It's a pity that he didn't die in his hands.

But Han Bai mistakenly thought that Xiao Han meant that Yang Baoguo died in battle, and it would be a pity that the Demon Killing Division lost a general.

"Isn't that right, Mr. Yang is a nice person, alas!"

Xiao Han sneered in his heart, but nodded perfunctorily on the surface.

He faintly felt it.

The man who just claimed to be his father appeared in the amusement park.

It is definitely not a coincidence or accident.

"There must be some connection with the Nether Palace! I will definitely find out the truth!"

"Don't let me take care of it? I want to take care of it!"

At the same time, Xiao Han had another question in his heart, which made him puzzled.

"In the last life, until I was found and captured by the people from the Demon Slayer Division!"

"No one rescued me, why?"

Xiao Han frowned, puzzled.

If not for this question.

In fact, he already believed that Zhang Chen was his biological father.

"He said he plans to resurrect my mother, is it because of this incident?"

Xiao Han desperately began to recall.

In his last life, what details did he ignore?

But he found out.

In the previous life, I didn't care about the outside world at all.

Just live as an ordinary person.

Even if the blood moon comes for the second time, the world's terror recovery will begin.

Jiangdong City is also well protected by the Demon Slayer Division and the Chinese court.

Most ordinary people can still live in peace.

"Damn it, I didn't have much contact with it before, there must be hidden secrets in it that I don't know!"

But at this time Xiao Han did not reveal his inner thoughts.

Another thing today.

He also needs to find a reason.

After all, a level 8 overhaul died here.

How long has Xiao Han been a ghost hunter?

Surely it will arouse suspicion.

He still has to think about how to pass this level smoothly.


At noon, I was pestered by You Ruo and started a round of the top of the canyon.

Just finished taking a break.

Zhang Chen received a call from Han Bai.

"Young Master Zhang, according to your instructions, we made a simple question to Xiao Han."


There is no explanation and no explanation is needed.

Han Bai dared not go against Zhang Chen's meaning.

Even if he still has some doubts in his heart.

But he knew that some questions were beyond his ability to ask.

such as.

What is the value of Xiao Han?

Is it worth Zhang Chen's arrangement?

In addition, the elder of the Nether Palace who was killed in the amusement park this morning.

933 is also full of doubts.

Level 8 overhaul, it's not a roadside guy.

How can you say that you will die?

So after hearing that the phone was hung up.

Han Bai smiled wryly, "It seems that Old Man Guitu was also killed by Young Master Zhang?"

This time he obviously guessed wrong.

But guessing right and guessing wrong doesn't make sense at all.

As for Zhang Chen.

After hanging up the phone.

Looking at the beautiful face with a meaningful smile close at hand.

"He died a good subordinate."

You Ruo smiled and said, "What's so special about that little guy in the morning?"

"Can you spend so much thought?"

As the master of the Nether Palace, he actually doesn't care whether the people under his hands die or not.

Even as long as she's happy.

The men who killed with her own hands can't even remember herself.

You Ruo is more interested in Zhang Chen's reason for doing so.

"You won't tell me that man is really your son?"

"Yeah, what's the matter? Don't you have the confidence to be a good stepmother?"


Zhang Chen smiled and said nothing, then raised the corners of his mouth.

"He is a very useful pawn to me!"

Killing Xiao Han is easy, but there are some things.

Zhang Chen couldn't get it by himself.

But Xiao Han can help him get the things!

And a short conversation in the amusement park in the morning.

Zhang Chen has already dug a hole for Xiao Han.

"Now, I'm just waiting for him to come to my door and ask to be my pawn."



Almost [-] words exploded!

Thank you book friend '111' for rewarding 100 points

Ask for flowers!Ask for a monthly pass!Ask for a review ticket! .

Chapter 164

Zhang Chen always has his own purpose in doing things.

Is he just trying to take advantage of Xiao Han?


of course not!

The existence of the son of luck itself, in addition to the various daughters of luck that come with it.

More are some plots derived from the son of luck.

"There are only two daughters of luck in the second main line."

"I've got it all now!"

"Originally, this Xiao Han was useless, but now it seems to be very useful!"

Zhang Chen's purpose is very simple.

The two daughters of luck in the second main line, the wedding dress female ghost and Xia Ruyun, have already been won.

Xiao Han's only role is to lead out his mother.

That is to collect all one hundred and eight blood crystals!

"The rest of the scattered blood crystals can be collected by people from the Nether Palace."

Zhang Chen had already calculated in his heart.

In the original plot.

Netherworld Palace found almost all the scattered blood crystals.

And really colluded with Xiao Han secretly for a while.

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