He has countless questions, and now he can't wait to vomit them out.

"Did you see the man who is the host tonight?"

"Wei Bai? He is the director of the Jiangdong Demon Slayer Division, and he has a high position and authority."

"At least you have to have his status to have the authority to find out some secrets."

Zhang Chen meant something.

Xiao Han's eyes lit up.

Immediately understand.

"You mean, if I want to find out the internal confidential information, my current status is not high enough!?"

"Ruzi can be taught."

Zhang Chen nodded with a smile, "So 0.2, work hard."

"I will! Don't worry!"

Xiao Han nodded fiercely, "The promotion of Demon Slayer's status depends on strength, and I will find a way to improve as soon as possible."

"too slow."


"The results of my investigations over the years require at least the level of an inspector of the Demon Slayer Division to be able to find out those secrets back then."

Xiao Han understood as soon as he heard it, and his face showed embarrassment.

"Inspector? That's equivalent to level 7 overhaul strength, and now I..."

Zhang Chen patted Xiao Han on the shoulder.

"You have your mother's blood in your body, and you are destined to be no one in the pool in the future. What you lack now is an opportunity to help you improve."

"what do you mean?"

"Don't forget the uniqueness of your bloodline, the fastest way to improve, devouring the blood of other ghost slayers."


Eighth!Twenty-one thousand words!

There are only [-] words left to complete the daily milestone of [-]

Thanks to book friend 'Nan Xiaojing' for rewarding 100 points.

Chapter 178

Zhang Chen flickered with a few words.

Xiao Han was taken aback for a while.

Most of the key children of luck have enigmatic self-confidence.

Those are hidden in Xiao Han's bones, deep in his soul.

It's just that he usually doesn't notice it.

Often it will be awakened unconsciously, or only on special occasions.

What Zhang Chen did was to eliminate Xiao Han's blind self-confidence and arrogance.

Come out of his bones.

"Really do this?"

Xiao Han swallowed, showing hesitation.

He still has some brains after all.

Instinctively realized that the method Zhang Chen told him was very inappropriate!

And always feel a little shuddering.

"This is the fastest shortcut to improve your strength now."

Zhang Chen didn't ask for it with a tough attitude, which would be counterproductive.

He didn't think he made Xiao Han believe that he was his own father.

This kid will really obey his words.

Child of luck?

Most of them are unfilial sons!

Selfish in his bones, are there still few examples of killing his own father for himself?

So Zhang Chen's approach is to proceed step by step.

Earnestly and kindly.

Will not force, will not reveal the slightest urgency.

"That's what I said, but devouring the blood of other ghost slayers, 23, if they find out..."

Xiao Han was still hesitating.

He faintly felt that this matter was very dangerous.

And it will lead to his doom.

But think carefully.

I have to admit that Zhang Chen's idea is very tempting.

"Once this matter starts, it will indeed put you in a dangerous situation. If it doesn't work, you can only find another way."

Zhang Chen also nodded.

Can't help but sigh, "The plan to resurrect your mother can only be postponed."

Xiao Han's expression changed immediately after hearing this.

He gritted his teeth, "Isn't it just dangerous, anyway, I'm not necessarily safe now."

"The people from the Demon Slayer Division don't know my identity now, but I always feel that if we continue to investigate, they will find out sooner or later!"

I have to admit that Xiao Han's intuition is very accurate.

But no matter how accurate you are, you can't escape Zhang Chen's Wuzhi Mountain.

Even Xiao Han himself has not realized it yet.

Zhang Chen has been leading him by the nose.

Zhang Chen frowned, "This matter is extremely dangerous, if it wasn't for finding the things that resurrected your mother as soon as possible..."

With a long sigh.

It moved Xiao Han even more.

It also strengthened his determination to take risks.

And the blind self-confidence and arrogance of the son of luck.

Under Zhang Chen's guidance, it has gradually begun to appear.

Xiao Han said firmly: "That's the decision!"

"Well, be as careful as you can, and don't rush for success in everything!"

Zhang Chen fully played the role of a strict and kind father.

It made the determination in Xiao Han's heart a little bit firmer.

"I see!"

You know it's best to live!

I'm afraid you kid pretends to be confused by pretending to understand!

Zhang Chen sneered in his heart.

But on the surface, he patted Xiao Han on the shoulder.

He also said earnestly, "You have grown up."

This also made Xiao Han's eyes slightly red, and just as he was about to speak, he saw Zhang Chen shaking his head towards him.

"Remember, we have nothing to do with each other, be careful."

He has done what he should do and what he should be good at.

Next, you just need to quietly watch Xiao Han, the son of luck.

Play according to his plan.

After Zhang Chen left.

Xiao Han stood there for a long time.

Until looking at Zhang Chen's back and disappearing.

"Dad, don't worry, I will not let you down!"

Xiao Han repeated over and over in his heart: "No matter how dangerous it is, I will find that thing!"

Then it disappeared into the night.

He didn't know.

After I left.

Zhang Chen appeared again.

There was a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Son of Luck, the protagonist of Destiny, I really look forward to how much luck will be left after you become a murderous demon without batting an eye?"


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