"The devil?"

"Why didn't the patrol house arrest him?"

"The school leaders should expel him! It's too dangerous to let this kind of person stay with us!"

"I heard that those people in the video are all from the same dormitory as Xiao Han, so pitiful!"

"Desperate, killing people and keeping others by your side as ghosts?"

"Didn't it mean that the boys' dormitory of the school is haunted by ghosts this time, and someone who saw the (cdac) ghost's appearance was the people in Xiao Han's dormitory?"

In the angry and fearful eyes of everyone.

Xiao Han's face was ugly.

He heard people around him scolding him.

There are all kinds of scolding.

What nightmares, beasts, scum.

several times.

Xiao Han almost couldn't hold back, the veins on his forehead bulged.

But in the end he still held back and didn't hit people.

"I can't do it, or I'll really jump into the Yellow River and I won't be able to wash it off!"

And this time.

The department leaders and Xiao Han's professional counselor also heard the news.

Came over quickly.

"Xiao Han!"

When the counselor saw Xiao Han, there was also a trace of fear and fear in his eyes.

Including those school leaders.

Xiao Han could see it.

"Where have you been running these two days?!"

But on the surface.

The counselor still stepped forward, seemingly concerned.

But Xiao Han saw the clue from the attitude of the other party.

He didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out his certificate.

"I understand the things inside, and I will deal with the specifics myself."

"Don't ask me why, I'm too lazy to explain! If I'm really a murderer, the police would have arrested me long ago!"

Two sentences.

Xiao Han temporarily shut up the school leaders and counselors.

In addition, they also looked at the documents in Xiao Han's hand, half-believing.

"Can you really solve it?"

"If I can't solve it, are you counting on those monks?"

Xiao Han smiled, since the matter was serious.

He didn't want to argue too much.

And he also knew in his heart that as long as he was a member of the Demon Slayer Division.

This kind of problem is quickly suppressed.

At most, he will not be able to continue to stay at Jiangdong University to complete his studies in the future.

Anyway, he didn't want to stay in school anymore.

Facing Xiao Han's unceremonious and cold attitude.

The faces of several school leaders were not very good-looking.

Even the counselors are angry.


Now that Xiao Han thinks that he is not what he used to be, he still puts the school leaders and little counselors in his eyes?

"Misunderstanding is misunderstanding, but it's just a group of mortals!"

This is Xiao Han's true inner thoughts.

In his opinion.

The irreversible resurgence of terror will come to this society.

Inherent classes will be completely broken and reorganized.

And a ghost slayer like him will become a special class in the society of the new order.

"At that time, I will make them cry and beg me for the people who are cursing me and cursing me now!"

Xiao Han's personality has changed unconsciously.

But he didn't notice it himself.


Xiao Han was under countless eyes.

Just walked in.


"It's you!"

Looking at the figure in the dormitory, sitting there quietly waiting for him to appear.

Xiao Han felt a little unreal.

But then came the surprise.


Before Xiao Han could speak, he heard a cold scolding.

He opened his mouth directly, but he couldn't even utter a word.

Probably thinking of what happened two days ago.

Xiao Han shut up and closed his mouth.

"Look at the asshole you did!"

In this already sealed dormitory building.

The person waiting for Xiao Han is not someone else.

It was Zhang Chen.

Moreover, when they met, they would cover their heads and cover their faces, and Xiao Han who scolded him did not dare to speak out at all.

In terms of momentum, he was completely overwhelmed.

no way.

Xiao Han has already believed in seven or eight points in his heart.

So I dare not talk back at all.

It is only natural for Lao Tzu to scold his son.

"Dad, it was an accident!"


Now Xiao Han speaks so naturally, without any awkwardness at all.

Zhang Chen sneered in his heart, but his face was cold on the surface.

"Accident? Just your one accident, wasting all the hard work of your mother and me!"

Zhang Chen couldn't help Xiao Han's rebuttal, "Are you satisfied now? You want to go back to being an ordinary person, but you have no chance!"


He directly threw a mobile phone in front of Xiao Han.

Xiao Han opened it and took a look.

Inside is a video.

He recognized that it was a well-known video platform.

He used to browse often, but since he was reborn, he has not had that kind of leisure.

Wait till you finish watching the video.

Xiao Han's face turned green.

"This this……"

He didn't expect that there were other people in the Chunnuan community that day!

The key is to take pictures of many misleading scenes.

Xiao Han is not stupid. When he saw the video, he immediately understood why those people in the school treated him like this.

At this time, no one would believe him even if he said something out of his mouth.

In addition, Xiao Han also saw three friends in his dormitory.

Now each of them is suppressed by a Taoist talisman and cannot move on the ground.

Don't ask.

He guessed that Zhang Chen must have done it before he came.

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