But it happened that all three of them were tricked.


Zhang Chen didn't deny it, and nodded with a smile.

And this time.

Director Wei and the three also found that the villa had been sealed.

The key point is that there is one more person beside Zhang Chen.

meet that person.

Director Wei smiled even more wryly.

The expressions of Qingya Yan Luo and Liu Lao are quite wonderful.

Especially the former.

"Xing Lingyun! It really is you!"

To put it bluntly, the so-called personal grievances are that Xing Lingyun would lose control and run away.

In the end, he degenerates into a demon.

Not her own will.

It was someone who deliberately played tricks behind the scenes.

As a result, Xing Lingyun was backlashed by the magic energy, and after being eroded, she embarked on this road.

Now that the enemies meet, they are not as tense as imagined.

It may be because of Zhang Chen's presence.

Xing Lingyun found that she was not as angry and hateful as she thought.

Looking at Yan Luo with blue teeth.

The expression is also very flat.

"Master, I need an explanation."



Qingya Yanluo is the mentor of sisters Xing Lingyun and Gong Wanwan!

He was the one who recruited a group of orphans from the orphanage to train them.

In the end, sisters Xing Lingyun and Gong Wanwan stood out.

So in name, there is a master-student friendship between the three.

"Young Master Zhang, speak up if you have something to say! Don't hurt your temper! You are one of your own!"

Director Wei is the weakest.

It's almost unbearable now.

He felt wronged.

It's entirely because the fire at the city gate caused the fish in the pond.

All right, what are you doing after you come in?

The point is that he didn't expect that Zhang Chen would even attack him.

"Explanation? There is no explanation. You are willing to degenerate yourself. Do you still have to blame me?!"

Qingya Yan Luo snorted angrily.

He simply doesn't admit what he did back then.

But the voice did not fall.

Gong Wanwan's hot temper (cdac) was unbearable.

"What nonsense are you talking about! How could my sister be willing to degenerate! It's all because of you!"

"Shut up! If it weren't for me, your sisters would still be in the orphanage, and would have already become everything for the rich!"

Qingya Yan Luo snorted angrily, and his eyes were quite cold.

There is no master-student relationship at all.

Gong Wanwan's face flushed with anger, "You!"

But just about to yell at the girl regardless of her image.

But Zhang Chen casually pulled him into his arms.

"Brother-in-law! I'm going to kill this old dog!"

"What's the hurry, he won't live tonight."

Zhang Chen patted Gong Wanwan's little head.

The grievances between the three masters and apprentices can be considered as long-standing.

It even goes back to Xiang County ten years ago.

Of course, this is also the result of the fusion of the two story lines.

And Qingya Yan Luo's complexion was ashen!

His apprentice called him an old dog in front of him.

How to bear it?

I can only bear it!

Because Qingya Yan Luo now realizes that he is about to lose control!

The devilish energy all over his body seemed uncontrollable, rampaging through his body crazily.

Even the few monsters he controlled were affected.

It began to gradually slip out of his control.

Immediately, there was a trace of panic in Qingya Yan Luo's eyes.

"I thought you would give me an explanation, even if you lied to me."

Xing Lingyun's voice sounded full of disappointment.

But more like relief.

After all, this is a question that has troubled her for a long time.

"Explanation? There is no explanation. I do this because I adhere to the original intention of the Demon Slayer Division to eliminate demons and defend the way!"

Qingya Yan Luo continued to speak harshly.

Xing Lingyun shook her head, "It's not important anymore."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and buried himself in Zhang Chen's arms.

No matter how calm it appears on the surface.

He really confirmed that the person who framed him was the person he respected the most.

That disappointment and pain.

How could it be easily relieved?

Zhang Chen gently patted Xing Lingyun's jade back.

Looking up at Qingya Yan Luo, "Unfortunately, you missed the only chance to survive tonight."

This sentence comes out.

people present.

Reactions vary.

Director Wei was in a hurry, "Brother Zhang! Don't be impulsive! Don't do anything!"

Elder Liu also looked solemn, "Boy of the Zhang family, you must not mess around."

And Qingya Yan Luo is the most stubborn.

He snorted coldly.

"You want to do something to the three of us for a demon?"

Zhang Chen shook his head, "No, no, I think you misunderstood."


"The only person I want to kill is you."

Hear this.

Qingya Yan Luo's expression was even uglier.

On the contrary, Mr. Liu and Director Wei seemed to be relieved.

But not too obvious.


Qingya Yan Luoqi's eyeballs were about to pop out.

But Zhang Chen hadn't finished speaking.

The next sentence not only made Qingya Yan Luo's eyes darken with anger.

Even Director Wei and Elder Liu felt their anger and blood surging, and they almost couldn't hold back their anger.

"Oh, by the way, I added a lot of ingredients to the tea."

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "This is all developed from the incomplete magic suppressant formula that your Demon Slaying Division had at the beginning."

"How does it feel?"


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