"Solved? Xiao Li, Xiao Wang, you two, go and check nearby!"

Han Bai immediately commanded the staff.

Then they naturally saw the corpse on the ground.

Suddenly exclaimed.

"Team Han! Come and see!"

Xiao Han remained calm, he was still recalling what Zhang Chen said just now in his mind.

He looked at Han Bai and the others.

He thought he knew exactly where Demon Slayer was.

The reason why he entered the Demon Slayer Division was also because he wanted to be black under the lights.

Develop secretly.

But no matter what, in his impression.

Even if the Demon Slayer is not a model of morality, he is also an official yamen.

But Zhang Chen told him.

Is Demon Killing Division a demon lair that eats people without spitting out their bones?

"I'll find out the truth, soon!"


Fifth more.

Chapter 163

And this time.

There is also progress on the other side.

One of the Demon Killing Division members found out the identity of the corpse.

"Team Han! This person is an evil cultivator from the Nether Palace!"

This exclamation also aroused Xiao Han's attention.

He didn't show any expression, but pricked up his ears.

Han Bai looked at the corpse on the ground with a solemn expression, "Have you found out your identity?"

"It has been found, according to the results matched by our internal system."

The action team member of the Demon Killing Division swallowed, "This person is the old man Guitu!"


Han Bai turned pale with shock, "Ghost butcher old man?"

"Yes! The information matching result is displayed like this."

"How is this possible? Old Man Guitu is a level 8 overhaul! He is an elder in Nether Palace!"

Information revealed by several people inadvertently.

Let Xiao Han remember it immediately.

At this moment, he pretended to ask casually from the side.

"Brother Han, what Netherworld?"

"Xiao Han, this Netherworld is a group of heinous demons who do all kinds of bad things!"

Han Bai explained and gave a brief introduction.

"Anyway, today's matter is very serious! I didn't expect this group of evil cultivators from Nether Palace to do evil again in Jiangdong!"

Mention the Netherworld.

All the members of the Demon Killing Division showed expressions of hatred and nervousness.

It made Xiao Han's eyes flicker again and again.

After hearing what kind of organization the Nether Palace is.

He didn't feel disgusted at all, but instead became interested and had some ideas.

"The Netherworld! Evil cultivators! No wonder that old man was so powerful just now!"

Xiao Han thought quickly in his heart, "The evil cultivator of the Nether Palace appeared here, and the person who claimed to be my father just now is also here!"

"Is this a coincidence?"

If Zhang Chen knew that Xiao Han made up his own brain, he would definitely laugh until his stomach hurts.

He appears here.

What a coincidence!

But will he explain?

Xiao Han continued to make up his mind, "Does he have anything to do with the Nether Palace?"

The more you think about many things, the easier it is for people to associate them.

Just like Xiao Han is now.

He thought about it and was terrified.

Some of the secrets that Zhang Chen deliberately revealed were also related to the Nether Palace.

"Brother Han, how dare these people from the Nether Palace operate under the nose of our Demon Slayer?"

"They didn't dare to do it before, but for some reason recently, the group of people in the Nether Palace are becoming more and more active!"

Han Bai also had a headache, "It was the same before."


"That's right, you were still in Xiang County and didn't know."

Han Bai explained with a wry smile, "This is not the first time people from the Nether Palace have appeared in Jiangdong."

"Are they so courageous?"

Xiao Han pretended to be surprised.

"It's more than audacious, it doesn't take our Demon Slayer seriously!"

Han Bai's face turned livid, "The last time the three elders from Nether Palace appeared in Jiangdong."

"Although they were successfully killed in the end, an inspector also died on our side."

What is the identity of the inspector.

Xiao Han was very clear, and he also showed a shocked expression when he heard this.

"A patrol envoy died?"


"I don't know which inspector it is?"

"Yang Baoguo, Old Yang."

Han Bai didn't notice Xiao Han's expression either.

But after Xiao Han heard who the dead inspector was.

The eyeballs almost popped out.

the reason is simple!

Because in his memory, he was in the previous life before rebirth.

The person who killed him was none other than an inspector of the Demon Slayer Division!

And that inspector is called Yang Baoguo!

"Brother Han, do you have a photo of this inspector?"

"what happened?"

"I just want to pay my respects to the face of the inspector who died."

Han Bai didn't care, so he showed Xiao Han a photo.

The Department of Slaying Demons is a yamen, and the information and materials of its members can be found.

When Xiao Han saw that photo.

His shoulders trembled, and he gasped.

"Xiao Han?"

"It's okay, I just think it's a pity."

The corner of Xiao Han's mouth twitched, but there was a terrifying wave in his heart.

He recognized Yang Baoguo as the one who killed him in the previous life.

But now it's dead?

"Is this also the butterfly effect caused by my rebirth?"

A lot of things have really changed.

Xiao Han suddenly became confused.


Yang Baoguo was originally a member of Xiao Han's must-kill list.

Now he died prematurely?

That's why he said it was a pity.

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