
He was attacked?

"Thank you, thank you!"

After the little girl finished speaking, she ran away in a hurry.

Only a certain old shy skin was left standing there in a daze.

"Am I an old horse stumbled?"

How can I have non-wet shoes when I often stand by the river?

He has always been the one who took advantage of others, but today Gong Wanwan, the little girl, took advantage of him?

Zhang Chen shook his head and laughed.

Well, this feeling of being attacked by someone.

Looks pretty good too.

Of course.

It is not a gentleman who does not report a grudge, although he is not a gentleman.

But this kind of hatred will definitely be repaid with his own hands!

"Little girl, when you get back, educate yourself!"


Zhang Chen's new home now occupies a large area.

Of course, because of the age, traces of time can be seen in many places.

Overall it looks pretty good.

However, Zhang Chen chose to be here for several reasons.

In addition to being relatively close to the Demon Slayer.

What's more, in the near future, magic energy will emerge.

This is the place where the devilish energy in Jiangdong City is the most violent.

A blessed place belonging to the plane of horror recovery.

"Unfortunately, ordinary people can't stay in this kind of place."

Zhang Chen smiled.

The so-called cave heaven and blessed land correspond to people like demons and ghost slayers.

ordinary people?


If you stay one night, you will die suddenly the next day!

Then without accident, it directly turns into a ghost or a demon.

Of course, there may be less than 1% chance.

Awakened to become a ghost slayer physique.

"I remember, it should be in the Catacombs, right?"

Relying on the memory in his mind, Zhang Chen started the treasure hunt.

It's just that the treasures he wants are not tacky things like gold, silver and jewelry.

It is a more precious existence.

Although this villa was originally bought by the owner of a game company in Jiangdong City.

But no one lives here.

It belongs to asset investment.

"No one would have thought that there is another cave in the basement of this villa, right?"

Zhang Chen finally found the entrance.

In an inconspicuous corner of the cellar.

And here is where the agency is.

Open the mechanism.

The wall in front of me was accompanied by the sound of an ancient mechanism turning.

Finally the entrance appeared in front of him.

Zhang Chen was not surprised, "It's the same as in memory."

Go in, and you can see the long lights on the passage wall lighting up in an instant.

Even after more than 100 years, it still works normally.

Even after Zhang Chen came in, he faintly smelled a nice scent of sandalwood.

"Husband, it's dangerous."

at this time.

Suddenly a figure emerged from behind Zhang Chen.

At the same time, there was a trace of vigilance on the beautiful face.

"It's okay, the things inside can't appear now."

Would Zhang Chen really leave without preparing anything?

Give me a break.

Blind self-confidence is something that only the son of luck would do.

The female ghost in the wedding dress has been possessing him.

When going out, bring a ghost king's wife as a bodyguard.

Isn't this standard?

"No, nothing, is it?"

The female ghost in wedding dress tilted her head suspiciously.

"Ru Yan doesn't trust her husband?"

Zhang Chen asked with a smile.

The female ghost in the wedding dress quickly lowered her head, as if she had done something wrong.

Ancient traditional virtues.

Zhang Chen liked it more and more.

No man can deny this feeling.



Small peppers?

It's nice to have a change of taste once in a while.

Over time?

Sorry, it's very frustrating.

"Come on, let's go in together."

Zhang Chen smiled and took the little hand of the wedding gown ghost.

Ice cold with no temperature.

But it feels good, smooth and tender.

Anyway, it was his own woman, so he could touch it however he wanted.


The female ghost in wedding dress finally broke through her tears and smiled, then nodded softly.

Very obediently followed Zhang Chen in.

at last.

In the deepest part of the burrow.

Zhang Chen saw what he was looking for.

"It really is here."

The furnishings in the entire crypt are full of exotic organs.

Typical Europa mood.

But most of all.

There were still a few coffins in front of Zhang Chen.

Who would have thought.

In the cellar of the villa, there is also an organ channel, which leads to a deeper underground.

In the end, there were several coffins?

If ordinary people saw this, they would scream and turn pale with fright.

It's a pity that Zhang Chen saw it.

The smile on his face couldn't be stopped.

"Good stuff."

He counted, a total of five coffins.

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