the next few days.

Zhang Chen seemed to have forgotten about Xiao Han.

Busy moving.

After all, the family has a large population.

All aspects need to be considered.

In addition, the newly moved villa also needs to be refurbished.

Naturally it takes a while.

Fortunately, he is not short of money.

It may be an exaggeration to say that money can turn ghosts around.

But under the charm of money.

It only took three days.

Just let the new villa look brand new.

There was also a little hiccup.

The original owner of the villa.

The boss of a game company in Jiangdong personally brought his wife and daughter to congratulate him.

Zhang Chen looked at the beautifully dressed wife and daughter of the other party.

Moreover, the other party tactfully kept his wife and daughter behind, using the excuse that the company was in a hurry to leave.

So who do you think Zhang Chen is?

Even if he is an old jerk.

But this is simply a humiliation to him!

"Third brother, see off the guests."

Zhang Chen didn't give the other party any face at all.

Coldly let Zhang San send the person away.


He, Zhang Chen, is indeed old-fashioned!

But it is also a tasteful and pursuing old astringent skin!

Is the wife and daughter of the boss of the game company ugly?

In all fairness, it's really not ugly.

Still beautiful.

At least with Zhang Chen's aesthetic vision.

The wife of the owner of the game company still knows how to maintain it.

People in their forties look like they are in their early 30s.

The key is to know how to dress yourself.

The daughter is also a typical Bai Fumei.

Youthful and beautiful.

The key is to inquire.

Good guy!

He was also at Jiangdong University, but he was one grade higher than Zhang Chen.


tsk tsk!

"Unfortunately, compared with Jiahua, there is still a big gap."

Why did Zhang Chen refuse the big meal delivered to his door?

no way.

The gap is a bit big, compared with Yingying Yanyan at home.

Immediately felt no interest.

Under the resentful and disappointed eyes of the other mother and daughter.

There was no emotion on Zhang Chen's face.

In fact, my heart has long been provoked by thunder and fire.

Do you really not regard Lao Shipi as a human being?

"Brother-in-law, I have something else to do, let's go first!"

Gong Wanwan sensed danger in her first reaction.

Without further ado, just run away.

Although the relationship with Zhang Chen has been acquiesced in my heart.

But this girl's face still seems to be a little bit hard to get rid of.

At least after noticing Zhang Chen's eyes.

In a hurry, he found an excuse to go out.

"Can you escape the first day of the junior high school and the fifteenth day?"

Zhang Chen didn't force Gong Wanwan to stay.

Anyway, it's all the meat in his mouth, so it depends on his mood when he swallows it?

Really want to eat it, escape?

"Forget it, go to the Lin Group."

Zhang Chen went out directly.

Halfway and Xia Yanshuang sent a message.

At this time, Xia Yanshuang, the beautiful president of the Lin Group, was holding a board meeting.

After seeing Zhang Chen's message.

His face turned red unnaturally.

Fortunately, she has a very high prestige in the Lin Group these years.

No one dared to look up.

Soon there was a board meeting that would have lasted at least a few hours.

It ended like that.

A group of people didn't know why, but they were all relieved.

When Xia Yanshuang returned to the CEO's office, she saw that Zhang Chen was already waiting for her.

The key point is that even Lin Xi has arrived.

Zhang Chen saw everyone present.

He couldn't help but took out some clothes.

"Do you know COS?"


Ninth update! .

Chapter 179

Koto city at night.

Brightly lit, it seems like a city that never sleeps.

But it is under this seemingly glamorous halo.

There are still shadows and darkness unknown.

All I saw was a figure faltering.

Stumbled and walked in a small alley.

Several social animals reeking of alcohol supported each other.

"Manager, there is also a good foot bath shop, let's go there to relax?"

"Foot bath shop? Okay, okay, Xiao Liu, you are really good at this!"

"The manager is joking, isn't this because you have a good leader?"

"It's easy to say, easy to say, the assessment in the second half of the year will definitely let you raise a level."

Several people were walking, and suddenly found someone blocking the way in front of them.

The key is to stand there motionless.

"Brother, let it go."

One of them staggered over and patted the other on the shoulder.

But then I saw the person in front of me.

Suddenly head turned 180 degrees.

Just staring at him blankly.

That pale face, the numb eyes.

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