The fifth update today! .

Chapter 169

Xiao Han came directly to the school leaders.

He said coldly: "The matter has been resolved."


"Believe it or not."

This attitude made several school leaders feel angry.

But think of those rumors about Xiao Han on the Internet.

And dare not attack.

Seeing their reflection in his eyes, Xiao Han smiled on the surface.

"In addition, the rumors in the school, I hope they will subside as soon as possible."

Xiao Han said it politely, but that meaning was more like an order.

"Xiao Han, why did you talk to the dean?!"

The counselor couldn't see it and wanted to say something.

But Xiao Han gave him a cold look, "I'm just making a suggestion, you decide whether to do it or not."

"Of course, if those remarks are not silenced, I will not be responsible for any consequences."

Is this more than a reminder?

It was simply a threat.

"If you don't believe my words, you can call the Emergency Management Department in person to inquire about the relevant confidentiality agreement."

Xiao Han's way of pulling the banner is quite skillful.

After speaking, he left the school directly.

Now school is for him.

It's not very attractive anymore.

After all, even the only three friends who can talk.

They were all killed by him.

Coupled with Xiao Han's arrogance, he considers himself a reborn person.

And demon blood.

So many people in school hate him, so naturally he won't go back.


imperial capital.

Headquarters of the Demon Killing Division.

As the official yamen established by the Huaxia Kingdom to deal with the resurgence of terror.

The status of Demon Slayer is quite special.

Independent and privileged.

It is different from the relatively low-key branches of the Demon Slayer Division in various places.

The headquarters office building of the Demon Killing Division is located in the most prosperous part of the imperial capital.

It also bears the name of the Emergency Management Department.

And this time.

inside the building.

In a huge meeting room.

There were a dozen people sitting around it.

It can be seen from their aura.

Must be positioned high weight.

And in front of them.

Someone was sitting there upright.

Respectful attitude.

"Old Wei, your identity as inspector is not a problem, but you made another request before."

This meeting room.

Almost all of them are high-level executives at the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division.

Randomly stomp one foot.

The country of Huaxia will tremble three times.

One of the old men spoke, with gray beard and hair.

He looked benevolent, but he said helplessly, "It's hard to handle`¨."

"It's really out of order."

The other one also nodded.

"Rules are dead, people are alive."

The person sitting over there is none other than Director Wei.

This time he returned to the imperial capital.

One is to break through his strength and come back to fight for the benefits he didn't get back then.

Secondly, there are other purposes.

"It's true, but you proposed that it is really difficult for an outsider to be granted the status of inspector envoy."

It was the old man who spoke at the beginning.

His identity is the deputy director general of the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division.

It can be said.

Except for the mysterious chief executive and Yama of the Ten Temples.

Even if a level 9 inspector sees him, he must be polite.

Even they know it.

This old man who is nearly a hundred years old is himself a level 9 overhaul!

"It is true that there is no precedent, but in my opinion, Old Wei's proposal is not impossible."

conference room.

The one who was silent just now suddenly spoke out.

Everyone looked at it without questioning it.

As if waiting for him to explain.

This person was also prepared, and said: "Since the Zhang family's kid is a ghost slayer, giving him an identity is not a violation of the rules."

"Directly give the inspector status? This is not a small problem!"

"If you can really control the ghost king, why not give it to him?"


a time.

A dozen people in the conference room.

Different expressions.

Some are in favor, some are hesitant, and some are against.

But those who opposed it were in the minority.

Director Wei said at this moment, "Zhang Chen made several shots at critical junctures, and helped our Demon Slayer Division a lot."

"In addition, the activities of the Nether Palace are becoming more and more frequent, in my opinion, at this critical time!"

"Are we really going to exclude him for that insignificant rule?"

Just two sentences.

Let the only three people in the conference room who are still opposing be silent.

"Old Wei is right. We don't win over this kind of person. It will be a loss if we are drawn in by people from the Nether Palace!"

"But even if you want to win over, is it too high to directly give the inspector status?"

Director Wei sneered upon hearing this, "High? For a ghost slayer who can control the ghost king, this is the most basic sincerity!"

"Chief inspector, you great inspectors, you should be able to think of it without me explaining it!"

"The people of the Nether Palace will not really have a death feud with Zhang Chen because he killed three of their elders!"

"On the contrary, they will do everything possible to win over such a strong man!"

said here.

Director Wei continued to sneer, "At that time, Lord Chief Inspector, I want to ask."

"How should we respond?"

how to respond?

At first the old man was speechless.

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