"in addition!"

"From today onwards, everyone should act in groups of at least two, and cannot go out alone!"

Everyone nodded after listening, and they also knew that it was very dangerous to go out alone.

No one knows what level the monster they encountered recently is.

Ordinary is okay, in case it is dangerous.

No one wants to die, and they are afraid of it.

"Director, should we call in some newcomers?"

at this time.

Suddenly someone spoke.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound, and it was Xiao Han.

His expression remained unchanged, and his tone was quite serious: "We don't have enough manpower now, if we still work in groups of two."

"It would be very inefficient."

This statement came out.

Everyone around nodded.

"Xiao Han is right. We only have such a small number of people. It is true that we are seriously short of manpower."

"But it's not that easy to recruit people. It's a hindrance for ordinary people in our line of work to come in, and it's not helpful."

"I originally wanted to apply to the headquarters of the imperial capital, but now it seems that we can only find a way by ourselves."

Everyone, you say something to me.

Director Wei also had a headache.

He glanced at Xiao Han, considering his proposal.

"Actually, recently I saw on the Internet that many people have developed so-called superpowers."

Xiao Han took out his mobile phone, and then found a few popular posts on the Internet.

"I looked it up, and I think those people should have awakened the ability to slay ghosts."

Everyone was stunned after hearing this.

"A new awakener?"

"If you really awaken your power, you can indeed recruit (Nuomahao)!"

"I'm afraid it's a bunch of liars, there are quite a few people bragging on the Internet."

Waiting for everyone to discuss.

Xiao Han said, "I'd rather believe it, why not try it?"

Facing Xiao Han's proposal.

A group of people hesitated.

Some are in favor and some are against.

But in the end.

Director Wei made the decision.

"Xiao Han's proposal is good, but now ordinary people don't know about monsters. In order to prevent panic, they recruit talents in the name of the Emergency Management Department!"

Xiao Han lowered his head, trying to hide the greed in his eyes.

No one would have thought.

The two dead members of the Operation Demon Slayer Division.

Not at the hands of demons.

Instead, he died in the hands of Xiao Han!

Especially after Xiao Han tried the blood of the ghost hunter.

It was as if a door to a new world had opened in front of me.

It changed his whole mind.

Even people looked a little colder than before.

The reason why he proposed to recruit newcomers.

I just want to find more prey for him to suck blood to strengthen his strength!


10nd more!

[-] words from the explosion, it's getting close! .

Chapter 180

"Sure enough, dogs can't change eating shit."

There are many news channels for Zhang Chen.

So the Demon Slayer has killed two people in the past few days.

He was also the first to hear the news.

After seeing what happened to the bodies of the two dead people.

Zhang Chen knew that Xiao Han finally followed his advice.

Abandoned the sheepskin scroll that slowly increases in strength, and replaced it with the most overbearing road of the corpse king.

"Shortcuts are indeed the most irresistible temptation for people to resist."

Did Xiao Han do something wrong?

As the son of luck, he turned into a monster.

Killing after devouring the blood of the living.

This method is no different from that of a demon.

Not even qualified to be a human being.

It is different from Xinglingyun.

Xing Lingyun was framed and forced to degenerate into a demon.

And basically no active harm.

Even Ye Yiyi is the same.

So as a daughter of luck.

They were not affected.

But ever since Xiao Han took that step, it meant that he and the fate and luck were drifting away.

Completely embarked on another road running in the opposite direction.

This was Zhang Chen's purpose of fooling him.

"When the child of luck no longer enjoys the protection of luck, he is no different from ordinary ghost slayers."

Zhang Chen smiled lightly.

Of course, this kind of luck stripping still needs a process.

The more people will be killed with Xiao Han, the faster the stripping will be.

The key point is that Xiao Han himself has no idea that this is Zhang Chen's conspiracy against him.

Now he is still immersed in the dream of rapid strength improvement and cannot extricate himself.

the next day.

Supernatural cases in Jiangdong City are more frequent.

It has been so frequent that the patrol room can't completely block the news.

all of a sudden.

The entire Jiangdong City.

Do not!

The Huaxia Kingdom, and even the countries of the world are similar.


And at this time.

Under the guidance of Zhang Chen, Xiao Han completely let go of himself!

Fishing in troubled waters, taking advantage of the chaos and sneak attacking many ghost hunters!

It was just sneaky at first.

Wait for an opportunity to find a single ghost slayer, or find some special people who have just awakened.

But gradually.

Xiao Han's appetite is getting bigger and bigger.

I am no longer satisfied with that sneaky way.

The courage is getting bigger and bigger!

There are also more and more dead ghost hunters.

It finally caught the attention of the upper echelons of the Demon Slayer Division.


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