Everyone knows.

Justification is futile.


He didn't even think about hiding it.

Isn't it good to be a villain who obeys his heart?

It's tiring to hide everything you do.

the other side.

Gong Wanwan's face turned red.

She did accidentally bump into something she shouldn't have seen just now...


Scenes that shouldn't be heard.

But I knew I shouldn't eavesdrop, but in the end I couldn't restrain my inner curiosity.

The result is.

Now her heart is beating fast, and her face is very red.

Feeling wrong all over.


Gong Wanwan cursed in a low voice.

But that tone was not so much contempt.

It's better to say it's resentment and jealousy!

"How can my sister, can do that!"

In Gong Wanwan's heart, Xing Lingyun is both a sister and a mother.

For her, the status is very special, and it is also the goal she has always longed for.

This is also when Xing Lingyun degenerated and turned into a demon.

After knowing this, Gong Wanwan felt that her faith in life had collapsed.

Love to hate!

In the end, she vowed to kill Xing Lingyun with her own hands.

In the end, it just felt abandoned!


TodayChapter 1

Thanks to the book friend "Mystery Smile" for rewarding 100 points.

Chapter 171

"That Hundan, actually treats my sister like this, yes, does that kind of thing to her..."

Gong Wanwan returned to her room.

The whole person crawled face down on the bed and muttered.

I can still recall the voices I overheard just now in my mind.

He quickly picked up the pillow and covered it with his head.

"The Hun Dan you mentioned, is it me?"


A slightly frivolous and teasing voice sounded in the room.

It also made Gong Wanwan so frightened that she almost cried out.

When she got up and took a look, she happened to see Zhang Chen standing in front of her with a smile.

"You! What are you doing here?!"

Seeing that it was Zhang Chen, Gong Wanwan was furious.

His face was as red as cooked shrimp.

Eyes are on fire.

"Huh? Who am I? Come on, say it again."

Zhang Chen's expression suddenly became indifferent.

The voice was not as gentle as before, but gave people a strong sense of oppression.

This feeling made Gong Wanwan feel like a child in training.

He lowered his head in fright.

This kind of reaction didn't even occur to her.

"What's wrong with me? Why do you bow your head when he says it?"

Gong Wanwan was stunned, and at the same time secretly hated herself for not living up to her expectations, "You are Gong Wanwan!"

"It's the inspector of the Demon Slayer Division! How can he shrink back after being scolded by him?"

"He's just a soul! That's right! Just tell him that! He's just a soul! Shipi!"

Cheer yourself up in your heart.

Gong Wanwan took a deep breath, really don't say anything.

Zhang Chen looks very seductive, she is a big girl.

"You are……"

Gong Wanwan just mustered up her courage and wanted to drive Zhang Chen out.

But he looked up and saw Zhang Chen's eyes.

Involuntarily softened.

"What is it? Come on, tell me and listen."

Zhang Chen's indifferent eyes made Gong Wanwan dare not speak.

Then he said weakly: "Sister, brother-in-law..."

After finishing speaking, Gong Wanwan secretly scolded herself for being spineless, how could she be scared away by a look?

I complained again and again in my heart that I was not firm in my position.

But what can we do?

"Are you used to living there?"

Zhang Chen's tone softened again.

It was as if that cold-faced, indifferent person just now didn't exist at all.

Deal with a little pepper like Gong Wanwan.

He knows how to do it all too well.

Serving with a stick adds tenderness from time to time.

I don't believe that this girl can't be subdued.

"It's okay..."

Gong Wanwan suddenly felt wronged after so many years.

Even in the orphanage, no one dared to be so cruel to her.

But Zhang Chen's gentleness now reminded her of her sister Xing Lingyun.

"Don't be restrained, treat it as your own home."

Zhang Chen sat directly beside this girl, not polite at all.

He even reached out to wrap her in his arms.

He patted her jade back and comforted her: "I am your brother-in-law, and I am a family."

"In the future, whatever your sister has, your brother-in-law will never lose your share."

There is a lot to say about this.

With Xing Lingyun, wouldn't Gong Wanwan lose a share?

Originally heard Zhang Chen's comfort.

Because of his sudden intimacy, Gong Wanwan wanted to struggle.

But after hearing it, it softened.

But then realized something was wrong.

"Wait! You are weak! Take advantage of me!"

Gong Wanwan is not stupid and sweet, how could she fail to guess what Zhang Chen's words imply?

Suddenly his face flushed, he was ashamed and angry.


Zhang Chen raised his eyebrows, his expression seemed to be a smile but not a smile.

The aura that Gong Wanwan had accumulated with great difficulty disappeared immediately.

"You, you are my brother-in-law!"

"Yes, so the family, brother-in-law will definitely take care of you for the rest of your life."

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