Xiao Han laughed, "I'm going to catch you now, what awaits me is a dead end!"

Han Bai frowned, but still said in a deep voice: "If you resist again, you will surely die!"

"On the contrary, if you surrender, you may still have a chance!"

But Xiao Han sneered and shook his head.

"Needless to say, even if I believe you, Han Bai, what about them?"

Xiao Han pointed to other people around him.

The way those people looked at him.

It's like looking at other monsters and ghosts.

Xiao Han is very aware of his current situation.

"Going back with you, I have no way out! But as long as I fight a bloody way tonight, it is not yet known who will die!"

After all, he is the son of luck.

The arrogance in his heart will not dissipate with his willingness to fall.

On the contrary, it has intensified.

Faintly became distorted.

"Xiao Han, Xiao Han! You've been fooled by lard!"

Han Baiyi speaks righteously, with a sonorous and powerful voice!

But Xiao Han couldn't find any words to refute.

Because he knows exactly what he has done.

So he just sneered in the end, "Don't waste your time, I haven't regretted it!"


Xiao Han snapped his fingers and pressed the sheepskin scroll in his arms.

Don't underestimate the growth rate of the child of luck.

Even if Xiao Han was bewitched by Zhang Chen, he embarked on an evil path.

But he also didn't forget the sheepskin scroll on his body.

When he himself devoured the blood of the ghost slayer.

He also captured several ghosts and sealed them in sheepskin scrolls.

Brainstorm at the moment!

Let them all out!

"So many ghosts?!"

"Sure enough, they are evil spirits! There are so many of them, ordinary ghost masters can't control them at all!"

"Evil cultivator! He turned out to be an evil cultivator!"

The crowd exclaimed.

After all, ordinary ghost hunters consider their own safety.

Usually do not control too many ghosts and demons.

But evil cultivators don't care about these.

As long as the strength can be improved, any method will be tried.

"Everyone be careful! Don't leave alone!"

"Let's do it together, life and death don't matter!"

"Evil cultivators get it and punish them!"

Immediately, everyone started to move.

With frequent means, they all greeted Xiao Han.

···Seeking flowers 0··

Han Bai even took the lead, and shouted in a deep voice: "Xiao Han, I was the one who recruited you into the Demon Slayer Division!"

"I'll do it myself today! Clean up the door!"


After incorporating the corpse blood of the ancient blood zombie, Han Bai's strength has already belonged to level 7 overhaul and is close to invincible.

Although it is only physical strength.

It's a little hard to meet some ghosts and spirits.

But at this moment, when dealing with Xiao Han, he was punching to the flesh!

Xiao Han was also pissed off!

"Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust!"

The power belonging to the lineage of the corpse king is becoming more and more obvious in Xiao Han.

Even in strength.

It was even on par with Han Bai.

The people around were amazed and angry.

But in the end, two fists are no match for four hands.

The key point is that Xiao Han's luck is running out now.

After being besieged by the crowd for about a few minutes.

He was directly heartbroken by Han Bai, a black tiger.

He punched him hard in the chest, causing him to vomit blood again and again.

"Could it be that I, Xiao Han, will die here today?"


Xiao Han felt that he had reached the end of his strength.

The fierce ghosts sealed by the sheepskin scrolls have also been killed by the people of the Demon Slayer.

Just when he was desperate.


There are more people in front of him.

Then, with one hand, he threw the mighty Han Bai directly.


Han Bai turned pale with shock.

He was thrown out easily.

What kind of strength is this?

Look up.

I saw a middle-aged man with a pale face in front of Xiao Han.

And the middle-aged man turned into a shadow in the next second.

In an instant!

Surrounding screams followed.

in a blink.

Seven or eight people died on the Demon Slayer's side.

Each is killed by its own shadow.


Han Bai exclaimed.

And the opponent regained his human form again, and appeared beside Xiao Han.

He looked at everyone indifferently.

"People from the Nether Palace, do you dare to move?"

Before the voice fell, he had disappeared.

Xiao Han also disappeared together.

Only Han Bai and others were left in shock and anger.

"The Nether Palace! It turned out to be the Nether Palace!"

"Xiao Han actually colluded with the Nether Palace!"

And this news.

Less than 10 minutes.

It has already been sent to the headquarters of the Imperial Capital Demon Slayer Division.

got the news.

The most mysterious head of the Demon Killing Division was alarmed.

After all, the Nether Palace is the deadly enemy of the Demon Slayer!

Xiao Han and Nether Mansion got mixed up?

Reminiscent of Xiao Han investigating the truth ten years ago.

a time.

Yan Luo, who was always trying to protect Xiao Han, could only keep his mouth shut.

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