Driven by the demon Xiao Han.

"Old Xue!"

"Little Ye?!"

"Brother Wang!"

When a group of people saw those ghosts and zombies appearing around Xiao Han.

After recognizing their appearance.

They all exclaimed.



They didn't expect Xiao Han to be so vicious.

Killing is nothing but nodding!

Now Xiao Han has not only killed many ghost fighters in the Demon Slayer Division.

Turn them into monsters and keep them by your side as servants?

The eyes of the first two level 7 overhauls were bloodshot, and their canthus were cracked!


A war is inevitable.

And this is not the first time Xiao Han has faced a hunt of this scale.

He was completely unhurried, and there was even a cruel and greedy look in his eyes.

"It's two more overhauls. Killing you is enough to improve my strength!"

Xiao Han is now addicted to this way of killing people to improve his strength.

Compared with before, it is now completely upgraded like a rocket.

The key doesn't require any fine-tuning.

Just kill!

Anyway, Demon Slayer is now at odds with him.

I can't go back to Jiangdong University either.

Even Xiao Han discovered on the Internet in the past two days that the Internet is full of news about him.

Including the scandalous things he did in Xiang County.

How to do it in Chunnuan Community, wait and see!

A mouse crossing the street is not enough to describe Xiao Han's current situation.

But Xiao Han completely let go, and completely annihilated humanity!

"You all have to die today!"

Just sending two level 7 overhauls and a bunch of cannon fodder to kill him?

Xiao Han sneered in his heart.

He is now close to level 7 overhaul strength.

It broke out, the usual level 7 overhaul that relies on controlling ghosts and monsters.

Just be close to him.

Instant kill!

He ignored the other cannon fodder at all.

The key point is that Xiao Han killed two level 7 major repairs before, and one of them was raised by him as a ghost.

···Seeking flowers 0··

Now it is equivalent to half a foot stepping into the powerful combat power of a horror-level ghost king.

Will he still be afraid?

as predicted.

Less than 10 minutes.

Xiao Han killed all those who chased him down.

Who is the hunter?

Who is the prey again?

Drains the blood of all ghost slayers killed by him.

Xiao Han burped.

The evil aura all over his body became stronger and stronger.

At the same time, he also threw the two level 7 overhaul corpses directly into the sheepskin scroll.

But right now.


Xiao Han felt an extremely strong danger.

Afterwards, without even having time to react, I felt like someone grabbed me by the neck!

"Shut up and follow me!"

A cold and deep voice rang in Xiao Han's ears.

After hearing this voice.

Xiao Han finally relaxed.

Because he already knew who appeared in front of him.


as predicted.

After a while.

Only then did Xiao Han realize that he had been taken to the riverside.

Looking from a distance, it is feasting and feasting.

It is a bustling city that never sleeps.

Behind him is the dark river.

The very cold wind blowing on his face at night also made Xiao Han get out of the tyrannical mood just now.

wake up.

"Dad, your strength..."

Xiao Han looked at the man in front of him who was more handsome and stylish than him.

to be frank.

Every time he opened his mouth, it made him very awkward.

But in the end he suppressed the strange feeling.

Appeared in front of Zhang Chen.

And he was as rude as carrying a dog.

who brought him here.

It was Zhang Chen.

"How many times have I told you that even if your strength improves, you should not underestimate the enemy and be arrogant!"

Zhang Chen's face was sullen.

Xiao Han's rapid increase in strength will pose a threat to him?

Give me a break.

Even during this period of time, Xiao Han's strength rushed up like a rocket.

But Zhang Chen just stood still?

do not forget!

There are now five terrifying ghost kings living in Zhang Chen's backyard!

There is also a level 8 overhaul.

This is not counting the existence of the Lord of the Nether Palace, who is above the level 9 overhaul.

Even if you don't talk about the women's army in Zhang Chen's backyard.

Just Zhang Chen himself.

With his current strength, he can easily blow up a deadly monster with one punch.

That is to say, he doesn't like to do it by himself, and thinks it is cheap.

Otherwise, Zhang Chen will use his own power now.

He is simply a ghost king in human form!


"Don't explain it to me!"

Zhang Chen scolded coldly, directly interrupting Xiao Han's explanation.

"Killing a few level 7 overhauls will make you swell like this?"


First update today

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