Another wave of explosions?

No nonsense, [-] words are guaranteed today!two.

Chapter 187

Facing Zhang Chen's scolding, Xiao Han subconsciously wanted to refute.

But when he saw Zhang Chen's eyes, he felt a chill in his heart for no reason.

Then I didn't have the courage to refute.

The essential.

Every time Zhang Chen appeared, Xiao Han felt that he couldn't see through.

like just now.

Xiao Han felt that he was strong enough during this time.

Unexpectedly, being picked up by Zhang Chen casually, he couldn't even resist.

This gap made Xiao Han start to feel inferior again from the swelling.

The child of luck is like this, he always feels that he is better than everyone in the world.

Glass heart to the extreme.

"I'm sorry, I'm too inflated."

Xiao Han lowered his head.

Zhang Chen looked at him coldly, but then his tone slowed down.

"You must remember that your mother was forced to that point by them back then. If we make a wrong move now, we will be greeted with eternal doom!"

Eloquent voice.

It made Xiao Han tremble all over.

He was finally persuaded by Zhang Chen, nodded and said: "You are right, I was too impulsive."

"Wait a minute, there will be a ship to send you away."

Zhang Chen spoke suddenly.

And this notice made Xiao Han a little surprised.

"Let me leave Jiangdong?"

"Devil Demon Division has sent two Yan Luo-level masters."

Zhang Chen looked at Xiao Han meaningfully.

His news is always the first to get.

Moreover, many news channels are not even clear to Zhan Mosi himself.

Like this time.

The Demon Killing Division acted secretly, but Zhang Chen knew it immediately.

"What? Yan Luo class?!"

When Xiao Han heard the news, his face turned pale with fright.

He is not stupid.

Although the time in the Demon Slayer Division was short, I have also heard what the Yan Luo level represents.

Yama of the ten palaces!

That is the existence above all demon slayers.

"Your mother died at the hands of Yan Luo-level powerhouses!"

Zhang Chen said in a low voice, "Now, your growth rate makes them feel that you will be the second person."

"What a Demon Slayer! You're really ruthless!"

While Xiao Han cursed, he also understood Zhang Chen's intentions.

"You let me leave tonight to protect me?"

"Not only that, I will deal with Yan Luo-level powerhouses, and the Nether Palace has an agreement with me!"

Zhang Chen nodded, "There are other reasons for sending you away."


"I've found the place where Demon Slayer sealed your mother's resurrection!"

Just a word.

Xiao Han was completely excited.


"Xiang County!"


Watching the ship slowly disappear into the night.

The corners of Zhang Chen's mouth gradually rose.

Everything is still going according to his plan.

Including Xiao Han's degeneration, he also did it on purpose.

"If you are not possessed by demons, how can you make your heart perfectly become the cornerstone for the final resurrection of your mother?"

As for the Demon Killing Division secretly sealing certain treasures.

At the same time, it is also a place where some demons who cannot be eliminated are recidivists.

Zhang Chen knew it early on.

until just now.

Only then did he reveal the location to Xiao Han.

"With his current strength, it will be much easier to get those blood crystals with the cooperation of people from the Nether Palace."

Zhang Chen was talking to himself.

The Nether Palace today.

Almost became his invisible black hand.

The Lord of the Nether Palace let him decide.

Not to mention others.

The essential.

The Lord of the Nether Palace must beg him.

Run to him to recharge from time to time, otherwise the strength will easily drop.

under these circumstances.

Of course, Zhang Chen became the one who was in charge of the house.

"Yun'er, it's time for revenge."

Don't know when.

There is one more person behind Zhang Chen.

He looked quiet, but there was a hint of hatred in his eyes.

I heard Zhang Chen speak.

She nodded slightly, but then shook her head again.

"Now I can't kill him."

Zhang Chen smiled, "That's simple, as long as you recover to the nightmare level, you can kill him."

"It's not that easy."

Xing Lingyun gave someone a blank look, but it was undeniable.

Zhang Chen still remembers this incident.

It moved her very much.

After all, Zhang Chen tricked her in the first place.

Xing Lingyun is not stupid, and soon realized that she was moved by Zhang Chen's sweet words.

But so what if you know.

Both raw rice and cooked rice.

I can only admit it.

But she didn't expect it.

Zhang Chen didn't even let her sister go, she was a complete scumbag.

But it was this insidious, despicable and shameless man in front of him.

But for her.

Going to kill Yama!

It is a lie to say that she is not moved, Xing Lingyun's rationality told her.

"It's too dangerous. Even if I recover, I can only stand in a stalemate with him."

Xing Lingyun hesitated for a while, but finally shook her head.

They are both from Yama of Ten Temples, of course she knows how strong that person is.

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