiao Han's entire body into the air.

He didn't retain that strength at all.

More than 3000 strength attributes.

How exaggerated?

Even if it is a heavy truck, he can casually slap it into a discus.

But it is such an exaggerated strength.

Hit Xiao Han in the face.

It just looks miserable, all swollen into a pig's head.


No fear of life.

"The vitality of the son of luck really cannot be measured by common sense."

Is Zhang Chen teaching Xiao Han again and again for humiliation?

Yes, he did it on purpose.

But it's also testing.

He wanted to see how much Xiao Han's current luck was left.

Can you just kill him right now?

the result shown.

"Luck seems to be left, but it's not much anymore."

Zhang Chen silently estimated.

From the fact that he slapped Xiao Han three times in a row, it was obvious that the other party had no strength to resist.

"If you don't want to kill, just hit casually?"


A murderous desire just rose in Zhang Chen's heart.

next moment.

He found that the red rope on Xiao Han's wrist was slightly glowing.

And what is the use of this thing.

The unlucky elder from the Nether Palace just now proved it with his own life.

"Interesting, it seems that this is the last bit of luck protection."

Zhang Chen put away his killing intent.

Immediately, I saw the red rope on Xiao Han's wrist dimmed.

Confirm your thoughts.

and so!

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose, and his smile became stern and charming.

not far away.

Xiao Han was slapped by Zhang Chen again and spat out blood, and a few more teeth were broken.

Talking started leaking.

He let out an angry growl.

"Damn! If you dare to humiliate me like this, I will fight you!"

But he didn't wait for him to stand up and resist.

He was kicked in the abdomen by Zhang Chen.

The powerful force kicked Xiao Han so that his whole body arched.

Like boiled shrimp, tears and snot flowed out.


Zhang Chen stomped Xiao Han's head on the ground, making him unable to struggle.

At the same time looking down at him.

"Unfilial son, your mother and I have spent all our efforts in vain to save your life!"

Every sentence.

Zhang Chen increased his strength a little bit.

Ordinary people have long since cracked their skulls, and their heads are like watermelons.

Was trampled to pieces.

But Xiao Han was really holding on firmly.

"In order to keep you alive! I will not hesitate to destroy my body!"

Step on!

Step on it hard!

"In order for you to grow up safely like everyone else, how much sacrifice did your mother make?!"

Step on!

Continue to step on!

Zhang Chen was not polite at all, so he used Xiao Han's identity as Lao Tzu.

He stomped on the ground hard and kept crushing him.

"Our painstaking efforts will change you into what you are now?"

Zhang Chen raised his voice, condescending.

Those eyes were no longer disappointment, but indifference and abandonment.

This time.

Xiao Han was also dumbfounded.

He couldn't believe that this man of similar age in front of him was his father.

But now listen and listen.

its not right?

The key point is that look, eyes and tone, it doesn't look like someone deliberately humiliated him.

"You, are you really my dad?"

Xiao Han reluctantly made a sound at Zhang Chen's feet.

Even he didn't believe it himself.

But how to explain this scene now?

"No, I don't have a trash son like you!"

Not only did Zhang Chen not admit it, but he answered indifferently and disappointedly.

On the contrary, it made Xiao Han believe two or three points in his heart.

Although there are more suspicions, it is not as completely unbelieving as before.

"He's my dad? How is that possible?!"

Xiao Han couldn't believe it, "My dad died ten years ago, I remember it clearly!"

"Why did he say it was my dad?"

"And who is he?"

"Why is it so strong? With this kind of strength, you don't need to talk nonsense if you want to kill me?"

Good guy.

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