It directly woke up the group of people from the drunkenness.


I don't know who exclaimed.

Then came the screams.

The guy who just went up and patted the shoulder.

The head has disappeared.

It was torn apart abruptly.

And the figure whose head was turned 180 degrees suddenly jumped on the spot.

Jump like a monster.

Stopped several other people who wanted to escape.

The next few minutes.

The screaming stopped completely.

All that was left was mess and blood.


"How many times has this happened tonight?"

Looking at the mess in the alley.

The faces of several people in different clothes were not very good-looking.

"Ninth up."

"It's getting more and more frequent. We don't have enough manpower at all."

"Didn't you say that we probably don't need to go back to rest tonight."

The few people who spoke were the action team members of the Demon Killing Division.

All demon slayers.

And it's not even a rookie.

Have had several years of experience.

"Please explain to the patrol room, don't let others know."

"Don't worry, there are many."

A group of people will simply deal with the aftermath on the spot.

They all looked a little serious.

The key is this time.

The voice came again from their ear communicator.


"No more games!"

So far, they haven't found any murderous monsters or ghosts here.

On the other side, another supernatural case occurred.

Completely overwhelmed.

"Xiao Li, you and Brother Wang go first, and I'll take care of it here."

One of them thought for a while and then spoke.

The other two hesitated a little when they heard that, "Are you alright by yourself?"

"Don't worry, he's someone who has dealt with dozens of supernatural cases anyway. Judging from the scene, he should be just an ordinary zombie who just turned into a dead body. It's easy to deal with."

"Okay! Be careful, let's go first."


several days in a row.

Supernatural cases occur frequently in Jiangdong City.

At first no one paid attention to it.

Even Zhan Mosi's side is just an accident.

Send someone to deal with it quickly.

But then comes.

in just a few days.

There are more than a hundred supernatural cases in Jiangdong City!

The key is that many people died!

Even if the Department of Killing Demons and other related offices jointly blocked the news.

But with so many dead, how could it be blocked?


Among the ordinary people in Jiangdong City, various theories have also begun to spread.

All of a sudden, the entire Jiangdong City began to panic.

under these circumstances.

And the situation is getting worse.

Demon Slayer couldn't sit still.

at this time.

Demon Slayer Building.

Huge meeting room.

Director Wei's expression was serious and dignified.

"Three days! 127 supernatural cases!"

"The death toll exceeds a thousand!"

"Can any of you tell me what happened?"

After asking a few words, the people below were all speechless.

"Check! Find out what is causing the frequent appearance of demons and ghosts recently!"

Director Wei is also clear that this kind of thing has nothing to do with the people below.

But he's stressed out!

Thousands of people died.

This is only three days.

If you can't control the situation.

Fourth day?

fifth day?

Could it be that after a month, Jiangdong City will be dead?

Become a ghost of a night walk?

Then he, the talker of the Jiangdong branch, doesn't exist in name only?

"Recently, such explosive supernatural cases have occurred frequently not only in our Jiangdong City, but also in all parts of China."

Han Bai smiled wryly, and then turned on the projector.

"Look, everyone, this is the information I just collected."

"Let's just say that the nearest city, Hangzhou, was within a day yesterday!"

"There were 38 cases of ghosts and monsters hurting people."

"In addition, there are several cities near our Jiangdong City, all of which have similar problems."

Everyone watched silently.

Xiao Han was among them.

But not like everyone else.

At this moment, his inner thoughts are a little excited.

"Director, is there no news from the imperial capital?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

"Yeah, this situation is obviously not our problem!"

"As long as we are in Jiangdong, that's all. Now that all parts of China are in chaos, is it possible that we have to fight alone?"

A group of people complained.

"And in just these three days, two of our companions died!"

Someone even slammed the table hard, eyes full of sadness and sadness.

It turned out to be within these three days.

Two operatives from the Jiangdong branch of the Devil Slayer Division died.

This also made Director Wei and the others feel very heavy.

"Since you have entered this line of work and entered the Department of Demon Slayer, you are already ready to die."

Director Wei coughed lightly.

Then he continued: "The headquarters is still investigating, and if there is any news, it will be released as soon as possible."

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