"The trouble you caused yourself, deal with it yourself."

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, he waved his hand casually.

The dao talismans attached to the three ghosts shattered at the same time.

Without the suppression of the Dao Talisman, the three ghosts immediately showed grim expressions.

Xiao Han didn't hesitate.

Send three friends off in person for the last time.

In the end, he himself spat out a mouthful of blood on the spot.

He stretched out his hand to cover his chest with a pained expression.

Zhang Chen saw everything in his eyes.

This is also the first time he has seen the fate of the son of luck due to the decline of luck.

to be frank.

So cool.

"It is impossible for me to go back to be an ordinary person!"

Xiao Han raised his head, gritted his teeth and said every word.

"Give me a chance to prove myself!"

Zhang Chen didn't answer.

Just looked down at Xiao Han from above.

Finally asked: "No regrets?"

Xiao Han nodded fiercely.

"No regrets!"


TodayChapter 2.

Chapter 166

What you've been waiting for!

Zhang Chen sneered in his heart.

On the surface, he maintained that mysterious and indifferent face.

Even after Xiao Han asked and nodded.

Zhang Chen still didn't let go immediately.

Instead, she looked at him so condescendingly.

His eyes were full of scrutiny, and deliberately mixed with a little hesitation.

It makes people feel that Zhang Chen's heart is at the intersection of heaven and man at this moment.

Xiao Han really misunderstood that much.

He looked at Zhang Chen, his eyes were very firm and sincere.

"I won't regret it!"

"This road is full of countless dangers."

Zhang Chen frowned, - his voice was still cold.

But this indifference.

To Xiao Han, it feels more like the concern of elders for their nephews.

So he believed in the person in front of him even more.

It's his father!

Although, he still couldn't understand why he was so young.

But apart from his parents, who would know those secrets back then?

And I also want to be as huge as the Demon Slayer.

The official yamen against?

Resurrect his mother?

"I was too suspicious before. No one in the world cares about me except my parents!"

This is the son of luck.

In the eyes of the son of luck, there is no friendship or love with Ben.

Or should I say.

Most of the children of luck, because the creators themselves have limited abilities.

Causes their personality to be congenitally flawed.


In the eyes of the son of luck, friendship is just a kind of etiquette and use.

And love is even simpler.

The so-called love at first sight, ninety-nine out of ten are love at first sight.

Zhang Chen continued to keep a cold face.

"You may even face death!"

It seems to use this method to scare Xiao Han away.

But after Xiao Han heard about it.

He laughed.

The smile is very confident and firm!

"I'm not afraid!"

"Isn't it just death? I'm really not afraid!"

After finishing speaking, I was still thinking in my heart, I have already died once.

What are you afraid of?

Zhang Chen guessed that Xiao Han would answer like this.

He can even accurately grasp all Xiao Han's thoughts and thinking.

As the author who created Xiao Han's characters.

Zhang Chen's control over Xiao Han is far beyond imagination.

Plus step by step calculation, step by step induction!

In the end, Xiao Han was unconscious.

Stepped into a trap without knowing it.

Zhang Chen deliberately showed more hesitation on his face.

He even frowned, "Even let you face criticism and be misunderstood by the world?"

This sentence is exported.

It made Xiao Han think of his situation.

At school, those people had already developed opinions on him.

All kinds of pointing and cursing behind their backs.

I also thought of the look in the eyes of school leaders, students and other groups when I just returned to school.

Xiao Han smiled, a little sadly.

"It doesn't matter, they and I are not from the same world!"

This is the truest thought in his heart right now.

The former Xiao Han.

It is true that there is still some nostalgia for the lives of ordinary people.

but now.

He looked away.

In other words, there is no way out.

Xiao Han would never think of it.

The chief culprit that caused him to live like a rat on the street, who was criticized by everyone.

Stand right in front of him.

"Let me ask you one last question, have you really decided to take this path?!"

Zhang Chen raised his voice, and his tone became extremely serious.

"Remember! Now you still have a chance to regret it!"

"Now, turn around and leave here, and don't ask anything from now on!"

"Including your life experience, everything, completely forget!"

"Never mention everything that happened ten years ago, start anew!"

"If you want to be an ordinary person back, I can help you."

One sound.

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