sentence by sentence.

Zhang Chen fully integrated a strict father and a loving father into one.

No one can see it.

It is impossible to suspect that Zhang Chen wants to murder Xiao Han.

Isn't this a kind and strict elder?

Xiao Han decided so.

"No! I can't go back!"

His voice was strong and firm.

There was a flame in his eyes, which was anticipation.

"Instead of going back to be an ordinary person doing nothing, I'd rather resurrect my mother with you!"

Xiao Han thought in his heart.

Just go back and be a normal person?

Totally impossible!

If he didn't die once, he didn't come back again.

Then maybe he felt he would hesitate.

Will hesitate!

In the end, there is a high probability that he will choose to go back to being an ordinary person.

Human nature is timid, even Xiao Han is the son of luck.

After the luck has been weakened so much.

The ugly and weak side of human nature deep inside.

Started to look up gradually.

and so!

Xiao Han looked up, extremely firm!

"Let me be with you!"

Zhang Chen remained silent, and even turned around with his hands behind his back.

It seems to be in hesitation and entanglement.

This kind of reaction convinced Xiao Han even more.

"Dad, although I don't know what happened to you, what happened to you in the past ten years."

···Seeking flowers 0··

Xiao Han said very sincerely, "But I am your son, we father and son can join hands!"

"Resurrection mother, even revenge for what happened back then!"

"And I'm in the Demon Slayer Division now, they don't know my identity at all."

"It's totally possible to cooperate with you inside and out!"

It has to be said that the son of luck is in a special plot.

My brain is still working fine.

Just like it is now.

Xiao Han didn't get excited for a while, obviously he already had a preliminary plan!

But he would never have thought that all of this was guided step by step by Zhang Chen.

Let him think in this direction.

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth raised slightly, but his voice was still so indifferent.

"If you go back and choose to be an ordinary person, I can make you a billionaire."

"There will be a better life."



Superior living!

These were once Xiao Han's most dreamed goals.


This is the life everyone dreams of.

But Xiao Han knew that he didn't even bother with that kind of life now.

"I don't need it! As long as I can resurrect my mother and reunite our family, no matter how dangerous it is, I'm willing!"

Let's talk about this.

Zhang Chen knew it was enough.

No need to continue booting.

So he deliberately sighed.

It was like being moved by Xiao Han's firmness and sincerity.

Finally turned around.

There was also a slightly softer expression on his face.

"Hopefully, you won't regret the decision you made today in the future."

Zhang Chen's tone was a little helpless.

Xiao Han finally got excited.

"You agreed?"


What I am waiting for is you throwing yourself into the trap, how could you not agree?

But on the surface, Zhang Chen still nodded slightly.

"But this road is very difficult! Very dangerous!"

"I'm not afraid!"

Xiao Han shook his head, and then asked: "Before you said you wanted to find a way to revive your mother, what happened?"

Finally, the topic was brought to the point.

Zhang Chen has been waiting for Xiao Han to take the initiative to ask.

He took the initiative to ask and mentioned it to Zhang Chen.

It seems similar, but the gap will directly affect the follow-up plan.

like now.

Xiao Han took the initiative to inquire, which means that he himself wants to participate in this plan.

Even if there are some accidents in the middle, it is unlikely to be suspicious and make mistakes.

So Zhang Chen has been guiding.

The purpose is to let Xiao Han take the initiative to enter the set.

"Your mother, you are not actually dead."


Today is the third and the second.

Chapter 167

Zhang Chen let out a long sigh.

Xiao Han's expression was extremely shocked after hearing this.

Although he was in the amusement park before, he heard those few words.

I vaguely guessed the result in my heart.

But he still couldn't believe it.

"You, you say she's not dead? Really? Is it true?"

In Xiao Han's memory, the memory of his parents is not particularly strong.

First, he was still young.

Then there is the issue of setting.

Don't ask why, Zhang Chen himself has forgotten why he set it up like this in the first place.

"Yes, your mother is not dead yet, but the situation is a little special."

Zhang Chen nodded, "In the past ten years, I have spent countless methods and costs, and finally found some clues."

Open your mouth and come, your face is not red, and your heart is not beating.

No one knows anyway.

Xiao Han was stunned for a moment.

He was even brought in by Zhang Chen's contagious voice.

"Come on, what's going on?"

"Your mother's identity, do you know?"

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