Instead, he watched him dying with a smile, and even the breath on his body became weaker and weaker.

Yan Luo is also a human being and can be injured.

It will hurt, it will be hopeless.

at this moment.

Qingya Yan Luo finally felt this process.

"Here, give me a good time!"

Begging to die?

Zhang Chen smiled, "How can it be done, anyway, it is Yama, and I will give you a more decent way to die."

Qing Ya Yan Luo's request was rejected.

"Yiyi, start those little guys around."

Zhang Chen smiled lightly.

Followed by.

Ye Yiyi smiled sweetly and haunted the ghost.

Countless demons and ghosts who had been suppressed were released.


Every day, countless monsters and ghosts are attracted.

Most of them were killed casually by them.

After all, monsters also follow the law of the jungle.

Devouring each other and killing each other is the norm.

Many monsters increase their strength by devouring other monsters of the same kind.

There are many of them.

They were all suppressed by Ye Yiyi in the ghost creature.

After being released at this moment.

Like an uncaged beast.

And still hungry for a long time.

"You! What do you want to do?!"

Qingya Yan Luo roared in horror.

His hands and feet were bloody.

All the monsters controlled by Xing Lingyun and the daughters have been solved by themselves.

Now, the majestic Yan Luo-level powerhouse is actually the only difference from ordinary people.

It is the flesh and blood that is more powerful and attracts the covetousness of demons and ghosts.

"Yama, the ten halls, is a high mountain in the minds of countless demon slayers."

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "Even if you die, you have to die in the hands of demons, right?"

Accompanied by Zhang Chen's deep voice came out.

Countless monsters and ghosts who had been suppressed for a long time rushed towards Qingya Yan Luo.

Various common grades, dangerous grades.

Even deadly monsters and ghosts.

They don't care who Qingya Yama is.

They only know that the bloody body makes them salivate.

It was like gnawing off a piece of flesh and blood.

It can be as good as them killing hundreds of ordinary living people.

The scene is extremely rough and refreshing.

Coupled with Qingya Yanluo's desperate roar and screams.

Zhang Chen nodded slightly, then hugged Xing Lingyun into his arms.

He lowered his head to her ear and asked with a smile, "Yun'er, are you satisfied with this?"


Xing Lingyun nodded, and softly hugged Zhang Chen in turn.

The screams didn't last long.

That's hundreds of monsters.

Even if there are not many powerful ones.

But I can't bear the large number.

Qingya Yan Luo has long been silent.

The corpses were almost devoured by the demons.

The end is really miserable.

Take Director Wei and Old Liu as examples.

Watching Qingya Yanluo come to this tragic end with his own eyes.

They can only watch and do nothing.

Is this over?

of course not.

"Brother-in-law, that old dog has turned into a demon!"

Qingya Yan Luo's corpse was already too horrible to look at.

But gradually, he saw the monsters and ghosts that were eating his corpse.

It was as if they encountered an existence that frightened them.

Quickly want to escape.

But then!

He was grabbed by a pair of invisible hands.

Take a closer look.

Qingya Yan Luo turned into a ghost at this moment.

Devoured all the monsters that ate his body.

"I want you to die!"

Once a ghost slayer dies, it is easier to demonize than ordinary people.

What's more, he is still a Yan Luo-level powerhouse, whose body has long been eroded by years of devilish energy.

The probability of demonization is higher.

Zhang Chen also gave Qingya Yan Luo a cup of extremely poisonous anti-magic potion in advance.

It's just that such a monster was born.

As soon as he turned into a fierce ghost, the aura of Qingya Yan Luo was not much worse than that of Xing Lingyun and the girls.

A nightmare-level ghost!



A thunderbolt as thick as a water tank descended from the sky.

The Li Gui who directly turned Qingya Yan Luo into him fell to the ground.

It doesn't stop there.

Zhang Chen snapped his fingers casually.

The Samadhi True Fire quickly surrounded it, accompanied by the familiar screams.

"I really don't learn well."

Zhang Chen shook his head and laughed, "Even if he becomes a demon or a ghost, it seems that his brain still hasn't improved much."

Nine Heavens Thunder!

Samadhi is really hot!

Just a few days ago.

Zhang Chen spent tens of thousands of contribution points to upgrade these two Taoism skills.

Is it powerful?

Take a look now.

"So-so, make do with it."

Looking at Zhang Chen casually, there are two earth-shattering abilities.

Director Wei and Liu Lao were once again rejoicing.

They just made the right choice.

The point is that they don't care at all whether Qingya Yan Luo turns into a ghost after his death.

They only care!

When to give them the antidote!

I can't bear it any longer!

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