And Xiao Han also nodded, "Okay!"

"Remember, I'm not your father! From the moment you leave here, remember this sentence firmly!"

Zhang Chen deliberately emphasized it before Xiao Han left.

Do the opposite.

Especially the tone and eyes, very serious.

very concerned.

Xiao Han is not stupid, so he immediately understood.

"I, I understand!"


Xiao Han understood Zhang Chen's meaning, "You are worried that people will know about our relationship."

"Ruzi can be taught."

Zhang Chen didn't speak, but his eyes said everything.

Xiao Han also turned and left.

But in his heart, he firmly believed that Zhang Chen was his father.

Because only in this way can it be explained.

Tell him so many secrets.

Everywhere reveals the concern and worry for him.

There is also the secret of resurrecting his mother that cannot be known.

"So I'm not an orphan! I still have parents!"

Xiao Han felt as if he had found support in his heart.

That feeling made him feel comfortable all over.

Didn't know that Zhang Chen was after he left.

A sinister smile finally appeared on his expression.

There was even a beautiful woman in Hanfu beside him.

"Husband, he is so stupid."

The female ghost in wedding dress is talking more and more mischievously now.

It was probably caused by Zhang Chen.

It turned out that the female ghost in the wedding dress was at the scene just now.

But Xiao Han didn't notice it at all.

The power gap is too great.

And that was also Zhang Chen's attempt.

I deliberately wanted to see if Xiao Han could detect the existence of the ghost king level.

As a result.

Xiao Han didn't notice anything.

"It's better to be silly. After all, there is no other man in the world who is as good as your husband."

Zhang Chen smiled and hugged the wedding gown ghost.

Also very proud.

"Husband, the best."

Soft and gentle voice.

Hearing this, Zhang Chen's bones were all crisp.

Why did he bring the female ghost in the wedding dress instead of others?

The Lord of the Nether Palace left after charging.

After all, such a huge Nether Palace needs her to control it.

And help Zhang Chen find the blood crystals scattered all over the place.

As for Xia Ruyun and Xing Lingyun, they are both too individual.

In case the former is discovered, it is because Xia Ruyun can be found at Jiangdong University as a professor of the art department.

Although the latter also listened to Zhang Chen's words, it was clear that Xing Lingyun's character didn't like this kind of conspiracy.

Ye Yiyi's little girl's strength was a little bit worse.

In the end, it is natural that the female ghost in wedding dress is the most suitable.

The most obedient, obedient and powerful.

Zhang Chen likes it more and more now.

"Ru Yan, you haven't experienced university life in modern society, have you?"

Think about it.

Zhang Chen had an idea.

The female ghost in the wedding dress was a lady in ancient times.

He is proficient in painting and calligraphy.

Absolutely talented.

Therefore, in an institution of higher learning like Jiangdong University.

Come to the top of the canyon with her in a double row.

That must have a different taste.

"Well, listen to your husband."

really obedient!

With a wife like this, what can a husband ask for!


Jiangdong University was haunted for two consecutive days.

A dozen students died.

Things were buzzing.

And this time.

More rumors spread quickly.

When Xiao Han came out of the dormitory building.

You can see a lot of people gathered outside.

In addition to the 937 personnel specially arranged by the patrol room to be in charge of surrounding and controlling the scene.

It was densely packed, and many teachers and students were watching the excitement from a distance.

After seeing Xiao Han coming out of it.

Someone who knew him has already exclaimed directly.

"It's really Xiao Han!"

"Is it really him?"

"He came out of it, is he all right?"

"I'm sure it's all right, isn't this nonsense? Didn't you watch the video on the Internet? They are doing something evil!"

"That's right! I've been paying attention to that Internet celebrity before, every day I rush...cough cough!"

"Anyway, that video was picked up by a master, so it's definitely not a composite video."

"Doesn't that mean it's all true?"

Countless teachers and students are whispering.

I saw Xiao Han coming out.

Many people retreat subconsciously.

Including some school teachers.

In short, they looked at Xiao Han's eyes.

It's like looking at a monster.

Filled with fear, disgust, and spurn.

"Why can't he be arrested?"

"That's right, this kind of murderer! What is the patrol room doing?"

"Expel him! It's a disgrace that such a devil appeared in our school!"

Xiao Han heard those discussions clearly.

He clenched his fists tightly.

He might have wanted to justify himself before.

but now.

He could only sneer in his heart, "A group of ignorant mortals, now you scold them!"

"The more you scold, the more you will cry in the future!"

"When the blood moon comes for the second time, when the ghosts and monsters are rampant, you will cry!"


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