This time, it really made the Demon Slayer really angry.

"It is said that this time, someone at the level of the Grand Inspector will do it himself?"

Han Bai asked.


A flight from Teidu Airport to Jiangdong City.

From the outside, it is just an ordinary civil aviation.

But in fact this flight is a special line.

There were only a few people inside who were resting with their eyes closed.

One of them looked stern.

From time to time, a terrifying edge flashed across his eyes.

It was Yan Luo, Qingya Yan Luo, one of the ten palaces of Demon Slayer Division.

Not far away is an old man with closed eyes and resting his mind.

It doesn't look like anything special.

But it is also a Yama!


Demon Killing Division couldn't wait.

time does not wait.

Finally decided to send Yan Luo-level powerhouses to hunt down and kill Xiao Han in person.


Fourth more

Daily [-]D Guaranteed Update Completed

Let's see if I can slow down next time.

Chapter 186

That night.

Xiao Han threw the corpse in his hand on the ground in full satisfaction.

He couldn't remember how many people he had killed.

All in all, in less than a week.

Kill crazy!

At first Xiao Han ran away in various ways!

Only dare to pick on the single person.

But as his strength became stronger and stronger, Xiao Han's ambition and self-confidence gradually expanded.

until tonight!

"Xiao Han! You devil!"

In front of Xiao Han.

There are a few others.

Each of them is full of anger, with fire in their eyes.

But angry at the same time.

In the depths of their eyes, there was fear!


Seeing with my own eyes the companion who was alive just now - bouncing around.

His heart was crushed by the young man in front of him.

In the end, the blood was sucked dry, turned into a mummy and thrown on the ground.

That kind of shock, even for ghost slayers like them.

Also rarely encountered.

"Devil? Hahaha!"

Xiao Han laughed out loud.

He found that he had lived in vain before!

It is obvious that there is an incomparably noble blood of the corpse king in his body.

Still thinking about secretly growing up?

What a joke!

"I, Xiao Han, am a devil? Hahaha! So what!"

It seems that after the strength has reached a certain level.

The kind of contentment and invincibility that come naturally.

It made Xiao Han feel that he was so ridiculous that he didn't need to be careful at all.


Almost in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Han just killed another person!

They even disliked that the opponent's strength was too low, and the power contained in the blood was not strong enough.

Throw the opponent's body aside directly.

Turn around and start killing again.

"Let's go together! Kill this demon!"

"Don't be afraid of him! Let's do it together!"

"The two of you lead from the side, and the others use Taoist talismans to form formations!"

"Trap him! Don't let him break through one by one!"

It can be seen that the group of ghost slayers who chased and killed Xiao Han.

All very experienced.

And there are two level 7 overhaul leaders!


In order to hunt down and kill Xiao Han, even the strong men of the 7th level overhaul level were dispatched by the Demon Killing Division.

But a week down.

They were actually killed by Xiao Han.

What a shame!

Now, while everyone was angry, they also realized the problem.

Xiao Han's growth rate has exceeded their imagination.

Even a level 7 overhaul can kill, isn't it certain that ordinary ghost warriors will die if they see it?

and so!

Now there are two 2th-level overhauls forming a team, leading more than a dozen ghost hunters to form a hunting team.

But no matter what.

It still looks a bit inadequate.

"Want to trap me?"

Xiao Han smiled, now is the time for his self-confidence to expand.

And he wasn't scared at all.

Because every time you really encounter an opponent you can't beat, someone will save him!

Those people claim to be the powerhouses of the Nether Palace.

"I kill you, maybe I can improve my strength!"

Xiao Han laughed, and he also found out now.

Killing this group of ghost slayers not only improved himself.

It can also seal their souls and corpses into sheepskin scrolls.

A large part of them can turn into spooks and zombies.

Finally became his pawn.

This is not!

As Xiao Han took out the sheepskin scroll, he immediately saw a dozen figures appearing beside him.

Take a closer look!

They were all monsters with pale faces and even exuding a cold and devilish aura.

But these monsters have one thing in common.

That is, they were all ghost hunters who came to hunt down and kill Xiao Han!

It's just that after being killed by Xiao Han, not only his life was lost.

Now it is still sealed in the sheepskin scroll, and it has become a living ghost zombie.

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