After all, Qingya Yama was still in front of him.

He is not good at talking.

that's it.

Both sides fell silent.

Until the vehicle enters Jiangdong City.

It can be seen that the urban area of ​​Jiangdong City can still maintain the prosperity and excitement of the past.

Except for very few people.

Most people don't know what happened some time ago.

The blood moon is in the sky for human beings.

What it means.


"What? You said that they are all new recruits recently recruited by your Jiangdong branch?"

Looking at the dozens of men, women and children in front of him.

Of course, there are still young adults under the age of 30.

Both Liu Lao and Qingya Yan Luo were shocked.

Director Wei had a hint of embarrassment on his face.

Then he nodded rather Versailles and said, "Yeah, isn't there a shortage of manpower recently?"

"We can only recruit some fresh blood first."

"Old Liu, don't laugh at Qingya Yan Luo, they have just awakened not long ago, and you two still need to teach them a lot in many aspects."

This is polite talk.

It sounds very humble.

But the ghost knows how intense the shock in the hearts of the two Yan Luo powerhouses is now.


Third more.

Chapter 189



"Just these few days?"

"Yes, it's a pity that there are still too few awakened people, and it's hard to find such a spot."

That's all?

Old Liu's eyelids twitched wildly.

He and Qingya Yanluo were keenly aware of it.

There must be something hidden in it.

After all, Si Tianjian of the imperial capital came to a conclusion.

From the blood moon to the sky, to the spewing of devilish energy all over the world.

Although people will wake up one after another.

But the process is not so fast.

Conservative estimate.

It takes about three to six months.

It's less than a week now, right?

It seemed that he could see the shock and doubt in the eyes of the two Yan Luos.

Director Wei took a hand at Versailles.

Finally tell the truth.

"Speaking of which, it's all thanks to Brother Zhang."

"Brother Zhang? That kid from the Zhang family?"

Qingya Yan Luo frowned.

He had heard rumors about the son of the Zhang family.

He even faintly inquired about a person who should not be alive.

Now he is beside that young master of the Zhang family.

Therefore, I am particularly concerned about Zhang Chen's name.

"Yes, young master of the Zhang family, brother Zhang Chen."

Director Wei nodded.

Soon he explained.

Explain a medicine called Immortal Water recently developed by Lin's Group.

Finally, he said, "Through the clinical trial conclusions obtained by us and the Lin Group."

"This fairy water can greatly promote and stimulate the chances of the awakened being born!"

Good guy!

This statement came out.

Qingya Yan Luo and Liu Lao were both shocked and speechless.

They are not stupid!

If it's not that Director Wei is making fun of them.

Then once the news spreads.

Can imagine!

Will be in China.

Do not!

It will drive the world crazy.

In order to confirm that Director Wei did not lie.

The two Yamas personally inspected the awakened ones.

In the end, it was found that it was indeed as Director Wei said.

Successful awakening!Vigorous!

This is the most basic threshold for a demon slayer!

The essential.

Over the years, the Department of Killing Demons has sealed a lot of ghosts and monsters.

So those who are awakened now have a glimpse of the door.

The strength may not be strong, but the number of people is large!

The key lies in today's world of terror.

Let mankind see hope.

Qingya Yan Luo's first reaction!

Take this fairy water formula and production process as your own!

But don't wait for him to speak.

Director Wei said slowly: "The Lin Group has registered a patent."

In a word.

Let Qingya Yanluo wake up immediately.


I'm afraid I'm not thinking about farting!

Who is Zhang Chen?

The first son and grandson of the Zhang family!

And what does the Zhang family represent now?

Now people register patents just to tell everyone.

Want to take advantage?

Take a good look in the mirror to see if you qualify.

Want to understand this.

The two Yan Luos suddenly found out.

What kind of fairy water, it doesn't smell good anymore.


The Yan Luo-level powerhouse came to Jiangdong City.

But it's not just to solve Xiao Han.

There is another reason.

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