Find out where the evil energy in Jiangdong City emerged.

After all, now the Division of Demon Slayer and Si Tianjian have determined that they want to slow down the speed of terror.

Buy more time for China.

It is necessary to seal as much as possible the place where the magic energy emerges everywhere.

After all, this is a general trend that cannot be reversed by humans.

Then it can only be delayed.

Either seal.

Or try to destroy it.

In many places, tens of thousands of people have already begun to evacuate.

But Jiangdong City is an international metropolis with a population of more than 2000 million.

How is it possible to evacuate the population?

and so.

seal!Even destroyed!

This is the reason why two Yan Luo-level powerhouses were dispatched at once.


When Liu Lao and Qingya Yan Luo looked at the villa in front of them.

What a wonderful expression.

How exciting.

"Are you sure it's here'¨?"

The corners of Qingya Yan Luo's mouth twitched.

Elder Liu was also speechless.

But he still smiled wryly: "It shouldn't be wrong, this level of magic energy concentration."

"It can only be formed in the place where the springs of magic energy come into being."

Sure what's the use?

This villa in front of you!

Not No Man's Land!

It's not like they can break in casually.

Director Wei accompanied him, but his expression made it impossible for him to show up.


This villa is Zhang Chen's residence.

and so.

They are going in now or not.

It's not even going in.

"You can't leave it alone, can you?"

Old Liu smiled wryly.

Then he suddenly sighed, "No wonder the situation in Jiangdong City is still stable."

Can it be unstable?

The biggest magic spring was actually occupied by someone.

The key is the source of nightmares that should have spawned countless monsters and ghosts.

There are still people living now?

How big should the people inside be?

"Master, Grandpa Liu."

Just when the two Yan Luos were in a dilemma.

Unexpectedly, a person came out of the villa.

He greeted them.

"Wanwan girl? Why are you here?"

Old Liu stared, confused.

But Qingya Yan Luo's expression was extremely complicated.

There are still some faint flickers.

But in the end he adjusted his mentality, "Master and Mr. Liu came here to seal Jiangdong's magic spring."

"Brother-in-law said to let you go in and have a cup of tea."

Gong Wanwan didn't answer the question.

But as soon as these words are exported.

Before Liu Lao could react, Qingya Yan Luo's expression finally changed.

Guessing is guessing.

But it's now apparently close to being confirmed.

The matter has come to this point, and he also knows that there is no way out.

Lead a few people into the door.

Gong Wanwan's demeanor was always at odds with her past personality.

And this time.

Inside the villa.

It was as if he knew there would be guests coming.

Someone had already prepared tea.

It still looks hot.

Is it really just to let them come in for a sip of tea?

Qingya Yan Luo and Liu Lao had different expressions.

But the same is.

At this time, the deep shock in the depths of their eyes!


"Ghost King!"

When they saw the figures in the villa.

Almost didn't do it on the spot.

This is not the first time Ghost King and the others have met.

Even killed.

But even as Yan Luo, he had never seen such a scene before him.

How many ghost kings live in peace?

They all live together?

The so-called one mountain does not allow two tigers.

The same goes for monsters!

Not to mention the terrifying ghost king.

Even deadly monsters have a sense of territory.

Except in very special circumstances.

Otherwise, it is usually impossible for powerful monsters to coexist.

But the picture in front of me.

It directly overturned their cognition.


Zhang Chen sat there.

Looking at the guests who came tonight.

While admiring the colorful expressions on the latter's face.

At the same time, he smiled and said, "¨々Shouldn't I need to introduce myself?"

"I don't care what your purpose is for coming to my place tonight."

"After drinking this cup of tea, leave quietly."

Zhang Chen motioned for the hot tea on the table.

His tone sounded very kind, without being aggressive at all.

But it's the spoken word.

But quite domineering and tough.

Let's talk about this.

How can I pick it up?

Director Wei can only be a peacemaker.

"Brother Zhang, this is Old Liu and Yan Luo Qingya. They didn't know beforehand that this was your residence, Brother Zhang."

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