This matter is beyond his ability.

He wanted to keep it, but he was afraid he couldn't.


12 more outbreaks!

A total of about [-] words!

New milestone!

Ask for flowers!monthly pass!Review vote!

It was the first time I wrote a book in Feilu, and I was ignorant, but I didn’t expect to stick to it.

Chapter 182

after all!

Xiao Han is not his own son of Qingya Yan Luo, is he?

If it's your own son, then don't say anything.

Definitely will do whatever it takes.

But Xiao Han was just the son of that person back then.

Qingya Yan Luo can secretly keep Xiao Han alive until now.

It's already been benevolent.

"Chuchu, I have already experienced it, but now this situation..."

Qingya Yan Luo couldn't help sighing in his heart.

"There's nothing I can do."

It's all come to this point.

Everyone can see that Xiao Han can't stay!

Even if he is Yan Luo, he has a high position in the Demon Slayer Division and has a great say.

But this kind of question is involved.

"Even I can't change everyone's mind."

Just as Qingya Yanluo thought in his heart.

From the very beginning, the high-level executives of the Demon Killing Division were concerned about Xiao Han's existence.

It's not really being kept in the dark.

Many of them are well aware.

But that is to keep your eyes open and close your eyes.

The key is to look at Qingya Yan Luo's face.

This one is the real veteran of the Demon Slayer Division.

From the Huaxia Guochaotang, the Demon Killing Division was established 20 years ago.

Be active on the front line.

It has a deep connection with all aspects of China.

Also for this reason.

Among the ten halls of Yan Luo, Qingya Yan Luo has the most discourse power.

And in the action to kill the Nightmare Corpse King ten years ago.

It was the first time someone dared to ignore Qingya Yan Luo's thoughts head-on.

open hands.

So after that incident ten years ago.

Many people in the Demon Slayer Division were ashamed to face Yan Luo with blue teeth.

Emotionally and rationally, it's all about some things.

Open your eyes, close your eyes.

but now!

"Qingya Yanluo, do you have anything else to say about Xiao Han?"

Someone took the initiative to speak.

At this time, it can be said that all the heavyweights are on the stage.

The most mysterious chief executive of Lian Slashing Demon Division.

Although I did not come, I still sent my representative.

attended this important meeting.

The person who spoke happened to be a capable woman representing the Chief Director of the Demon Slayer Division.

"I have reservations."

Qingya Yan Luo closed his eyes.

His tone was nonchalant and it was obvious he was audibly disapproving.

This result was well known to everyone present.

But so what?


The capable woman nodded directly, "Since Qingya Yanluo has no objection, then it's decided."

In a word.

Make a decision directly.

No objection is tolerated.

Qingya Yan Luo's eyelids twitched.

But he didn't open his eyes to refute or even get angry in the end.

Instead, he got up and left coldly.

Express your dissatisfaction with actions.


This way is useless.

Because of the capable woman who supported this meeting.

Everyone present knew her identity.

"Miss Qin, we still hope that we can handle this matter by ourselves."

As the nominally highest person in charge of the Demon Slayer Division.

The Chief Inspector is also the Deputy Director General of the Headquarters of the Demon Slayer Division.

He also spoke at this moment.

The tone is polite, nearly a hundred years old.

In front of this capable and beautiful woman.

But he seemed extremely polite, "After all, Xiao Han still has the identity of our Demon Slayer."

"Family ugliness should not be publicized, we still hope to solve it by ourselves."

other people present.

And don't have any comments.

Obviously, a tacit agreement has been reached in advance.

today's meeting.

It's not so much a discussion about how to deal with Xiao Han.

rather say.

It is they, the Demon Slayer, who must set an example!

Then let Huaxia Guochaotang see it.

"Okay, but I hope it will be resolved as soon as possible."

Qin Yaxin did not refuse, but nodded with a smile.

But then the tone became serious.

"In ten days, I hope that the Demon Slayer can completely resolve the impact."

Ten days!

The senior executives of the Demon Slayer Division present could not help but twitch their mouths.

But they knew that the higher authorities would give them ten days.

It is already considered an open side.

So no one complained.

"I'm waiting for your good news."

Qin Yaxin got up and left accompanied by several bodyguards.

Even if the people present are all ghost slayers, and all of them are at least level 7 or above.

Unfathomable strength.

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