Instead, after pondering for a moment, he said, "Do you want to get those things from Demon Slayer?"

As one of the former ten temples of Yama.

Xing Lingyun knows many secrets, and naturally knows that Xiao Han's mother is not dead.

"It's too difficult!"

She shook her head, "After successfully killing that person, it was to prevent her from resurrecting."

"Devil Killer sealed part of it."

Zhang Chen nodded, "I know."

"Even I don't know where it's hidden. It's too difficult for you to find it."

Xing Lingyun did not object to Zhang Chen's plan.

He just shook his head, "And even if you find where it's sealed, it's unrealistic to quietly take it away."

"Based on what I know about the people in the Demon Slayer Division, there will be at least one Yan Luo in charge of that place."

"There are no less than three big inspectors staying behind."

One simple sentence.

So many secrets were revealed.

A Yama sits in charge!

The three inspectors stay behind!

This means that there is a peerless powerhouse above level 9.

There are also three level 9 overhauls.

A total of four top powerhouses are guarding.

Such a lineup.

Want to get things out.

is it possible?

Xing Lingyun's voice was very soft, and she also showed concern, "I know you have an unusual status, but they will give you face for other things."

"But that thing, even if your grandpa comes forward, they won't let it go."

Don't these Zhang Chen know?

Do not!

He is very clear.

And the sealed place that Xing Lingyun didn't even know about.

Zhang Chen is equally clear.

Including that he knows the place.

It's not guarded by a statue of Yan Luo and three big inspectors at all.

It's two Yan Luo statues and five inspectors!

Almost doubled!

With such exaggerated protection measures, it can be seen how much Zhan Mosi attaches great importance to Xiao Han's mother.

"After all, it is theoretically the only existence that can break through the limit and become a legendary Hanba."

Zhang Chen sighed in his heart.

Nightmare level is exaggerated enough.

If it is legendary.

At least in Zhang Chen's understanding.

The power level of the horror recovery plane cannot be dealt with.

"At least it is equivalent to the Golden Core Realm of the Cultivation Plane?"

The plane of horror recovery and the plane of cultivating immortals.

Differs greatly.

So this is why the Demon Slayer Division attaches so much importance to it.

Once Xiao Han's mother was resurrected, she successfully broke through.

Then it would mean the complete annihilation of Demon Slayer Division.

Huaxia Kingdom will also be rampantly ravaged by such a monster.

At least that's what the group of Demon Slayers think.

"I don't need to show up."

Zhang Chen smiled lightly.

Let Xing Lingyun be a little surprised.

Then Bingxue was as smart as her.

Immediately understood.

"Xiao Han?"

"As the Son of Man, this is his destiny, isn't it?"

Zhang Chen smiled insidiously and meanly.

So why did he show up?

Xiao Han is the most suitable (cdac) to do it.

All he had to do was to convince Xiao Han that he could help him revive his mother.

wait until then.

Zhang Chen just sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

How easy is it?

How comfortable?

As for Xiao Han, because he is the son of luck, will there be any changes because of this.

Let him fall short?

Zhang Chen has long been prepared.

"As long as his luck is reduced step by step, without the protection of luck, we won't be afraid of him falling into trouble."

of course.

It is impossible for Zhang Chen to do nothing.

some things.

Really only he can do it.

for example!

"Xiao Han's last luck card, it's time to destroy it."

Zhang Chen sneered in his heart.

All Xiao Han's hole cards, his secrets.

Including what can be his help.

He knows it all!

Destroying those would mean that Xiao Han lost everything.


speak up.

Ever since Zhang Chen persuaded Gong Wanwan to live in his villa.

Been busy with other things since then.

I didn't even have time to have a good communication with this little chili sister-in-law.

Then I suddenly remembered it today.

There is still such a big meal at home for a long time.

This is not.

I just came out of the room after chatting with Xing Lingyun.

I saw a figure flashing and disappearing not far away.

Although the other party fled quickly, both Zhang Chen and Xing Lingyun had already seen clearly who it was.

"This girl!"

Xing Lingyun can't laugh or cry.

Zhang Chen smiled, "It seems that I have to consider changing the house."

I heard Zhang Chen say that he wants to change houses.

Xing Lingyun gave him a charming look.

But still nodded, "There is not enough space."

Double entendre.

Who made Zhang Chen keep taking people home recently?

No matter how big the villa is.

I can't stand Zhang Chen playing like this.

Zhang Chen didn't make excuses either, some of his hobbies.

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