"Calculating the time, now should be the most critical and weakest time, right?"

Zhang Chen's smile was sinister, and he could tell at a glance that he must be thinking of some despicable and shameless schemes.

The wedding gown ghost also saw it.

But she would never question what Zhang Chen wanted to do.

After all, her thinking still maintains the ancient traditional virtues.

If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken; marry a dog, follow the dog.

If she becomes Zhang Chen's daughter-in-law, then everything will be centered on Zhang Chen.

"Ru Yan 940, go and kill the contents of those four coffins."

After Zhang Chen finished speaking, the wedding gown ghost carried it out without hesitation.

Put five coffins in this place.

Is there anything else good?

Of course!

But Zhang Chen only wanted one of them.

【Ding!The female ghost in wedding dress kills the blood clan, and the host gets 100 contribution points]

【Ding!The female ghost in wedding dress kills the blood clan, and the host gets 60 contribution points]

【Ding!The female ghost in wedding dress kills the blood clan, and the host gets 300 contribution points]

【Ding!The female ghost in wedding dress kills the blood clan, and the host gets 50 contribution points]

The system beeped four prompts one after another.

Zhang Chen also saw that he got 510 contribution points.

"Not bad, it's equivalent to killing a level 8 overhaul."

Look carefully.

There were people lying in those four coffins.

And they are all blond, typical Europa race.

But at this moment, the people in the four coffins were rapidly drying up.

eventually turned to ashes.

Then there was only the last coffin left.

Why did Zhang Chen leave this alone?

Then you need to ask?

Push the coffin board away casually, and you can see a beautiful blonde woman lying inside.

"It's really beautiful!"

Zhang Chen made a sound of emotion.

With his aesthetic vision.

This kind of beauty is definitely among the women he has seen so far.

One of the best levels!

The key is the blonde Europa race.

The scale is large and the figure is hot!

"Princess of the blood clan, I will accept it bluntly."


Fourth more!

Four chapters of [-]D Guaranteed Update will be issued first, and there will be more

Strive for this impact to update [-] words a day! .

Chapter 174

Zhang Chen is an out-and-out old rough skin.

He could hardly deny that.

And will accept it calmly.

no way.

He is an old rough skin in his bones.

No matter how you pretend to be a good person, you can't pretend.

Instead of painting a tiger as an anti-dog, why not be yourself?

"If you live a lifetime, do you still have to suppress yourself and live a life of aggrieved?"

Zhang Chen sneered in his heart.

I don't think there is anything wrong with my approach and three views at all.

He was an ordinary person before time travel.

Have desires, have ambitions.

But not qualified to show it.

After time travel, since he became a villain.

That's a fart for keeping one's body like a jade.

"Sure enough, she is the luckiest girl with the best figure in the first main storyline."

Zhang Chen seemed to be appreciating a priceless artwork.

There is no direct action.

Instead, observe slowly, and then keep nodding.

"Husband, she is ugly."

Zhang Chen was still tsk-tsk.

But the female ghost in the wedding dress suddenly said this.

It almost didn't make Zhang Chen laugh.

"Ugly? Do you think she is ugly?"


The female ghost in wedding dress nodded directly.

If it was her sister Xia Ruyun, she must be jealous.

Say that on purpose.

But these words came out of the mouth of the wedding dress ghost.

Zhang Chen knew it was her true thoughts.

"It's not ugly, of course it's not as good as my family's Ru Yan."

Who doesn't know sweet talk?

No one stipulates that the villain must be domineering and ruthless throughout the whole process, right?

Zhang Chen is a face to outsiders.

In front of the people around him, he rarely looks so serious on the outside.


Any woman can eat this set.

Sweet talk is indeed the biggest weapon for girls.

Even a lady in ancient times like a wedding dress female ghost.

Inherited the fine traditional virtues of China.

Still expressing joy and joy.

Those eyes were bent into two crescents, and the smile became sweeter and sweeter.

Zhang Chen's face was neither red nor his heart was beating.

He didn't lie, the female ghost in the wedding dress is absolutely a peerless beauty.

But if you compare it with the blood princess lying in the coffin in front of you.

"How should I say it? Each has its own merits?"

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing, of course the ghost in the wedding dress was involved in a certain way.

Still completely defeated.

This is also an inherent weakness that cannot be changed.

"In this respect, the Europa race is still inherently strong`¨."

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth rose.

Then he took out a few Dao Talismans that he had prepared long ago.

Then he bit his own finger, and poured his own blood on it.

"Just look at the Concentric Mantra, which cost me 10000 contribution points to exchange. Is it worth it?"

The blonde beauty lying in the coffin in front of her.

She is one of the daughters of luck in Ye Fan's main plot.

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