If it drags on, they will be demonized!

"Brother Zhang, Young Master Zhang!"

Director Wei couldn't help but begged.

Zhang Chen said with a smile: "Yun'er, let's end all of this."

The voice just fell.

At 950, he saw a crimson sword glow directly cutting Qingya Yan Luo in half from the middle.

Of course, Li Gui doesn't have a body at all.

Therefore, the screams, resentment and cursing stopped abruptly.

The spirit body was directly chopped into pieces by a sword.

There are also Jiuxiao Shenlei and Samadhi True Fire swarming up.

It was completely wiped out in less than half a second.

【Ding!Yan Luo-level powerhouse Qingya received 7000 contribution points due to the tragic death of his host]

【Ding!Nightmare-level ghost king was killed and got 8000 contribution points]

Waste reuse?

Zhang Chen couldn't help laughing.

Can Qingya Yan Luo's death bring him [-] contribution points?

This is also a surprise.


"Finally, it's not easy to settle personal grievances."

Zhang Chen sighed.

But no one dared to answer.

Director Wei and Old Liu are now full of black air.

It's not because of Zhang Chen's despicableness and insidiousness.

It's that they really can't stand it.

"Zhang Shao..."

Director Wei is already on the verge of collapse.

And this time.

Zhang Chen directly threw two pills to the two of them.

Director Wei swallowed the pill without saying a word.

Old Liu hesitated for a while, but in the end he couldn't resist his desire to survive.

All to this point.

Can he still hesitate?

Fortunately, the faces of the two of them gradually improved soon.

Although it is impossible to completely recover, but it is also safe for life.

"When you go back, do you know how to explain it?"

Zhang Chen saw the reaction of the two people with lingering fear.

asked with a smile.

I heard Zhang Chen speak.

Elder Liu was still a little bit embarrassed.

But Director Wei is a smart man.

"I know! Young Master Zhang, don't worry!"


[-] characters exploded!

Thanks to the book friend 'Ask Immortal' for rewarding 7200 points.

Chapter 194

"Qingya Yan Luo and Liu Lao are here to seal the magic spring in Jiangdong City tonight!"

"But unfortunately, I encountered a vicious nightmare monster!"

"In the end, Qingya Yan Luo and Liu Lao teamed up to barely kill him, but Qingya Yan Luo was seriously injured and died!"

Director Wei is indeed a smart man.

Zhang Chen just mentioned it casually.

He knew right away what to answer.

"Finally, Qingya Yanluo..."

It's just that Director Wei didn't wait for Director Wei to finish the script as he pretended to be clever.

It was interrupted by Zhang Chen.

"Director Wei."

Zhang Chen's voice is not high.

But on this occasion tonight.

Especially after witnessing how Zhang Chen talks and laughs with his own eyes.

Letting a Yan Luo-level powerhouse fall, even after death, there will be no peace.

After being completely wiped out.

Who would dare to underestimate the master behind this voice?

"What orders does Young Master Zhang have?"

Director Wei's shoulders trembled.

Even the name has changed unknowingly.

In the past, he could still call Zhang Chen brothers and sisters.

But after tonight.

Director Wei is very clear about his position.

The gap between him and Zhang Chen is so far away that it is impossible to look up to.

So the name naturally needs to be changed.

"It seems that you didn't sleep well last night, and your mind is still a little confused."

Zhang Chen smiled lightly.

There was no smile on his face.

That look made Director Wei feel chills all over his body, and the hairs on his back stood on end.

"Young Master Zhang, what do you mean?"

Director Wei asked cautiously.

Old Liu even pretended to be resting and recuperating, but in fact he didn't have the face of Director Wei like this old man.

Open your mouth and come, blood spurting people.

after all.

Still need some old faces.

But Director Wei doesn't need it.

He knew Zhang Chen's ability very well.

If you can kill Qingya Yan Luo without hesitation tonight, you can kill him without hesitation!

Even to this very moment.

Director Wei wasn't even sure.

At first, Zhang Chen asked all three of them to drink the tea with that anti-magic potion.

It's really just to confuse the public.

Yan Luo tricked Qingya into drinking it without hesitation.

They just caught fire at the city gate and caught fish in the pond.


Thinking hard!

Can't imagine going on.

Zhang Chen could tell that Director Wei was a smart man.

A lot of things can be realized at one point, so I didn't go around in circles.

"Qingya's death, do I need to reiterate the reason'¨?"

Zhang Chen said lightly, the meaning was obvious.

Even if Qingya Yanluo is dead now!


Nor would he have left him with a good reputation for valor.

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