Zhang Chen knew that Xiao Han knew it, but he just pretended not to know.

After all, normally speaking, Xiao Han doesn't know his life experience at all.

And the reason why he knows.

It was also caused by dying once and being reborn.

as predicted.

Xiao Han obviously hesitated for a while, but finally nodded.

"I know."

Then, as if to cover up the secret of his rebirth, he quickly explained.

"A mysterious person told me about my life experience before."

The so-called mysterious man was created out of nothing.

But Xiao Han can only find an excuse, otherwise it is difficult to explain.

Rebirth is his greatest secret.

"Mystery man?"

Zhang Chen sneered in his heart, but frowned slightly.

"Yes, I don't know who he is, but the other party told me a lot of secrets.",

Xiao Han continued to lie.

Zhang Chen didn't pursue it, but nodded and said: "I will investigate this matter secretly!"

"Since you know what happened back then, you should be able to understand some secrets."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Chen roughly told Xiao Han the secret about the blood crystal.

Of course he has reservations.

It also didn't say how many blood crystals there were.

He didn't even tell Xiao Han that the blood crystals were formed from the blood essence after his mother's death.

Just tell him.

As long as you find those blood crystals, you can find a way to cast spells.

resurrected his mother.

In this regard.

Xiao Han believed it seven or eight points!

The reason why I didn't believe it all.

Or because the intuition in his heart kept reminding him.

"As long as you find those, can you bring your mother back to life?"

Xiao Han was very excited.

After all, I believed it seven or eight points.

Zhang Chen nodded, "I dare not say absolutely, but based on the clues I have investigated over the years!"

"Devil Killer hid those things, but very few people really know the reason!"

I won't tell you directly, but I want you to think about it.


After Xiao Han listened, his eyes lit up immediately.

"You're right, that group of damn Hun Dan of the Demon Slayer must not be spending so much trouble on trivial things!"

If it is said that Xiao Han believed seven or eight points in his heart before.

Well now.

He has believed nine points!

The last point of doubt was caused by a suspicious nature.

"So this trip is extremely dangerous!"

Zhang Chen emphasized again, as if to make Xiao Han retreat.

But because of this attitude.

Xiao Han's determination was further strengthened.

"I'm not afraid! And I'm inside the Demon Slayer right now, so I have every chance to inquire about the news!"

"Wouldn't it be more beneficial for your plan when our father and son join forces?"

Xiao Han showed a confident expression.

Whether it's inflated or overly conceited.

This kind of reaction and attitude was exactly what Zhang Chen wanted to see.

"Be careful in everything, safety is the priority in everything, don't force it!"

Zhang Chen's tone was very concerned.

It moved Xiao Han even more.

He nodded fiercely, "Don't worry, I know it well!"

It can be said.

to now.

It's definitely a father's kindness and son's filial piety. It's a good show where father and son reunite after ten years.

Zhang Chen burst into laughter in his heart.

But on the surface, he still maintained that serious expression.

And this time.

Xiao Han seemed to have thought of something.

Suddenly asked: "Dad, that woman who was by your side in the amusement park that day?"

"who is she?"

After all, there are still some doubts.

The key point is that Xiao Han can't forget the beautiful woman back then.


There are very few saints who are not close to women in the children of luck.

Even because of his strength, outstanding talent and excellent appearance.

Desires are stronger than many ordinary people.

like now.

Xiao Han asked boldly.

There was a trace of coldness in Zhang Chen's eyes.

Can't he see Xiao Han's thoughts?

"When death is imminent, I still miss women."

Zhang Chen sneered in his heart, but he still explained on the surface.

"She is the eldest lady of the Nether Palace."

"What? Netherworld?!"

Xiao Han turned pale with fright, after all, he had learned what the Nether Mansion was these two days.

Although it was suspected before, it was not confirmed in the end.

"Sure enough! Didn't you appear there by accident that day?"

Who said the son of luck is stupid?

Smart, but still not as good as Zhang Chen standing in a higher dimension.

So it was doomed to be led by the nose by Zhang Chen.

"Since you mentioned it, I won't hide it from you."

Zhang Chen nodded, "In these years, in order to resurrect your mother, my power alone is limited."

"So a few years ago, I teamed up with the Netherworld..."

Xiao Han took a deep breath, he thought about this possibility.

But I didn't expect it to be so.

Then he was relieved, "I can understand your difficulties, and the orthodox organization that advertises the way of exterminating demons and defending the way of evil is no better than the Nether Palace!"

Children of Destiny are usually not the same as the Righteous Path Organization.

Coupled with Zhang Chen's intentional guidance, various hints were given.

It is logical that Xiao Han agrees.

"But those people in the Nether Palace won't help us for no reason?"

Xiao Han then asked again.

Zhang Chen nodded, "Of course not!"

"There are conditions for them to make a move."

"What conditions?"

"After I resurrect your mother, your mother must join the Nether Palace!"

Xiao Han cursed as soon as he heard it.

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