Let's not talk about those who died in Xiao Han's hands.

Demon energy erupted across the Huaxia Kingdom, and the Demon Slayer also suffered heavy casualties.

Now comes the bad news?


TodayChapter 1

Thanks to book friend 'Nan Xiaojing' for rewarding 1000 points.

Chapter 195

"Who would believe such nonsense?!"

conference room.

Many high-level executives of the Demon Slayer Division gathered together.

The leader among them is the eldest miss of the Qin family who represents the attitude of the above.

Qin Yaxin!

She didn't make a sound.

But others couldn't help it.

"Qingya Yan Luo is not a three-year-old child, how could he attack that son of the Zhang family just because of such a little personal grievance?"

Another question was raised.

He is a veteran inspector of the Demon Killing Division.

"Now is not the time to discuss the truth of the matter, let's first decide how to appease the one in Jiangdong."

Another inspector shook his head and smiled wryly.

"What? Appease? He killed a Yan Luo!"

"That's right, Yama of the Tenth Temple, after that incident, no one has made up for it, and now another one has died..."

Everyone frowned.

They are used to attitudes and thinking that are above mortals.

Naturally, he regarded himself as a god in the eyes of mortals.

But now Yan Luo, who is stronger than them, is dead.

All of a sudden, the pride and pride in their hearts were shattered.

"There were many doubts about that incident back then. Now that Qingya Yanluo is dead, I think it's better to appease that Jiangdong."

The big inspector who spoke first said in a lukewarm tone.

Also silence everyone else.

"It doesn't matter whether it's the truth or not. The important thing is how to let Jiang Dong understand that our Demon Slayer doesn't want to be his enemy, and we hope to continue the original good cooperative relationship."

at last.

The Chief Inspector made 950 speak slowly.

Now others understand the intention behind today's emergency meeting better.

Qingya Yanluo naturally has close friends, but at this moment those people can only shake their heads secretly.

Friendship belongs to friendship, in the face of actual interests and reality.

They can only follow the herd.


People are dead, and they are still making a fuss.

If Zhang Chen is just a small person.

Even the second and third generation children of ordinary wealthy families.

Zhan Mosi will definitely not swallow this breath easily.

But by the way!

Zhang Chen is the first son and grandson of the Zhang family, and the Zhang family is now in full swing, and is about to take a step forward.

That Zhang Chen is the future prince!

The essential!

Zhang Chen is not as simple as an ordinary kid from a wealthy family.

There are several ghost kings around him!

Regarding Zhang Chen's various situations, the Demon Killing Division has been secretly investigating.

But the more they investigated, the more frightened they were!

until today.

I learned that Qingya Yan Luo died in Jiangdong.

It doesn't matter how you die.


Zhang Chen told them clearly and straightforwardly with the result!

As long as he is willing, Yan Luo can also kill!

This attitude completely frightened the Demon Slayers so much that they didn't dare to take revenge.

Yan Luo can kill?

Is it possible to kill a few more?

Among them, who dares to be more powerful than Qingya Yanluo?

people present.

Not stupid.

They are much smarter than many people out there.

So think about it a little bit.

Can understand (cdac) over.

"In my opinion, we need to clarify an attitude."

A certain inspector smiled wryly.

Everyone frowned and looked at him.

The latter then said: "Old Liu sent back the news that Jiangdong's magic spring is the villa of this young master of the Zhang family."

Many people present have just heard this news.

After listening.

All realize the key to the problem.

"Let's be more clear, this son of the Zhang family is not simple."

The inspector shook his head: "I can control the magic spring in Jiangdong City to such a small area by myself."

"Everyone here, who can do it?"



No one answered.


Who dares to say it can be done?

The Demon Slayer Division recently joined forces with Si Tianjian to try countless methods.

Never really succeeded at all.

Otherwise, there will be no heavy casualties.

"Chief Inspector, my personal suggestion is that our Demon Slayer still needs to come to the door to apologize in person, and try to eliminate the misunderstanding as much as possible."

This is already talking nonsense with your eyes closed.

But no one in the conference room opened their mouths to refute.

They are not stupid.

That is the future prince, and his own strength is terrifying to this extent.

Offend him?

Isn't that uncomfortable?

Instead of offending, it is better to lower your figure to win over and curry favor.

Qing Ya Yan Luo died when he died.

Although it makes many people feel complicated, a dead person is not worth the risk of so many of them.

"Miss Qin, what do you think?"

The chief inspector is also an old fox.

There was no immediate decision.

Instead, she looked at Qin Yaxin who was sitting at the top.

After all, in name.

Qin Yaxin now represents the identity of the chief director of the Demon Slaying Division.

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