Zhang Chen nodded, "For Brother Wei's sake, I'll invite them in for a cup of tea."

"Then leave quietly."

Director Wei nodded quickly, "No problem!"

And this time.

Elder Liu also sighed.

"Heroes come out of teenagers, and the Zhang family is indeed the trend of the times."

These words are very meaningful.

 (Nuo Li's) can be considered soft.

Can you not give up?

The Zhang family is in full swing now, as long as the brain is not stupid.

I know I can't offend you.

The key point, Mr. Liu, saw clearly that it was in this villa.

Except for Zhang Chen and Gong Wanwan, the others are all demons and ghosts!

And one is better than the other.

Is it possible, do you want to do it?

He's very old, but that doesn't mean he's stupid.

Without further ado, he went up to drink the tea in the cup.

the other side.

Qingya Yan Luo didn't say a word in the end.

He also drank the cup of tea in front of him in one gulp.

Then he was about to turn around and leave with Liu Lao.

It is no longer possible to seal the magic spring eye, and he can see the situation clearly.

However, just when Qingya Yan Luo wanted to leave.

His face turned abruptly.

He opened his mouth and made a puff.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

In an instant, his face was like gold paper, and he wobbled and stood unsteadily.

"Almost forgot, there are some personal grievances tonight, and we have to settle them."

Zhang Chen's voice was flat.

But this is the voice.

Director Wei and Mr. Liu who were present at the same time secretly said badly.


Fourth more

Daily Guaranteed [-]D update completed

Next is today's update.

Chapter 190

More than bad.

Qingya Yan Luo just opened his mouth to spurt blood.

Elder Liu and Director Wei also felt something was wrong.

He groaned and vomited blood.

These three people are all big figures who have been well-known in the Demon Slayer Division.

Especially the two Yan Luos, how many monsters and ghosts have they killed in the past 20 years?

Been in any dangerous situation.

Only unexpected.

A simple cup of tea made them vomit blood directly.

"Brother Zhang! Speak up if you have something to say! Speak up!"

Director Wei knew something was wrong after he vomited blood.

He hurriedly opened his mouth to persuade, but just after he finished speaking, there was another puff.

Blood spurted from his mouth.

"Zhang Chen! What did you do?!"

Qingya Yanluo's face is like gold paper at this moment.

And to be honest, his appearance is no different from that of a ghost.

Especially those eyes seemed to be floating with a faint green light.

And by his side.

Old Liu looked a little better.

But it was also unsteady to stand, and he resisted not continuing to vomit blood.

"Boy Zhang, are you crazy?"

Old Liu couldn't believe it.

They came to Zhang Chen's side tonight.

But very polite.

There is no disrespect or conflict from beginning to end.

And I heard that Zhang Chen was going to see off the guests.

They left without saying a word.

Even the upper echelons of the Demon Slayer Division asked to seal the magic spring here, and they could pretend not to know.

Zhang Chen has already given enough face.

Who would have thought!

If Zhang Chen said to do it, he would do it! ?

Probably because Zhang Chen didn't expect to be so courageous.

Dare to do it yourself.

Qingya Yan 950 Luo and Liu Lao didn't take any precautions at all.

Do not!

Even Director Wei has been recruited, can they think of it?

And this time.

Zhang Chen looked at the three of them calmly.

"As I said, there are still some personal grievances to be resolved."

This sentence once again reminded Director Wei and the three of them.

Just now they realized why Zhang Chen wanted to do it.

But everyone thinks that they are all figures on the bright side.

Certainly can't tear the face directly.

Even if it is calculated in the heart, it will be a matter of the future.

The big deal is that I saw Zhang Chen and took a detour from now on.

Who expected Zhang Chen to be so wild!


Qingya Yan Luo vomited blood again.

The whole person is also shaking.

But Zhang Chen sneered: "There's no need to force yourself. Although that dose is overbearing, it's not enough to make a majestic Yama-level powerhouse so vulnerable."

This statement came out.

Qingya Yan Luo's expression changed again.

as predicted.

Immediately regained a trace of calm.

Although his complexion was still a little ugly and pale.

But it was clearly not as exaggerated as it was just now.

"Did you poison the tea?"

Qingya Yan Luo said in a deep voice.

In fact, since he came in, he has been on guard.

But no matter how prepared he was, he never expected Zhang Chen's methods to be so simple and rude.

Poison their tea!

This kind of harming method that even a three-year-old child understands.

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