Sitting in the car, I couldn't help but feel emotional.

Zhang San, who was driving, almost twitched his mouth.

In the end, I was able to laugh along with him, "Young master, you are a man descended from heaven. The ancients said that the heaven will descend to the world!"

"So the more capable you are (Nuoma Zhao), young master, the heavier the burden will naturally be."

Good guy.

Even Zhang San can chew on words and flatter him.

Zhang Chen couldn't help but look at him with admiration.

"Okay, stop flattering, I've seen your footsteps flimsy lately, what's the matter? Are you having fun?"

"Ahem, it's all thanks to you, young master!"

Zhang San smiled very modestly, but obviously very proud.

this time.

As Zhang Chen's nominal head of bodyguards.

Although it has now been reduced to responsible for intelligence collection and specialized drivers.

But in today's Jiangdong City.

Zhang San is definitely a famous big shot!

The seven-rank official in front of the prime minister's gate.

This saying has existed since ancient times.

How many people want to curry favor with Zhang Chen but are not qualified.

So start the curve to save the country.

Zhang San became the target of ingratiation by countless dignitaries in Jiangdong City.

Those people can be said to be willing to spend their money.

Money and gifts are not enough.

Many even their wives and daughters began to send out.


Third update today

Thank you book friend 'Liren' for rewarding 588 points

Thanks to book friend 'Cola hay' for rewarding 588 points.

Chapter 185

Zhang Chen doesn't like it, it's because all the people in his family are stunning.

Anyone can score 95 or more.

She is a proper top goddess.

The little jaspers in seventies or eighties outside, or the rich and beautiful Bai Fumei.

Zhang Chen was really speechless.

and so.

Many people who wanted to curry favor with Zhang Chen started to think of other ideas.

"Take it easy."

Zhang Chen will not take care of Zhang San's private life either.

As long as he does his job well, he is also happy to see the people under him feel comfortable.

It is rare to see a boss like him in the whole world.

"Men, you still have to pay attention to restraint."

Zhang Chen threw a Qi and Blood Pill to Zhang San.

The latter followed Zhang Chen during this time, had never eaten pork but had seen pigs running.

Knowing this is good stuff.

Without further ado, Zhu Bajie ate ginseng fruit and swallowed it with his mouth open.

"Thank you, young master! You are the best young master, and your body is much stronger than mine."

"Otherwise, otherwise, why am I the young master and you the bodyguard?"

"Hey, the young master is right."

Zhang San was not angry at all.


Following a master like Zhang Chen, no one would be envious of him.

Anyway, he made up his mind and hugged Zhang Chen's thigh tightly.


A moon as bright red as blood.

Hanging high in the night sky.

And the major news media, the Internet.

It's all about reports of this once-in-a-millennium spectacle.

For many ordinary people.

It can only be regarded as a topic of after-dinner tea.

It can't affect the usual life, work and study at all.

But for really understanding the blood moon high in the night sky.

Means what happens to those people.

"It's changed!"

Demon Killing Division.

947 Nether Palace.

Lots of ghost hunters.

Including countless demons and ghosts.

have already started to feel it.

Don't underestimate demons and ghosts.

Many demons and ghosts have super high IQs that do not belong to humans.

They are more keenly aware of the source of magic energy than humans.

more eager!

more greedy!

And within the scope of Jiangdong City.

The place where the magic energy is the strongest and the degree of emergence is the most exaggerated.

It's in the villa where Zhang Chen lives.

for a short time.

Outside Zhang Chen's villa.

Pairs of dark green eyes have appeared.

Or greed, or cruelty.

There are ghosts.

There are also zombies, and even some ghosts and ghosts that shouldn't be there.

But right now.

A pretty girl came out of the villa.

She looks cute and cute, and belongs to the Xiaojiabiyu type who is gentle and obedient.

When the monsters who appeared outside the villa saw such a delicious delicacy appear.

They all started going crazy.

But the next moment.

They howled in despair.

In their eyes, that harmless, cute and beautiful girl.

Suddenly transformed into the most terrifying devil in the world.

(cdac) That flowing black and beautiful hair.

In just a split second!

Directly intertwined a huge ghost creature.

Just under 5 minute.

The ghost disappeared.

"Brother Chen, I have broken through!"

The girl let out a surprise and excited cheer.

This period of time made her hold back a lot of energy.

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