
Even Ye Fan, the son of luck, is dead.

The grass on the grave is three feet high.

The daughter of luck is still lying in the coffin and has not woken up.

After all, Zhang Chen's time is less than a month.

Just kill Ye Fan, the son of luck.

And develop according to the original plot.

The blood princess in front of her has to wait until the demonic energy emerges.

Will really wake up.

So now, still sleeping.

Zhang Chen came to the door at this time, and he could really let him do whatever he wanted.

"Ye Fan, Ye Fan, each of the daughters of luck you left behind is more attractive than the other."

"How do you think I can bear it?"

"So, it's not my fault."

This means that Ye Fan has long been wiped out.

Otherwise if still alive.

Hearing Zhang Chen talking to himself, he was so angry that he burst on the spot.

Murder is just a no-brainer.

Zhang Chen is simply shrimp and pig heart!

of course.

Say it, do it.

Zhang Chen has no restrictions.

Directly spread the Dao Talisman stained with his blood directly around the coffin.

"The system is produced, I hope it won't disappoint me."

This cost him 10000 contribution points.

The purpose is to capture the blood princess in front of her.

Of course the steps are not that simple.

Zhang Chen pasted another Taoist talisman on the forehead of the blood princess inside the coffin,

"The skin is so good."

Feeling the touch, Zhang Chen smiled.

Then he bit his finger again.

"My physical resilience, in this case, is also troublesome."

Do you have any troubles because of your good physical fitness?

Of course!

Every double row at the top of the canyon is super god.

No one in the family is his opponent.

It's almost boring.

Now too.

The newly bitten finger healed and had to keep taking another bite.

"The pain is still there."

Zhang Chen shook his head, of course the pain didn't affect him much.

He began to smear his own blood on the fair and beautiful face of the blood princess.

Then go all the way down.



This is the beginning.

There was no frivolity or evil smile on Zhang Chen's face, but a bit serious.

After all, the daughter of luck who is still sleeping in front of her.

If you want to take it away, you still need to make more thorough arrangements.

Otherwise, once she wakes up.

It's much more difficult than it is now.

that's it.

Zhang Chen spent about ten minutes.

I finally finished drawing the curse seal, let alone.

Sweat dripped from his forehead.

no way.

He can't be distracted during the middle process.

While drawing the curse seal, he also has to resist the temptation.

For his old rough skin, it was too much torment.

"It's done."

Finally, Zhang Chen smiled.

The female ghost in the wedding dress quickly stepped forward and wiped it gently, with a hint of doubt in her eyes.

Probably because he didn't understand why Zhang Chen took so much trouble.

in her eyes.

The woman in the coffin was ugly.

After all, in ancient China, many people were the first to respond to this exotic style.

Just ugly.

It can only be said that the aesthetic point of view is different.

"In this way, there is nothing wrong with it."

The smile on Zhang Chen's face became more and more evil.

At this moment, he also saw it, as if it was attracted by blood.

Let the blood princess who should have fallen into a deep sleep, have a little movement.

Eyelids are blinking, obviously waking up.

"Then let's add more ingredients."

Zhang Chen bit his finger again, when blood flowed from the wound.

It was stuffed directly into the mouth of the blood princess.

As one of the demons.

The vampires are born with an extremely strong desire and impulse for human blood.

That is an instinct engraved deep in their souls.

And Zhang Chen's actions are completely adding fuel to the fire.

The blood princess has been sleeping for more than 100 years!

Already hungry.

That is to say, the sleeping blood will enter a state of suspended animation, just like animals hibernating.

Reduce all consumption.

But there will still be losses.

100 years.

It's not long, it's not short.


The blood princess in the coffin suddenly opened her eyes!

The azure blue eyes gave off an incomparably enchanting feeling.

It seems to be able to suck people's mind into it.

"Sure enough, the mind control of the blood race is very overbearing."

Zhang Chen was unmoved, as if (Nuoma's) knew the result a long time ago.

He dared to come here so easily and open the coffin of the blood princess.

Just because he knew that the method of the blood clan was useless against him.

The [Psychic Specialization] obtained by the system lottery is not a joke skill.

Zhang Chen can feel it now.

Stopped the wedding gown female ghost's attempt to kill and silence her.

at this time.

The blonde beauty, who was sleeping, stared at the man who appeared in front of her.

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