what does this mean?

"He, is he really my dad?"

"But how is it possible? His parents died ten years ago, how could he still be alive?"

"And he looks about my age!"

This is the suspicion in Xiao Han's heart.

But I have to say that Zhang Chen's performance is too perfect.

It was so perfect that Xiao Han had to believe it.

Xiao Han suppressed the doubts in his heart, and then asked tentatively: "Dad, what's going on?"

One has two.

There are only zero and countless times for many things.

Xiao Han revealed that he temporarily accepted Zhang Chen's indoctrination that the two were father and son.

"You, you just said that you want to resurrect my mother?"

"Is she still alive?"

"No, resurrection? Is there any way to bring her back to life?"

Xiao Han is very concerned.

His parents are the last guarantee of conscience and kindness in Xiao Han's heart.

It is also a knot in his heart that he cannot untie.

Zhang Chen sneered, "You don't need to worry about this matter!"


Xiao Han was not convinced, "She is also my mother! Aren't we a family?"

"And what's going on? You weren't back then, weren't you..."

Xiao Han didn't dare to speak, for fear of being beaten again.

But this is also a knot in his heart that he can't understand.

Zhang Chen didn't explain, but it was more useful than any explanation.

Concealment is far less convincing than enigmatic and appetizing.

and so.

"If it wasn't for you, a dishonest son of a bitch, who caused trouble, I wouldn't show up in your face at all!"

Zhang Chen said coldly: "Just treat me as dead and go back to be an ordinary person!"

"Always forget what happened back then, and don't take revenge!"

"Remember, be an ordinary person! This is what your mother and I have always wanted."

I will not answer you.

I'll let you guess.

I just play.

Zhang Chen didn't answer directly.

But it's more useful than any answer.

Xiao Han once again made up his mind.

It was even obvious that Zhang Chen's tone was very bad.

But to Xiao Han's ears, it was like a strict father expressing his concern for his children in his own way.

"No! I don't want to be an ordinary person!"

Xiao Han said loudly, "Why don't you let me help you?!"

"Aren't we a family? I want to contribute too!"

Step by step, Zhang Chen's plan has succeeded.

And at this time, even Xiao Han himself didn't realize it.

He has already believed it seven or eight points!

He has really put himself into the perspective of the man's son in front of him.

But Zhang Chen knew it was not enough.

"You contributed?"

With a sneer, "With your three-legged cat kung fu, it's better to go back and be an ordinary person."

"After finishing your college, find a job, get married and have children!"

It was obviously impossible for Xiao Han to agree, "I have strength now!"

"You saw it just now, I killed that person!"

"Kill that person? If it weren't for your mother's power left in the red rope on your wrist, do you think you could kill a level 8 overhaul ghost slayer?"

Zhang Chen's words left Xiao Han speechless.

It also made him more convinced that the man in front of him, even if it wasn't his father.

There must also be a close relationship with his parents.

"Leave Demon Slayer, that's a devil's lair that eats people and doesn't spit out bones! Leave early!"

Zhang Chen waved his hand, as if he had no interest in continuing to explain.

Then I looked at the side for a long time.

You Ruo, who always had an expression that looked like a smile but not a smile, disappeared.

Only Xiao Han was left in place.

Couldn't get back to God for a long time.


The impact is too big!

Just a few minutes..  

It seemed to subvert his cognition.

Let him start to doubt for the first time.

Looking at the empty amusement park.

Because the summoning banner has been destroyed.

The elder from the Nether Palace was also killed.

Countless lonely and wild ghosts who were attracted here finally dispersed.

Many ghosts are not actually ghosts.

Just wandering spirits.

At the same time, the ghosts and creatures in the amusement park gradually disappeared.

The whole paranormal case.

As of now, it is completely resolved.

Only Xiao Han.

The whole person stays in place.

Looking at the scene in front of him, he felt the burning pain on his face.

I can't calm down.

"Is he really my dad? Otherwise, why do you know so many secrets?"

Xiao Han is trying to convince himself.

Firstly, Zhang Chen revealed many secrets that only he knew.

Outsiders don't know at all.

The second is because.

The strength displayed by Zhang Chen and the woman beside him.

too scary.

This kind of person wants to kill himself, Xiao Han thinks he can't live.

"I must find out the truth! Definitely!"

In the end, he held his hand tightly, his eyes shining with determination.

"Whether you are my father or not, I will find out the truth!"

And soon.

After the ghosts dissipated.

Xiao Han also found that people outside had noticed.

And soon someone appeared in front of him.

"Xiao Han, are you okay?"

The first person to come over was Han Bai, with a worried expression on his face.

And Xiao Han shook his head, pulling the wound on his face to make him look a little ridiculous at 0.2.

"already solved."

This is not bragging, the culprit that caused the amusement park to become a ghost.

It was indeed his death.

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