Fifth! .

Chapter 191

No one expected Zhang Chen to poison the tea!

It turned out to be the Demon Slayer Division ten years ago.

The anti-magic agent product that was handed over to Lin's Group Pharmaceutical Company.

Of course, this kind of anti-magic agent~ is a kind of poison at all.

At least until it's fully developed.

It is the peerless poison that gave birth to demonization.

The experience of Ye Yiyi and Lin Xi before.

Prove this.

And tonight.

Zhang Chen repeated his old tricks.

Even severely increase the amount.


Ten times more!

Multiplied a hundred times!

Anyway, there are many such things in the Lin Group.

Most are archived.

Now there is the fairy water provided by Zhang Chen as a substitute.

Naturally, no one would pay attention to this semi-finished product.

Tonight, it was used by Zhang Chen.

"Don't say it, the effect is good."

Zhang Chen was very satisfied with his smile, but this smile was for Qingya Yan Luo and the other three.

Like the devil from hell smiling at them.

Do not!

It is the devil!

More insidious and despicable than the demons of hell.

"I'm thinking, how long will it take for this thing to turn the three of you into demons?"

Zhang Chen stroked his chin as if thinking.

He also smiled expectantly and said: "The other three have also discovered that the place where I live now is the Devil Qi Spring in Jiangdong City."

"In such a rich and abundant place, it should speed up the transformation of the three of you a lot, right?"

If you just found out from Zhang Chen what you just drank.

It has already made the three of Qingya Yanluo startled and angry.

But more panic and fear.

So now, after Zhang Chen's thoughtful explanation.

Chief Wei bears the brunt.

"Brother Zhang! Young Master Zhang! Don't play tricks with me!"

He doesn't want to become a monster!

Good human beings are wrong, and now it's a level 7 overhaul!

The future looks bright.

How could he be willing to degenerate into a monster?

Even an old Jianghu like Liu Lao couldn't bear it.

"Boy Zhang, I have no grievances with you. If you want to resolve your personal grievances, why do you involve me?"


This is human nature.

In the face of interests and even their own lives.

Who will go to pull others?

The key is Director Wei and Liu Lao.

In fact, he and Qingya Yan Luo are not the same way.

It was completely accidentally injured, which brought disaster to the fish in the pond!

"Hmph! I am a majestic Yan Luo, can I still not be able to withstand such indiscriminate methods like yours!?"

Qingya Yan Luo sneered, but it was obvious that he was strong on the outside but capable on the inside.

Just hang on.

Doesn't Zhang Chen know?

Of course he knew.

"Continue, anyway, there is plenty of time, and I am also looking forward to the famous scene where Yan Luo, the Demon Slayer, turns into a demon."

What a famous scene.

This is clearly a mockery of Qingya Yanluo secretly framing Xing Lingyun back then.

This led to Xing Lingyun being such a Yan Luo-level master.

But he was forced to become a demon.


It's not that the time for non-reporting has not arrived!

"Yun'er, since Qingya Yan Luo keeps talking about eliminating demons and defending the way."

Zhang Chen smiled after kissing Xing Lingyun's face as if no one was around.

"I just don't know if he will kill himself after he becomes a demon? To fulfill his great long-cherished wish of eliminating demons and defending Taoism?"


So poisonous!

Zhang Chen's words almost made Qing Ya Yan Luo spit out old blood.

After all, he keeps saying that he will eliminate demons and defend the way, and uphold justice.

But what if he really becomes a monster?

Give me a break!

Zhang Chen has seen this kind of person a lot.

Bad enough before turning into a monster.

If it really turned into a monster, ninety-nine percent!

Worse than those monsters that were originally demons.

"Brother-in-law! Well done!"

Xing Lingyun just gave someone a helpless look.

Of course, degassing is very degassing.

And Gong Wanwan took the initiative to kiss Zhang Chen's cheek, with a look of admiration completely hanging on her face.

The sisters thought about revenge!

But at most, he killed Qingya Yan Luo to relieve his anger.

However, Zhang Chen's approach.

More vicious!

More insidious!

I don't want to kill you, but I want to make you a hypocrite who is full of benevolence, righteousness and morality to eliminate demons and defend the way.

Experience becoming the evil monster you once said for yourself.

What could be more pleasant than this kind of revenge?

Anyway, Zhang Chen is very interested now.


Qingya Yan Luo's expression, eyes!

I can't wait to get Zhang Chen skinned and cramp.

"I will kill you with my own hands first!"


Yan Luo is Yama after all.

Even if Zhang Chen Yin made him drink the poisonous tea.

But under the rage, the shot is also extremely terrifying.


Zhang Chen only used one finger.

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