Now finally it works.

The girl was none other than Ye Yiyi, the younger sister of Ye Fan, the first son of luck.

Now from her.

An aura erupted directly that made countless monsters and humans within a few kilometers around tremble with fear.

Ghost King!

This is clearly the aura of the horror-level ghost king.

"Yiyi is awesome, I will reward you tonight!"

Zhang Chen appeared next to Ye Yiyi, then nodded with a smile.

This girl is really working hard.

Whether it is game talent or practice.

In short, Zhang Chen couldn't put it down.


Ye Yiyi lowered her head happily.

It is completely impossible to tell that she is such a shy girl at every turn.

In just a few minutes.

At least thousands of monsters and ghosts were killed.

This record.

It was enough to make the group of demon slayers cry when they saw it.


In fact.

Such a big movement.

How could the Demon Killing Division know nothing about it?

The key point is that Zhang Chen's villa is just a few hundred meters away from the Jiangdong branch building of the Devil Slayer Division.

If you can't see it.

That group of them.

You can wash and go home to farm.


"What did I just see?"

"Who slaps me to see if I'm dreaming?"

Demon Slayer here.

A group of ghost hunters were still very nervous!

Because some experts in the Department of Killing Demons have already predicted these few days.

There will be a blood moon in the sky.

And there will be a terrible demonic energy emerging.

That means that when the time comes, everything will appear where the magic energy gushes out.

There will be a hundred ghosts walking at night, and the people will live in dire straits.

Koto City!

It is one of them.

Finally they confirmed it!

I also saw the emergence of demon energy not far from their Zhanmosi building!

I even saw thousands of ghosts and demons running out.

Just when a group of people were determined to die.

When you want to kill demons and eliminate demons.


They don't need to show up.

"Is this the strong man standing at the top of the pyramid?"

The Demon Killing Division is now recruiting a lot of people.

There are some of them.

It was recommended by the Lin Group.

A ghost slayer awakened by taking fairy water.

This move once again shocked the top management of the Demon Killing Division.

Overjoyed again.

They also found that in the days to come, the Demon Slayer Division was severely understaffed.

We must vigorously develop and expand the team.

But how easy is it to find someone with the potential to be a ghost slayer?

Who would have thought that the Lin Group could do it.

And they are not fools.

Naturally, I found out that the person behind it was Zhang Chen.

"Another Ghost King!"

Director Wei was deeply moved.

By his side, Han Bai has now been promoted to Director Wei's deputy.

But he also nodded, "Yes, Young Master Zhang can really surprise us every time."

"With brother Zhang here, Jiangdong City is not a big problem."

Director Wei couldn't help laughing, "The other people are so envious now!"

How could he not smile?

Now all parts of China are in chaos.

Especially tonight when the blood moon is in the sky.

The situation is bound to get more serious next time.

There is already a voice coming out of the imperial capital.

Considering building a safe zone.

A lot of unimportant areas are discarded.

Of course, this is only a temporary direction.

Unless it is absolutely necessary, no one dares to set a precedent.

Then, the branches of the Demon Slayer Division in various parts of Huaxia Kingdom.

All are exhausted.

Even the worst place.

It is said that people are dying.

Compare with Koto City.


"There are several Ghost Kings around Young Master Zhang, right?"

Han Bai was full of envy, "And the palace inspector is also by Young Master Zhang's side."

It's the envy of every man.

But only envious.

They can't compare.

"Okay, these are small problems, hurry up and find out Xiao Han!"

Director Wei looked serious.

Even if the blood moon is in the sky in Jiangdong City, the devilish energy is gushing out.

But he's really not worried.

Unless Zhang Chen leaves Jiangdong.

Unrealistic, the second generation of the Zhang family.

He is still the governor of Jiangdong City.

and so.

The only thing that gave Director Wei a headache.

Only Xiao Han.

"There are only three days left before the deadline given above!"

When thinking of Xiao Han, it's not just Director Wei who has a headache.

The entire Demon Slayer Division has a headache!

The key is where their blood pressure spikes the most.

Xiao Han has already killed many of them!

Among them, three level 7 inspectors died in Xiao Han's hands.

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