Under Zhang Chen's indoctrination and education.

Xiao Han really started to make up his mind.

If it is an ordinary person, it is really impossible to believe Zhang Chen's ambiguous rhetoric just now.

But Xiao Han is not an ordinary person!

He knows the secrets of this world!

Demons and ghosts, all ghosts travel at night!

Many things considered impossible by ordinary people are actually very likely to happen.

Zhang Chen was right on this point.

Knowing Xiao Han's character, he slapped him three times as soon as he appeared on the stage.

···Seeking flowers 0··

The beating made Xiao Han dizzy.

Don't give him any chance to think and calm down.

One pass operation.

Now it is flatly denied, but it makes people feel.

It's more like an old father who is very disappointed with his unbelievable bear son.

It's all angry words.

"You, you say you are my father? What's the evidence!"

Xiao Han's tone also softened.

After all, he was beaten up by a stranger, and a more handsome and handsome man than him.

That's a shame.

But he was beaten up by his own father.

Although it is embarrassing, it seems that it is not unacceptable?

Which child has not been beaten by his own father?

Xiao Han found that he could suddenly accept being beaten violently.

Provided that!

The person who beat him was really his own father!


Zhang Chen laughed angrily, of course all of this was just pretending.

He shook his head in disappointment and retracted his feet.


He turned around and left, his voice was cold and disappointed.

"Throw away your belongings!"

Zhang Chen's words sounded, making Xiao Han's face even more exciting.

But not angry and scared!

It's surprise, it's surprise, it's curiosity!

"You, you know!?"

"Throw away that thing, leave from Demon Slayer, go back and continue to be an ordinary person!"

Zhang Chen faced Xiao Han with his hands behind his back, and his back looked so majestic and broad.

"Don't think about avenging your mother, you don't need to bear those things!"

Xiao Han was trembling all over.

Widen your eyes!

If he had believed Zhang Chen's attitude for two or three points just now.

Then at this moment.

When Zhang Chen told a lot of secrets.

In fact, he has already believed five or six points.

And that's not enough!

"Why?! Tell me why!"

From Xiao Han's words, it can be seen that he has subconsciously accepted the setting that Zhang Chen is his real father.

Zhang Chen turned his back to Xiao Han, the corners of his mouth raised.

But his voice was still cold.

"Adults, children don't need to worry about it!"

"I'm an adult and not a child! Why can't I control it?!"

Xiao Han was very unconvinced!

But the tone is more weakened, like a child who is eager to prove to his father that he has grown up.

"Don't let me and your mother work so hard to win you the chance to be an ordinary person!"

Zhang Chen's tone was beyond doubt.

very tough.

Just like a real strict father!


"No, but! Throw away your belongings, destroy them! And leave Demon Slayer!"

Zhang Chen said firmly, "Go back and be an ordinary person, so that you can survive!"

"Your mother, I will find a way to help her resurrect!"


Fourth more

There are still 2 chapters tonight, and today’s impact is [-] words. Update [-].

Chapter 162

Every word Zhang Chen said.

They are all trying to induce Xiao Han to enter the game.

Tough face from the very beginning.

But then Xiao Han was beaten up and trampled under his feet.

Then there is a strict father's style of hating iron but not steel.

everything done.

It is all invisibly making Xiao Han unconsciously believe that Zhang Chen is his real father.

just now!

It also released a heavy secret!

"You! What did you say?!"

Xiao Han was stunned!

Then his face flushed with excitement!

He felt unreal, but he couldn't suppress the longing and anticipation in his heart.

"Dad! What did you just say? Resurrect my mother? Really?!"


Changed it!

Zhang Chen turned his back to Xiao Han, trying not to let himself laugh.

It's not easy.

Recognize the son of luck as a son and let him call him father.


It doesn't feel bad.

"What? Now believe that I am your father?"

Zhang Chen sneered on purpose, and his tone was also slightly softened on purpose.

Xiao Han's expression was a little embarrassed, and he smiled embarrassingly.

To be honest, he still has doubts in his heart, and many doubts have not been eliminated.

But that's how people are.

If you don't believe in beating to death, you won't believe it. It's hard to open your heart defense.

But if once it is opened, believe the part of it.

Then you will naturally persuade yourself and make up your own mind.

Xiao Han is like this now.

The key point is that there are too many important secrets given by Zhang Chen!

Many secrets that outsiders don't know come from Zhang Chen's mouth.

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